Take on new time management challenges and help three young archaeologists unearth the mysteries of the past and piece together the story of the brave Xi Niu!
Loved this new TM game! The story goes back and forth from the present (archeological digging site) to the past (China), which is quite a new concept. I loved the story line, but if you want, you can skip that. The gameplay is similar to the Delicious games (also with mice you have to find), but a bit unfortunate that you can't choose the difficulty level. I bought the game after playing only a few levels and have not regretted that.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
The game does remind me of Parker & Lane, only with a much better game play and it is more challenging. You can choose the language and the difficulty. Normally I don't really care for the story line, but I was quite intrigued to see where it was going. You have to click where you want the characters to go and you can earn stars to use in upgrades (which are given at random). 60 levels to play. Loved the game!
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Very nice game, too bad there was an error on level 15, when clicking the cauldron. This game needs an update! I would advise not to buy this game before this issue is resolved. The game is about the same as the previous NT games, only this time there are less levels, it is more expensive and (fun part) you can look for hidden objects.
Finally for sale at BF! What I love about these games is that it is good for days of gaming fun (and not just 2 hrs or so). This time Angela goes back to her highschool years and we re-live her school troubles. The gameplay is similar to the previous one and the delicious games. For me this 3rd game is even better than the 2nd.
This is a Delicious game spin off (find mice and diamonds) and therefore I thought I would really like this game, but unfortunately the gameplay felt like I was playing a very old Delicious game. Your click needs to be really accurate, which is disturbing the swiftness of your gameplay and the way the customers move along the grid feels really old-school. The story is cute and I would have liked to see where it was going, but the gameplay ruined it for me. No buy this tme.
The game play is similar to WS1 with different goods to sell and different salons. You have to drag the customer to the station they want and select the goods they prefer and then drag them to the next station etc. If you reach the gold level you gain points to upgrade our house, which I think is a fun feature. It is quite difficult to reach gold however! Too bad the game crashed twice during the demo and will therefore not be a buy for me. If you like TM games, I would definitely give it a try
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
2/ 5
This is a HOG game which is nice and the scenes where you have to search are quite good. The objects are sometimes quite hard to spot. The conversations can be skipped, which is fortunate because they are quite awful. The big minus for me was the fact that they give you only 2 hints per chapter and there is no way of obtaining more. Therefore this is a no go for me.
Delicious: Emily's Message in a Bottle Collector's Edition is a heartwarming stroll through Emily's past as the family seeks the perfect recipe for happiness.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Could not wait until it was available on BF! The gameplay is similar to Hopes & Fears, with mice to find and diamonds to collect. This time Poppa has 'popped' up again and Emily is trying to gather all the brothers of her father for a reunion to celebrate his return. Just enjoy another Delicious game!
Another very good strategy game in this series! This time it is a lot easier to buy all the upgrades for the baby room. I love that they have added a relaxed playing mode, as it is such a good way to learn the game and I don't always want the time-stress in the game.