I was playing all the previous Christmas Wonderland, having a wonderful time, just about to click on number 14 to play when this popped up, bought straight away, never have to try to know if you're going to enjoy it, go's without saying you know you will
What a treat at this time for us, I have all of these games, play them time and time again, now all we need is a wonderful cruise to take when this horrible time is over.
No try, just buy, love these games, like a kid in a candy shop when I saw this game available, I have all of Park Ranger, and all of the other games from this Dev. no stress just sit back and enjoy. Have given it 5 stars and haven't even played it yet, just know I am going to enjoy.
Just arrived home from a 4 day break and guess what was waiting for me,yaaa, no trial, downloading straight away,love all the games from this Dev, just going to sit back and enjoy
It's not Christmas until I can get my hands on these games. Have all games from CA, play them time and time again. It's not a criticism, just my sense of humour, next Christmas I would like the children to buy Mum and Dad a new T Shirt, if not I will still love these games. Merry Christmas to all.
Buy these games without trying first, love all the games from CA, I was old school, still had Windows XP, the last few games couldn't play, old PC went to God, finally caught up on all the CA games. Still playing this one and enjoying just as much as the others. Sit back and enjoy.