It's a fantastic Solitaire Game. well designed and fun, it keeps your mind interested with clues to find forensic and interviews with four different types of solitaire to play. the characters are fantastic life like the music is not annoying but fits with the storyline Ahh! there is the problem
the title is Solitaire Stories plural meaning more than one story what they give you is one solitaire story no-matter how good it is. it is still only one story.
what they need to make this a perfect game is make it plural. add more forensic solitaire stories.
Without spoiling the game, let me just say that this is one of the most moving , heart- tearing ( you will need kleenex) well written, well acted, amazingly drawn H.O.G.'s that I've ever played at Big fish games. ( and I've been here since nov 2008).
You need to find your way through the house. Along the way there is a cast of well --Many. I've only gotten through the third of seven chapters and it took me 3 and a quarter hours. The nice thing, is each chapter(?) is like a small short story. unlike many HOG's you get the beginning,, middle and end of that particular Ghost tale then you pick up the things that will help you move on through the next and so on until you get to the end.
One note use the strategy guide sparingly only to make sure you are headed in the right direction or when you are truly stuck. and make sure your computer is at it's brightest setting. Believe me in some of the scenes it will help.
Have fun, try it than if you like it spend the two credits ON A MONDAY -- you get a great game AND 4 stamps 3 and a bonus. Hey, a good game double stamps, what more do you want? And if it's not your thing that's okay too. You'll find something else.
if you haven't played the first one, I suggest you play that one first to get the history behind this story line. It is as fun as this one, but This game steps up the amazing factor.
The fun factor: what can I say? I just ended the game, it just came out and already I want them to put out a third. I love this series.
it is four chapters in a storyline. each has amazing HOG characters that help , the visual and sound ups the bar for other HOG Games. It is crystal clear, finely detailed they have a color palate the size of the universe and they know how to use it. Nothing is clashing or gory. You feel like you are really there.
AND GET THIS--- if you forget something, as long as you stay in that world, you can go forward or backward through each scene to find each missing piece.
the level of challenge is fantastic. They have two choices: easy and advanced. the easy was challenging enough to keep you interested and playing in a comfortable level for two to three evenings. Absolutely play this game.