It was another Virtual Villagers game, so despite me saying every time that I won't play it, I broke down and bought this one too. It's the same VV game you are used to, with a few interesting changes, such as lavastones that allow you to enhance your villager and a cute lemur that shows up to help out with a tedious task. Adults can now gather certain items needed for crafting (similar to grabbing herbs for stew in previous versions) and all can gather fireflies that buzz around. My issue with this game is in collecting other items - there was a pearl available for kids to pick up when the game started, but otherwise, you seem to have to craft things in the collections or find them in earthquake cracks that show up. It shows the outline of several fish - which I see popping out of the water for about 3 seconds at a time - but I can't seem to collect them with kids or adults. This wouldn't be such a problem normally, but there are no valid walkthroughs for the PC version of this game thus far, nor is there a BF forum in which to ask and answer such questions. You can get SOME help online, but it is related to the app version which has several differences. That is probably my biggest problem with this game, and close to being a dealbreaker for me. You REALLY do need as many tips and tricks as you can get from the forums here or online walkthroughs, but until they become available, I can only recommend this to hardcore VV veterans. Giving the benefit of the doubt that this oversight will soon be corrected, I like the new features and the puzzles thus far presented. Sadly, the options of slow/regular/fast speeds are gone - you have only real-time or pause. Why they'd remove that wonderful feature is beyond me, but it is what it is.
But who am I kidding? Virtual Villager games are just as addicting as they are annoying, and this one is no different. So, it was an immediate buy for me. ;) But PLEASE, get that forum up and running for us ASAP!
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Very enjoyable game - I was nearing $100k when it shut down on me, tempting me to use a credit and hopefully retrieve my "money".
I'll probably wait until it's a DD, but I'll definitely buy it then. While this is not my usual genre, it's nice to have something to play occasionally that doesn't require me to think so much. And it's great watching your bank grow, as mine were paying more often than not.
If only real slots were as generous.....
Definitely recommend this, at least as a demo. Not a bad buy, for those who aren't as tight-fisted with their credits as I am.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Current Favorite:
Westward IV: All Aboard
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Wow! This may not be everyone's cup of tea, but it sure was mine! Similar gameplay as LifeQuest, but more grownup and less restrictive, at least as far as not being sent to bed without supper for using too much energy on a task. I like the theme and the mildly snarky dialog from the various characters, and the fashion/decor/pets/goods shopping adds an interesting element, as well. No HOs to be found other than the occasional "find x items" quest, which while initially frustrating (clicking is not enough - you must wait for your character to travel to the object to collect it#, was actually a piece of cake once figured out. You can improve in everything #speed of travel, skills, pay, capacity for energy, etc) by taking courses, working and buying items that help. I have been playing about 3 hrs so far and really enjoying doing things in my own way, at my own pace. I probably have at least another hour to go and it is clear that this game is one that can be played over and over again, making different choices along the way. I was only half way through the demo when I knew I would be buying, and I feel I got my money's worth within the first hour. If not for the Valentine's Day sale, I might have otherwise overlooked this very enjoyable game!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
I too was a little on the fence about this game, but it grew on me and the demo ended too soon - always a good sign. At $2.99, you can certainly get your money's worth with this one!
Not a huge fan of TM usually, but this one gives you an opportunity to replay (and add to your coffers) and the challenge, though clearly increasing, wasn't too much for me to handle within the first hour. And I'm a bit slow on the uptake, so it shouldn't frustrate the average player.
From reading other's reviews and the forums (always the best idea before buying any game), it sounds as though there will be some interesting creatures and items coming up! I can see spending many hours running my little island!
4of5voted this as helpful.
Monopoly ®
Build your fortune as you buy, sell and trade the world’s most famous properties. It’s classic Monopolyfun!
Overall rating
2/ 5
5 of 9 found this review helpful
just doesn't cut it
PostedSeptember 22, 2012
fromSpokane, WA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
I gave it a shot, but like most of you I have to agree that this is just way too boring to get the slightest bit of entertainment value from. You can't even see what you rolled, the AI opponent nearly always rolls doubles, misses your property and magically bought two railroads within the first 5 minutes. This is simply a game that is only fun when played with others and not suited for solitaire play. Those of you who enjoy this type of game but want to play with friends, might consider "Trade Mania", which BFG also sells. Similar play (buy/pay rent on places you land on), but with the twist of also buying and selling various products at each stop. There are 3 cities/boards you play - Seattle, New York and Paris. You start with a scooter that holds 2 products and landing on the car dealerships allows you to buy vehicles that carry more - up to 15. The first level (Seattle) you must conquer solo (piece of cake with dumbed-down AI opponents), but after that, you can invite up to 3 humans to join you. There are fun facts at every location, so you get a geography lesson as well. This is the only game of the 200+ I own that my husband will play with me, and we really have a lot of fun. Sorry to hijack the review thread to discuss a different game, but I felt those of you that wanted to really like Monopoly, just might find what you're looking for in Trade Mania.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
3/ 5
This just isn't my usual type of game as I prefer the challenges of solving mysteries and using found objects to further my game, but....
WOW!!! The scenes were just beautifully drawn and made me feel so relaxed while playing. It is your basic (what I know as "Tri-Towers) solitaire where you build chains of cards in descending or ascending order (i.e. 9, 10, 9, 8, 7, 8, 9, 10, J, Q, J, 10), so game play required few brain cells. Appears to have some extra perks (buy stuff at the store, special cards and abilities, etc) which adds to the play.
Again, too simplistic for my tastes, but I'd consider buying as a DD just for the gorgeous scenes alone. Might be an excellent way to teach a youngster the basics of a solitaire game while delighting them with a fairytale land to rival "Awakenings".
Ignore the passe storyline, immerse yourself in those lovely scenes and 'waste' a few hours on something that just makes you feel calm and peaceful. Nice break from the usual fare of rescuing loved ones from evil spirits, so Bravo to the devs for the extra effort of making this more than a simple solitaire game!
I recommend this game!
3of5voted this as helpful.
Sherlock Holmes VS Jack the Ripper
Sherlock Holmes faces off against England’s most violent and mysterious killer in this thrilling Hidden Object adventure game!
Overall rating
3/ 5
42 of 53 found this review helpful
Well, I tried...
PostedSeptember 12, 2012
fromSpokane, WA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
I really wanted to like this game, but it is not for anyone unfamiliar with this type (as I apparently am). I found myself wandering the first 48 minutes, having no clue what to do, unable to get information from anyone. Movement was very odd - no matter which style you chose (1st person or 3rd). I felt like an idiot, bumping into walls and passing between people having a conversation. The only 'clues' were the very rare hand or magnifying glass - which only resulted in an insignificant comment from Holmes. I thought I may become accustomed to the movement before the demo was up, but I was hopelessly lost, with a confused Watson at my heels. When I finally decided to give up, there was no way to do so that I could determine - what is up with no onscreen controls for menu, inventory, journal, map, etc? I had to hard exit to quit (ctrl/alt/del). Probably very enjoyable for anyone who has played this type, but definitely not for me. I do need to add: HEED THE WARNINGS about the graphic beginning! It is bloodless, but audibly horrifying! Guess they wanted to make sure you knew this guy was a "ripper"...eeeww!