Great game, and a whole lot harder than it looks. Easy at first and progressively rather challenging! Incredible Dracula games rarely disappoint. This one is super fun and makes for a long game. The CE version is good with the bonus levels and a guide, helpful if needed. I 'm not interested in the artwork collection (although excellent), screensavers etc. as they're not necessary in my opinion. I just wanna play! Ultimately though, they have got it right again! It's a must buy for me!
I've been a Roads of Rome fan from the start and this one is pretty good too. Lots of hours of fun and challenge, but the only thing that I dislike is the chatter from the characters. You can turn off the music but can't turn off the little chattering, repeating voices - unless I am not seeing how to do it. At one point I thought they were chatting in German! Argh! However annoying it may be (and trust me, after a while it truly is) this game is a must buy for me. They're always fun. Maybe the developers can add a "mute voices" button. Enjoy!
It is really a great game and much more challenging than before! I won't go into massive detail, but it is tops to me. The only issue I have are the Treasure Map levels 2B & 3B. They do not open, unplayable. I've tried and tried. The other Treasure Map levels are perfectly fine but not 2B & 3B. apart from that I love it! The best New Yankee game yet, some fun surprises to be had. Thumbs up.
I love the Roads of Rome series. They are typically the absolute best but this time I'm not as happy with this release. I find it not as challenging or as fun - it reminds me of Northern Tales 5 Revival which was not a favorite from that line of Northern Tales games which I use to really enjoy playing. I like this game but certainly not as much as all the other previous games such as the Britons line etc. Those were super fun, this one...not so much to me. The graphics are good and there are some fun changes but it does seem a tiny bit dumbed down. It is actually good, not what I have been used to with Roads of Romes games...but...I bought it anyway! Good fun all in all!
This great game has eaten up so much of my time lately, and thank you for that! This is a very addictive, challenging and fun game. You can go cold and numb from playing this is a winner in my books. I had to play with the timer off, otherwise I would have had a heart attack. It is challenging and the graphics are excellent. Try the free 1 hour play to see if it is for you - I just loved it! 10/10 from this happy gamer.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Match 3, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
4/ 5
Short and sweet - I play Roads of Rome games because they are the best ones. This newest one is no exception, it is super fun, challenging and is fairly long (yay) and that's what we're all looking for, aren't we? This is one of the best time management games I've bought, a real winner in my opinion. Huge fun! You can play with out a timer or with, it's all great fun. Thumbs up! :)
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Yay! I LOVE the Roman Adventures - from the Roads of Rome series to this one, they are the absolute best. The graphics are great and they storyline is fun. The designers take their time to create a great game time and again - and it pays off. It is challenging and happily a lengthy game. I find it especially challenging looking for the caches! Good fun, really - I'm a huge fan of this line of games and I highly recommend them. Good fun and great to play over and over! They are the best ones out there - not silly with mediocre gameplay and graphics. These are the top time management games. Oh and if you want to, you can turn off the timer - I like that option so I don't freak out. Thumbs up for this game!