This game is a must for people who do not know what a door is or a fireplace. When your cursor passes over these items, the word "door" or "fireplace" or "window" pops up. Great for little kids. Need something to put you to sleep? This is the game. Can't figure out how anyone can give it 5 stars. Plus, it's blurry
Too long. Constantly back-tracking from place to place. There is no map. Without the guide you will play this game forever and get no where. The HOS were good and the graphics excellant. The rest is just plain boring and confusing
Boy am I glad I played the demo and didn't just buy it based on the previous games. There is nothing really good to say about this game. Save your money
Rescue a young girl from the Penumbra Motel. Solve puzzles, unravel a long standing mystery of death and disappearances in this heart-pounding adventure game!
The HOG's are few and far between. The mini games are mind boggling. Not any fun at all. You spend most of your time trying to get from one place to another. On the good side--the graphics and music are excellant. The main character voice is very well done I know I will not play this game more than once