As shihtzumum pointed out a lot of levels were exactly the same as Tales of Inca. So disappointing that the developers did that. In fact had the nerve to try and pull a fast one. I'm giving this game one star because I have to. Otherwise it would be zero stars. I like to play new TM's not a repeat with different characters and scenery.
Favorite Genre(s):Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I was so happy to see a 3rd Hero of the Kingdom. I'm done with HOG games as they are so repetitive. I love most of the time management games, but the Hero games are such a nice change of pace. There is enough strategy without driving you crazy, the moving of your character is so smooth and being able to use the map in order to buy and sell items instead of going there is awesome. Unless you want to in order to stock up on more items or level up your skills. It's not really a hard game but does require some thought when crafting items, but even that is easy as you can do it whenever you want. Plus it's really fun to find the items that are hiding in plain sight. I hope the developers keep making more of these!
Favorite Genre(s):Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
4/ 5
I like the Rescue Squad series, but this one is to easy for me. I like some kind of a challenge. I should have played the free hour first before buying.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
These are my favorite types of games and one of the best Indie gaming companies around. There is so much to do and plan for. I would be every single game made by Spiderweb software it was offered here. You can play for hours and while sometimes the games can be frustrating it's a good frustrating.
While it is a cute game and the story line is good,it will be too easy for experienced TM players. I only had trouble on a few levels and those were quickly resolved. I was able to finish it in about 5 hours. I was kind of disappointed as I love TM games and am always waiting for new ones to come out.
Now normally I can finish a TM game in 1-2 days and get 3 stars on almost every level if not all, (except for Hercules that is). This one is even harder. On most levels I was lucky to even get 2 stars. I normally don't replay a TM right away but I can't resist as there are things to find on each level and I missed some. This game is very challenging, fun and has a great story line.
I absolutely hated this game. The combo's made no sense. At first I was, "Cool I can get to create civilization". Then I realized quickly that the instructions were horrible and made no sense. I wouldn't wish this game on my worst enemy. Not that I have any.
It's pretty easy, but the graphics are good, music is fine. A little easy but I play a lot of Time management game. I'm very weary of HOG, they've become to repetitive and easy for me.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Just got done playing the demo and bought it. The graphics are so clear! The game play is the same which is nice, the same three levels of difficulty. I can't quite explain but the game feels different, better. Maybe it's because of the graphics.
The tasks that you do make a lot more sense instead of just clear the road because it has a hole or is blocked. You'll just have to play it to see what I mean.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
This was one of the best game series I've played on BF in a long time. I'm pretty tired of HOG games and just never realized there were rpg's that are along the same lines as Final Fantasy games. There's adventure, humor, puzzles and if you play on the expert level you will have somewhat of a challenge. It is definitely worth buying.
Darkthrop Prophecy did give me quite a challenge initially, because it is a stand alone game but it is also part 4 in the Aveyond Orb series. So as I was so strong at the end of 3, I was kind of bummed when I was so weak in the beginning, but I like a challenge. I always play on expert as I've always played rpg's.
If you are tired of HOG's and need a change and want a challenge give this a try, you won't be disappointed.