Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
I bought this as part of a sale as I don't tend to buy Collector's Edition games unless it's something I really like.
There is nothing particularly endearing or exciting about this game-it's pretty standard fare. A few of the puzzles were good but most were just too easy. Making the scents was a bit different but most of the concoctions you make were pretty silly-and why were they called "scents" anyway?
The interactive map is very handy and I always like having that in a game. It's certainly one of the things in European Mystery's favour. You can find out what scenes have actions to perform and can skip right to the scene which always makes a game more enjoyable.
If I play a CE, finish it, then have a bit of a groan when I realise there is still a bonus game to play then I don't think it's a game I've found any great enjoyment in. Still, it's pleasant enough. I just wouldn't waste my money on the Collector's Edition if I were you.
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is one of my favourite stories so I was always going to buy this game. However, it's the one on this theme that I've enjoyed playing the least.
It's okay, the storyline itself enough to keep me going, but there really is very little challenge to this game. The mini-games are very much of the "match game" variety. I like my puzzles to be on the verge of frustrating: solvable but where you really have to put your mind to it. There is none of that here.
If you like your games simple, then go ahead and buy it but if you prefer more of a challenge please play something else.
My review may be a bit tardy but I felt I ought to write a review of this game. Despite being from the stable that produced Puppet Show, this has to be one of the most insipid, pointless games I have played. Normally, I would play the trial first but I guess, because of the pedigree of the developers, I went ahead and bought it without doing so.
I don't mind the absence of hidden object scenes as I'm not a great fan of them anyway. But the puzzles in this thing are some of the dumbest, most banal that I have seen. This game has absolutely no level of challenge in it whatsoever. You seem to just go round picking up items and then using them elsewhere.
And the storyline! It makes no sense and the body-less heads that you encounter are nothing short of disturbing and add little to the story. It's just dumb, full stop.
Although not one of the greatest games I have ever played, I did find it rather enjoyable. I can't put my finger on why that is really, it just had enough to it to keep me interested.
I like the idea of a Houdini themed game but at the beginning you are not really sure as to what your objective is or even who you are. Some of that becomes clearer as the game progresses although not that clear! The Houdini connection however is somewhat tenuous, and a bit of a disappointment.
Beyond the normal hidden object scenes there are many "association games" where you must match up an item with one in the scene. The pairings were not always obvious and on several occasions were downright obtuse! The puzzles were fairly easy and there could have been more of them but I did find myself passing a pleasant few hours. The game could have benefitted from a map but it was still easy enough to navigate around the scenes.
There were a few small irritations which only detracted slightly from the gameplay. An (invisible) dog barking in several of the outdoor scenes and the word "I" written as "i" in the many of the notes that were laying around come to mind. But generally, I enjoyed the game and I don't think you would be wasting your money if you were to invest in this one. Just don't expect anything extraordinary.
For me it is all about the puzzles and in this latest installment of the Redemption Cemetery series the puzzles are its biggest disappointment. They are ridiculously easy and I only remember there being one that even made me think at all, some even making me laugh derisively at how simple they were.
The storyline is good, in keeping with the theme of the series: to somewhat alter history and I liked the idea of three totally unrelated episodes in it. The graphics are typically good from this stable and the music is not intrusive or too repetitive. There is the right level of hidden object scenes interspersed with shadow object scenes.
It is really only the level of the challenge that lets this game down and why I do not recommend it.
I did something with this game which I rarely do and that is to buy it without playing the trial version. I won't say it was a complete waste of my free game but I should probably have taken my normal cautious approach to buying games. It sounded good and as it comes from the makers of such greats as Puppet Show so I thought I would have a pretty good chance of liking this game. But in reality, I'm not that crazy about it. The map is not particularly useful and doesn't really seem to tell you what actions can be taken at that moment. There are things called "Objective" and "Main Quest" but it is somewhat confusing as to what these actually mean. There doesn't really seem to be a clear objective to the whole game and I don't really like having to collect, say, 5 or 10 items like "mystic energy" without really knowing what I'll need it for. The cursor is also perhaps a bit too fancy which makes it difficult to tell when you can perform an action. The one thing on the plus side though: I like not having hidden object scenes to trawl through every 5 minutes as it is really more about the puzzles with me.
There are also a few small niggles which I'd like to point out like the American style school bus when this is supposed to be Somerset. And also the rain! I know it adds atmosphere, but really, it does not always rain in England despite what the British would tell you.
A UFO is rumored to have landed in the small town of Tundel and the mayor is trying to conceal it. Run your own journalistic investigation and learn the truth behind the event!
This game can get to be addictive! The non-linear style allows you to just explore as you want to and as soon as you have the money for the plane ticket you can finish, or you can carry on and complete the 100+ tasks available.
The toilet humour does get a little thin on the ground and getting covered in faeces (which you then have to wash off) seems a little pointless. The policeman popping up ever so often is also slightly irritating. However, the rest of the game is cute and you seem to have a neverending city of weird characters and locations. It's very easy to completely miss a location, passing it dozens of times before you even realise it is there. It can be frustrating but still fun when you discover a new place.
A tip: make a detailed list of every building: the number, who is in it and what they want. The map is also incredibly helpful to find your way around. Unfortunately, the tutorial is a little vague and you have to work a lot out for yourself about how to do this. I wish I had realised early on how important detailed notes would be.
The ending is somewhat odd and perhaps not as fulfilling as it ought to be but the length and fun factor of this game make it well worth buying.
Rescue a young girl from the Penumbra Motel. Solve puzzles, unravel a long standing mystery of death and disappearances in this heart-pounding adventure game!
This game contains no hidden object scenes which I generally find preferable to ones that do. The puzzles are relatively taxing and the storyline engaging. The live action sections are better than most with the characters' voices actually matching their mouth movements. It was fairly intuitive although I did find myself having to use the hint button a bit more than I normally would like to to find out what to do next.The finale is somewhat sedate but you still feel as if you come away with value for money.
Challenge yourself in the role of the scientist-historian-scholar of ancient civilizations and mystical legends and save your friend from the Demon of Darkness!
The changing of the illumination in the rooms make for a slightly different from normal game. You really have to try and remember where you saw things when you achieve a new item. There are not a lot of hidden object scenes which I find ideal. The puzzles are generally easy but there are a few harder ones in there. It's a fairly long game so it's pretty good value for money too.
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I've waited not-so-patiently for this game to be released after seeing the Collector's Edition. Sometimes we seem to wait an awfully long time. Shiver:Vanished Hitchhiker was such a superb game that I figured the chances were that this would be pretty good too. It turned out to be maybe not quite as good but worthy none-the-less. I admit to not paying that much attention to the story line but I was still kept gripped by the game. I played the version with no hints and the only puzzle I found annoying was the one with the moons as the numbers seemed a bit hard to read but otherwise the others weren't a problem. Perhaps one criticism is that there weren't enough tradtitional puzzles in the game. The hidden object scenes weren't too difficult but were slightly more clever than many I've played.
One previous reviewer commented on the grey and rainy effect having something to do with being set in England which annoyed me a bit. It was merely for atmosphere-a sunny setting wouldn't seem very spooky, would it?
I have absolutely no interest in ghosts nor do I believe in them which probably tempers the eerieness a bit and I have certainly found other games more scary. But it doesn't really detract from the enjoyment of playing the game and it was still a few hours well spent.