I am writing my first review because I am surprised at all the negativity I am reading about this game. I am a voracious reader, and I love a good sci-fi adventure in any genre. While it's true this game is from 2004 and graphics have improved since them, the voice acting is excellent and the story is drawing me in like any good book should do. It takes place in the dystopian future of 2044, where Peter Wright watches a SWAT team abduct his new neighbor, a journalist named Graham Oswald, in the middle of the night. Grieving from the loss of his own wife and child, Wright offers to help Oswald's wife and child locate him. Warning: There is a LOT of dialogue, and you need to go through all of it to trigger parts of the plot. The mechanics can be clunky, and there is a lot of back and forth and useless waiting for things like the elevator in Wright's apt building, but the story really is intense, thought provoking, and very contemporary in how it predicts the invasiveness of our current technology. Big brother really is watching. Hit escape to exit, M to use the messenger, and H for hints (exits.) From what I understand, it will take about 24 hours to get through the whole game. That's great bang for the buck, and I used a game coupon to purchase. Happy Adventure Gaming.