What!!! Are you doing to me "BF"? 2 games 2 days running I buy, can we go for a hat trick?
You (this is so far) won't get bored with this game as the power-ups make sure of that, as long as you pay close attention to what's on the board and click on the right gems to get them power-guys.
Great sounds, smooth, (*ha!ha!* that is till you hit an "awesome" power-up) bright graphics. The very best for me (and others as thought at the times we think alike) the boards don't move, I hate that! Why do we have this thing with tinkling gems, yep that's in here as well.
OK stop reading go load the demo and make your own decision.
a timer came into play. Please; do not ever, not give me the option of Yes timer or No timer box to tick. Least I could not find a box to tick either way.
The above is a huge shame; as this game had my full attention, as it is different, bright and lovely graphic design, beautiful background music. No story which again is good for us time-lacking folks and besides why does everything need a story? As in the summary this does suit folks like me that have little time to spare.
PS Starting the game was a little complicated seemed to be a bug missed there, but I got around it by being persistent.
Till timer option is added, sadly I have to say no I do not recommend this game, sorry. :-)
as many of these older versions are dating and really look dated on new o/s. This one is very sharp, beautiful images, nice unobtrusive music; and the best part it's like sitting down at my table playing the old, old game of solitaire along with a cuppa with no added bells and whistles. There is no story either, (least not so far in my game) never figure why every single game needs a story not in my book they don't, well yeah in audio/books yes they do.
Please take us folks into account we just do not have 8+ hours a day for games, least I don't so this one fits our "escapism" time out for a game any day of the week.
Card game players with the least time for games this will suit.
Honestly I found this game very flat and very boring. There is no challenge, found myself aiming for nothing at all including the choice of colours and where to place things once I had painstakingly achieved that end, computer chooses and places said items.
Really this game not my cup of tea, speaking of which will go have more fun making myself one than I'd find here in this game.
There are mini games? Again not so far in my game.
Have never been so bored with a game like now. Playing over and over hidden objects only became very tedious. Then the scenes are repeated - *shakes head* "no" not for me! I am so glad I used a free game code for this otherwise I would have been very irked.
I could say a lot more but I won't as hate having to pull a-part someone's creativity.
I do not recommend this game but do the others that have been released recently and will return to them once I have removed this *yawns* boring game.
A Match 3 worthy of my attention and time, but alas I don't have the time but it is sitting in my list of files of games to play once I have time. (Have a few other games running right now.)
You can play this in more than 1 mode. I never play games that are timed, I have enough clock watching in my life and do not need that in games so thank you very much for giving the option of either timed or not.
Very bright, cheery graphics and love the size of the workers, yes you have workers and buildings to build not saying any more for if you are like me you want to find this out for yourself - right!!?!
Music is great the game itself looks like it becomes harder but not to the point where you start thinking is this round ever ending? Very smooth playing no freezers/glitches/etc.
OK have just talked myself into buying game and you probably think I'm mad for not doing so earlier as there is a sale on right now.
Try the demo yourself as each to their own.
I recommend this game!
31of36voted this as helpful.
Summer Adventure 4
Mary's family is on a new summer adventure. Complete amazing collections, clean up the clutter, solve fun mahjong puzzles and discover more puzzle fun!
therefor I am very sorry to say, but I ignore them and try them out for myself otherwise I would miss out on games that I like whereas many others have said they don't like the game. Time factor comes into a lot of games for some of us and this is a definite game for us!
I like this game and just bought it and that was after seeing the reviews tally so far. The games mentioned in some of the reviews here, I have read over and over in those games reviews how tiny the hidden items are, how junky the scenes are, how same old, same old and on and on and now this one has done the opposite and still as I said left me *scratching my head*.
*IMO* It doesn't need a story nor do I need to know where the pic was, I like to try and guess roughly, just like with M/S Edges latest updates with their wallpapers on my browser.
Please try it out for yourself, what one may like another hates and visa-versa.
The main thing with this game I am not *yawning* my head off as it has so much going on and the best part not stuck with 1 worker. Lots I could say about this one but then that would "spoil" really has a lot of action and has you thinking on figuring out what to do---
in short why so few reviews come on it really is a great game full of fun, bright graphics, unlike another reviewer the music is not bothering me it's quite cheery, actually helping to push you onward and at them.
Please try this or the other one, think you will find you like it.
Some are saying the hidden objects are too small - sorry that really is not the case at all; the items are extremely well camouflaged, and that is why this game is called HIDDEN objects. As a suggestion; I have only done about 5 scenes and have closed game down, that rule still applies today give your eyes a rest - really irks me at times how fast some get through these games.
I too found out by accident you can by=pass the mini games. How folks know I have just sat down to play game but they have different ideas on that score ------- *ring-ring*!
Love the music very bright and cheerful. Love the scenes (so far) definite humour in this game, you will have to find that out for yourselves.
Try game don't take our word for it and while you do I am off to buy this game especially with the sale on at present time.
Not as impressed with this one as I was with #'s 1 2 3 4 BUT already very impressed with #6 that I started a while ago, can't wait to get to #8 - don't know how everyone can get through these so fast other than they must have more than an hour to spare where as I don't.
These games are really great for us that are already tired from our day and just need to wind down for sleep and not to be worked up into stressing because of games, well done to these guys and please keep them coming.
PS Yeah I also would love to see a holiday(s) themed one produced. *hint-hint*-*nudge-*nudge* and all that!