I gave it two stars because I liked the first hundred puzzles. There was enough variety that I got hooked on it. But after that first screen of one hundred it went downhill fast. I did figure out how to stop the timer and give myself infinite hints but it took a while. One of the levels ends up with four hundred things to match. Of course that's about ten each of forty separate things.
I have played the first four Mortimer Beckett games so many times that I practically have them memorized. If they had called this game something else I still would think it was very childish but it is a disgrace to the original games. If you know Mortimer like i know Mortimer, you won't recognize him here.
I think in the ten years or so that I've subscribed to Big Fish I've written two or three reviews but this game is worth it. I like to play on relaxed and just follow the story line. This game is fun and relaxing and really long.
Don't judge this game right off the bat. The first two or three levels I thought it made as little sense as anything I had played. But as I played it and it got past the tutorial stage it definitely came together. I only post once in a blue moon but I highly recommend this game.
I seldom write reviews, especially after a couple of days. But this game is so much fun. I love this sort of game but even with that bias, I think this one is my favorite. It moves fast. The characters are adorable. The graphics are great. Try it for yourself.
I seldom review games, especially some time after they come out, but I just finished this one for the second time and I have to say it is pitch perfect. It is the only game that I have ever played that I kept the music on because I wanted to hear it specifically and the organ grinder singing 'The Raven' at the beginning just blew my mind. I love the music. I love the voices, particularly the organ grinder. I love the story. This is one of two games that I have rated six stars out of a usually five. A game not just to be played but to be viewed and listened to and enjoyed.
This is a true sequel to the first Stray Souls. That is more obvious in the bonus section but is sprinkled into the storyline all through the game. This series has the best bonus chapter concept that I have seen in any game. It is not at all necessary to understand the main part, vice versa actually, but it adds some really mind-boggling perspective to the whole.
I enjoy these games and was very pleased to see that you could play this one past time. The characters are well-drawn. There just isn't much direction as to what building does what and with what help. A little trial and error will tell you but it would have been nice if they had been a little more explicit. I like the weather aspect which sets it apart from the usual put out the fires, dig up the lakes.
I bought this based on reviews because I am limited on download space a day and can't download demos. I haven't finished it, but I have to say this is the freakiest game I have ever played. Usually when they say it's spooky, that's just kind of a genre thing. This one is SPOOKY. Love love love.