Favorite Genre(s):Puzzle, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
1/ 5
Just no.
The only reason the trial took me 45 minutes is because i was forced to sit through all of the cinema shorts despite clicking nervously at the X in the corner.
Pros: No blotchy pink/purple shades. Graphics were clean. Ability to have custom settings: I like to use skip 60 seconds and hint at max allowed, I can usually tell in a minute if i want to skip a puzzle. I like the option of help though rarely use it. | I turn music completely off instantly (cannot tell you if it was good or not), turn voices down to whisper, turn cinemas down to quiet, and environment at an inside voice) Ability to continue/skip through the conversations, though after the conversation there was a painful delay before being able to leave the person. Cannot tell you the story line. Once I read aliens but the portal character looked like medieval- i just couldn't...
That's where the pros ended. Cons (most of this is IMOP) Exit out of conversations, cinemas, story line #little book drawings randomly and not interactive so I started dying slowly# were difficult. The option was there! No hidden puzzles. Several repeat puzzles. There were several matching of rune type shapes #boring and easy# | several connect the dots #boring and touchy/difficult- SKIP# | several back and forths #click click click, walk back to room, click click click, walk back with object#. Rubbing something over a grape "flame" does not a light source make. Don't ask me for my name/profile if you are going to call me Eve LastName. How hard would it be to code my profile name with the character? The gauntlet was sensitive #in that clicking anywhere did not work save for one itty bitty part- randomly coded# No collectables or anything of sort.
One mini puzzle i did like was a multi-part #pro# but what i didnt like about it was you had to do the parts in order, and if you skipped any part- the whole puzzle completed. Watching it complete itself- i realized it would have taken me 20 minutes. I love a challenge, i dislike when the challenge is not fun.
So recommendation? If you like a good story line- skip. If you like a story and do not mind if its good- you'll enjoy. IF you like simple, no thought involved, yet somewhat difficult mini games- go for it, if you like things that involve thought- skip. If you are craving a CE puzzle game its for you. I am going to uninstall right after this review.
I don't recommend this game.
9of11voted this as helpful.
Subliminal Realms: The Masterpiece
Albert's worst nightmare becomes reality when a creature from his grim paintings kidnaps his family. What does she want?
Overall rating
5/ 5
3 of 4 found this review helpful
PostedAugust 12, 2015
fromPittsburgh PA
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
I haven't seen a game like this one in a long time- not since the Drawn series. I love the fact that for once you are not a female detective. The ending was a bit underwhelming, and thank goodness for the map features. The whole game was thoroughly enjoyable.
I like the delicious games because I like the story line. Always interesting, and the games play nice and long- nothing worse than shelling out money and only playing for a few hours. But this game, I didn't even make it to the end of the demo/trial time. I was bored. I even stopped to make lunch and didn't have to pause the game to eat my lunch, it was literaly that slow. the game graphics/card was not slow, just the challenging aspect was. You got the typical things- mouse on each board, most boards had additional tasks, midi-sound wave music on short repeat, memories/camera capture. Nice little story and follows the line perfectly, just a bit too tediously slow for me. I caught myself looking at the clock wondering why it wasn't even at the half way mark- thinking this board has been on forever! fun for those that like to play casually. not for me tho.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
A couple of things- I like how you can customize the difficulty settings- I like to have skips/hints available but not immediately. I was on one mini task where if I heard "too bad, do you want to play again?" I was going to throw something through my computer. I changed the skip to 10 seconds from 240 at that point. I. just. couldn't.
The graphics were great! there was a lot of cut scenes #and they skipped rather smoothly everytime I hit the X button!# I like to go back and replay the game, watching all of the cut scenes when I purchase the game. There were just too many for my patience level.
The hos were varied, and the objects were nicely displayed from tricky to easy to combined. It is nice to see them staying away from one dominant color scheme this time round.
I rated the story as okay because I like the main character/detective but didn't feel it had much to do with her. you had her usual bundle, the fun little fact pages that you put into the machine/book something. I enjoyed the historical aspect of the game.
the game play itself was smooth, a bit of backtracking and I think there was a map, I know I picked it up but having to never concentrate on more than 3 scenes at a time, never made use of it.
I got a lot of quick movement achievements #finish in 30 seconds/ no hints etc# as this game, though better looking color palatte wise was still simple. just keep clicking. on everything. it was a bit of a hidden object game 101- I clicked without really knowing why or what I clicked on, the movement was a bit too fast. there wasn't much thinking needed. I kind of like to think during these games.
overall if you are craving a hos game and have coupon code then go ahead and plop it down for this one- I only played the demo #29 minutes- stopped to make a sandwich#. I would be curious to see what the SE is like as this game for a collector's edition only offered 40+ mollusk shells randomly. I think I clicked on a morphing object but it happened too quick to tell. I expect those features in a SE, I expect those and then a bit more in a CE.
try for yourself. #can anyone tell me why my reviews change once I submit them? # signs show up all the time. :-?#
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
1/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
If I played the same game that every other reviewer played. One reviewer was talking about adopting babies- so not so sure. The other reviewers mentioned how fun this game was.
I have played every farm frenzy game. I have bought nearly all of them. That said, I bought this game years back but recently have been craving some tm games so reinstalled it. Maybe the reviews are all based on "back in the days of tm graphics" and mine is based on now- today #see date on side#.
slow. clunky. impossible to get gold on most levels. there really are only 2 pizzas that you make- and one has an insane number of ingredients. I had to write the # and type on a piece of paper so I could remember to buy/save ahead of time. and $15,000 for a pizza really?
I remembered after hitting the 11th board or so #they aren't numbered, as with the other ff games you can skip around boards# that I bought this game without playing the demo the first time around and regretted it. so do.
oh if you skip the tutorial, you end up skipping 8 boards or something ridiculous like that. you don't get the points for rewards, you don't get the gold medal, you get to play even more painfully slow uninspiring boards after the tutorials that are even worse than tutorials #ie one asked me to collect 5 eggs- wait! what?! that was on the 10th level!#
player beware.
sounds/effects were annoying. I rated the story line as awful because there was no story line. there was no point.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
1/ 5
I decided to give this a try. despite many of the warnings of it being the worst in the series. I am desperate for some tm games!
The game play is a regular old collect, build, collect game. You are a funny little elf. There is a santa that kills things (?) a female santa elf/missy claus that sets off magic. there are creepy polar bears that kind of wander, they don't bother you which is why you cant click on them- other than when they start to eat your crops, then you tickle them once or twice and they wander to the next crop. they don't actually do anything. the crops reproduce so quickly I just let them eat the crops. there are reindeer that will be tamed once you feed them - several times over. not sure what they do.
there is one board where there are yeti and they are maniacally cutting down trees. that board is so chaotic and so emotionally draining that I shut it down. There is also evil snowmen, santa kills them too.
the play is very fast. one thing that is uncomfortable compared to the hundred or so tm games I have played is that there is no defined path- the characters just kind of move around. In fact if you don't assign tasks they literally mill around. its strange.
If you are desperate, play it. purchase it? no I don't think so.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
As with the other Christmas Wonderland stories, this is a series of HO scenes, some requiring multi-steps #clearly outlined# and an additional couple of items per scene.
I quit after the 3rd board. I am biased on the story line as I did not get into the story line, simply because I exited whilst in the middle of the third scene. I reduced the music to barely there as I was listening to the radio in the other room. You cannot adjust volumes until you start the game.
There are mini games between each HOS, the one I played was enjoyable.
I played Christmas Wonderland 5 #liked it# and then tried 4. I am not really a junk finder kind of a person, I rather objectives and tasks involving HOS than just HOS after HOS. The junk scenes were just so small and difficult for me to see.
Try for yourself- it was highly challenging! Just not an enjoyable challenge IMHO
I thought the game was new- this game could not have been made in the last 2 years. the graphics looked old. They weren't artistically drawn, they were hap-hazardly drawn. The music served little purpose. There were only 3 settings for sound. That was my first clue that this was going to be bad.
I despise more than anything the dings and charms that tell me "wonder what can I do here?" "what can go here?" "what should I do". I think I started to yell explicit verbage at my screen everytime that occurred.
The game is about something strange happening to the cats. That is as far as I got with the story and I played till the end o the demo.
I have a really good video card and I felt that my computer is now upset for wasting its energy on this game. I am almost as upset.
There were little things that made no sense- lets boil a cup and then pick it up bare handed. okay... but then in other parts there were so many redicilous back and forth steps to complete the simpliest of tasks that it was painful.
I used the skip and hint not because anything was difficult but it was just so boring. I skipped every cut scene as well. same reason. The main character is a vet and loves cats yet she gives them bottled milk? again- details.
the HOS were messy. I did like the mini game where you have to put together the picture story. but... because I clicked a little too hard- I ended up missing half the story. it skipped the story-
I suppose cat lovers will be in awe over this. save your energy.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Time Management, Puzzle
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
4/ 5
I hated this game. I really wanted to like this game.
The opening scene was nice- captivaiting me. It ended immediately. I play with music very low (15%), voices pretty low (say 20%) and effects low (say 30%) its my preference because generally the voices are way too loud- the music annoying and I enjoy the effects/ambient.
After about 6 minutes, I increased the music and completely turned off the effects. I like to play on super difficult, I do not like my hand held- but I also like to click- on everything. Problem with this game the effects were the ambient sounds. So whilst my mouse hovered on everything, some annoying sound was made. I cannot express the sound in words. Beyond irrating- almost enough, if I wasn't starving for a good game, I was about to exit right then.
Now- the part I like- the difficulty- 3 levels, can be changed mid game. I played on most difficult. I do not want any sparkles or hints or glimmers or walkthroughs. Dear Sweet Name- NO! I do not want tutorial or interactive help. Skip. Oh wait! it turns out I need to go through the painstaiking tutorial because the mini games and other suppose-to-be navigationable are in fact impossible.
Dialog? Lots of it. Keep clicking- they talk faster but then you end up missing 100% of needed information- so instead deal with the dialog no matter how painful.
Cut scenes were slow - maybe it was my computer, but pretty sure they were just choppy and slow.
Let me think! What can I use this for! LET ME THINK! I am not sure what you could use there as "there" makes no sense and "this" is too messy to actually figure out the use of.
Again, maybe its me- try for yourself. I was so happy when the demo ended. And can someone explain what the eye thing going on in the lighthouse was about. I felt like I got a broken decoder from my cereal ala 1986.
Try it for yourself. Leave a review. Hopefully you enjoyed it better than me. I think I would have enjoyed the story.
This game took longer to download than the demo took for me to play. I play with music very low, voices a whisper, ambient low-mid. I actually lowered everything again a few minutes into the 11 minute demo. I actually started to find the voices offensive. Really offensive. Something was off-putting about the phony-ness of the accents, maybe its because I grew up with Latinos...
The colors were great! The mini games were confusing and actually very cool- I still don't know how they know what colors I decided to paint my sugar skull when lining them up. The mini games were logic based. Sortof. In theory they were based on logic, but I think when it came down to it the games were all chance. I did appreciate them.
I play with as little help as possible. I used the skip button more than I want to admit and it was not necessarily because the games were difficult- more so just to get through it all.
There were a lot of back and forth locations. I did not use a map- not even sure if there was one.
The characters did nothing to make me care. I feel that they just kind of ended the demo- not at a memorable place like normally- just kind of ... stopped ...
recommend? no.
oh I always deselect the custom cursor. Generally they are so big and bulky that it is distracting. But I noticed the non-custom cursor- was akward. whether it was because it did not turn into direction arrow or into grabbing hand- I don't know- it was just clumsy to use. I switched back to game cursor for a millisecond but it was so big I couldn't deal.