Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
Seriously - I played 5 minutes on a the trial before quitting and deleting. It's a poor substitute for other TM games, horrible graphics, same types of actions. Just awful!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
To be clear, I've played all of the previous Rescue Team games, but I'm not as passionate about those prior games as some here seem to be. I didn't find this rebooted version as offensive as some others did, in other words.
Overall, I liked this game. The graphics and missions are substantially improved and the story line is basically split between your home base (where you start) and specific missions on the map. To access those missions, you have to accumulate research points to acquire new skills. Some of those require you to build something at the home base, purchase equipment at the home base, and train specific types of workers at the home base. Once you've done those things, you can embark on missions on the larger map.
The only major knock I have against the whole game is the inability to zoom out either on the home base screen or on specific mission screens - you have to kind of scroll around on a large map to figure out where you are and what you need to accomplish. A simple "zoom out" capability would have made this SO much easier, and that alone is the reason why I gave the game 4 stars instead of 5.
Overall, I liked the game, it was enjoyable and interesting, and was worth (to me) the purchase price.
Favorite Genre(s):Card & Board, Large File, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
Honestly - I was almost insulted by it 10 minutes in. After that, I deleted it. Graphics are something like a BASIC program from the late 1980s, with almost zero animation. Music is annoying. This is a knockoff of better games. I deleted it after 15 minutes!
Chicken Invaders 5 is back with more Christmas than ever! Fight gingerbread men, giant snowmen and chickens dawning Santa hats in this beak blasting space shooter.
You will like this game. You will, however, see that the levels are exactly the same game-play wise as other versions of the game. The key differences are the change and "Christmas-izing" of the chickens. Small chicks from previous games are now little gingerbread men. Instead of the large pieces of corn blowing up and creating popcorn, you now have a weird candy-cane type center in a corn husk that blows up into Christmas colored candy corn. Stuff like that. If you're looking for something totally new, you won't get it here. If you've never played and like this type of arcade shooter game, you will likely LOVE it.
I was SO disappointed with the Chicken Invaders release previous to this one. It was just a re-packaging of the Christmas version with Thanksgiving costumes on the chickens. Same levels, everything. So it was with trepidation that I clicked to try to the demo version of Chicken Invaders 5. To say that I was pleasantly surprised would be a massive understatement!
The game is entirely new. New guns, an ability to customize your ship more than previously, and completely new levels. This release features an entire chapter that occurs under water, as well as one that takes place in deep, deep space with the speed and direction of objects presenting a challenge. I've played completely through twice and know that I will progressively level up and attempt the higher levels of difficulty when I'm more familiar with the game.
If you loved Chicken Invaders 3, you're going to lose your mind over 5. Well worth the investment of time and the purchase price!!!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Card & Board, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Marble Popper, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
This is a pretty straightforward hidden object game. The theme is, obviously, Christmas - and you play hidden object levels by selecting them from an advent calendar. You have to find 12 objects per level (some are multiples of the same item), and you also have to find anywhere from 2-5 candy canes and 2-4 "12 Days of Christmas" items (i.e., golden rings, lords a-leaping, maids a-milking, etc.) per level to get a gold star, which constitutes a perfect score. Some levels conclude by taking you to a fairly simple puzzle where you can earn bonus money. Throughout the game, you spend your money to buy Christmas presents for your family. All in all, it was fun. Not overly challenging, but not totally easy, and a good way to kill a few hours on a slow day. :)
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Brain Teaser, Time Management, Puzzle, Mahjong
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
This is truly a horrible hidden object game. The graphics in the search scene are poor enough to make finding objects virtually impossible. I'm fine with some challenge; but poor graphics make the challenge an exercise in frustration. The mini-game/puzzle elements are nonsensical. Even when you read the description of what needs to be done, figuring it out within the actual puzzle is also impossible, leaving you to wait the interminable period of time required for the bar to fill for you to skip the poorly crafted puzzle in the first place. Hints are impossibly slow to recharge, and as near as I can tell, you can't make the recharge go any faster.
And newsflash: I don't want to read pages and pages of "dialogue" between characters. Every other decent game has a "skip" button that doesn't require me to click upwards of 30 time to get past the dialogue I wasn't interested in in the first place.
Sink 'Em All in this action packed top down seadog shooter. Shoot your way through waves of enemy ships with weapons such as the Balls of Steal, Fart Bombs and Homing Missiles!
Favorite Genre(s):Arcade & Action, Card & Board, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
Sorry. A game that requires keyboards ONLY to control it should not be something that requires money to play or purchase. But even if it was free, I would still not play it because it's boring, not fun, stupid, and aggravating.
I don't recommend this game.
1of3voted this as helpful.
Toy Defense 3 - Fantasy
Perfect the skills of warriors, build defensive fortresses, and devise strategy to dominate the enemy’s army. Rid your lands of evil once and for all!
Overall rating
4/ 5
8 of 9 found this review helpful
If you love tower defense games, give this one a try.
PostedJuly 5, 2014
fromReston, VA
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Strategy, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
I LOVE tower defense games. Love them. And I just spent a few days playing this one through to the end.
PROS: Like many of the tower defense games, there's a definite level of challenge with this one. You basically want to get through the various levels without taking *any* damage to your castle. If you finish the level with zero damage, you earn three "spendable" stars (more on that later). Something less than no damage but minimal damage earns two stars, and surviving the level without dying yet taking a lot of damage earns one star. Stars are used in the store to upgrade the four types of weapons you can use to stave off the attacks, as well as to upgrade your castle and your spells.
The first two chapters were challenging. I had to get through them as best as I could to accumulate as many stars as possible while continually upgrading the weapons available to me. I didn't get through the first or second chapters with three stars on all levels; but I was able to go back as I upgraded weapons, spells, and the castle itself and re-play levels to achieve 3 stars. That's really the trick here: you want to earn as many stars as possible and backtrack to replay levels with a less than perfect result to ensure you are upgrading as much as possible as quickly as possible. Once you do that, while still mostly challenging, you can get through the levels perfectly. There's also a BIG bonus at the end of a chapter if you've earned three stars on every level. You also earn additional bonus stars for completing a variety of actions.
The graphics are good, the levels are interesting and mostly challenging, and it's generally fun to keep upgrading weapons in the store and then placing and upgrading them on the battlefield to see what their capabilities are.
CONS: It doesn't appear to me that you can earn enough stars to achieve all of the upgrades. I completed the game with three stars on every level, yet still fell just slightly short of fully upgrading my very last weapon, which is annoying. It could be that there are other upgrades / secrets I didn't discover, but I don't know - it would seem to me that a perfect game should yield enough stars to achieve ALL of the upgrades.
Also, it *can* get a little repetitive. Once you earn enough upgrades to get through levels with 3 stars, the challenge is somewhat diminished, which is the only reason I gave it four stars instead of five. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed it and think it's one of the better games available in this genre. It has more levels than Fort Defense and others in that series, and it was interesting and fun!
Favorite Genre(s):Strategy, Time Management, Marble Popper
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
So I like the idea of combining a resource management/time management type of game with the thought of a tower defense game, both of which are my favorites in terms of what I play. It's a shame that the game itself didn't live up to the promise in my opinion.
The gameplay is fairly easy to explain. You have two screens that you toggle between, one inside of your wall where you collect resources (gold, food# and upgrade capabilities of the castle and your defenders, and one outside of the wall where you actually have to defend attacks. You have to collect gold and food to be able to buy archers and cavalry and other types of fighters. The clock counts down between attack waves for you to collect accumulated resources and add defenders to your cadre outside the wall.
The good: The graphics are good and the game is fairly easy to understand.
The rest: Very, very repetitive. Collect stuff, buy defenders, defend, wash rinse and repeat. Over and over. There's really no upside to the game itself, and I didn't even finish the demo #I got really bored) before deciding I'd have a better time reading a book!