Now this was uninspected! I always thought this was just an other ordinary ressours collecting game..ok, it is but not ordinary. It was fun from the beginning, fast pace, nice music, some lightly annoying sounds but I could blend them out and they did not change the fun of it. The biggest surprise were the extra levels of the CE! Spoiler alert ...Some really great tower defens levels!! Unfortunately only 7 or 8 but geewizz! Im playing them over and over again for days now and not getting tired of it. I really hope they will make a whole own game of it! I love it and I recommend this game!
just finished the demo and I like it so far. If you`re looking for a HOG to just turn your brain off and search for items - this is a nice one. Items are good to identify, good grahics and I liked the minigames too. It always depends on what kind of game you`re looking for and what demands you have. This one is undemanding but not booring - just a nice HOG. I feel satisfied and with the 50% sale...I think I`ll buy it with my points. I have enough of them - unfortunately I have to expand my genre of games because there is no decant TM Game since months here...
Was happy to see a new TM Game and I have all of the Goldan Rail games but this one is terrible. Half-hearted, boring and frustrating. What is that suppose to be with the vegetables?! It disrupts the gameflow and you never have enough food to buy the seeds in the decivise phases and if, it`s already to late. The other games had more speed, better game-flow, nicer levels and were fun to play. This one is just frustrating and not worth a CE at all. I do not recommend this game.
Humanity's days are numbered in this amazing sequel to Iron Heart: Steam Tower! Use your tower defense mastery to crush the steel legions before it's too late!
Actually it`s a fun game but the fact that there are mostly only 2 -3 attack waves (only few with 4-6 waves) in each level is way to less to enjoy the upgrades of your towers. Once you've finally upgraded it's over. This makes it a quick game because you are fast through the 40 levels! Why so few attack waves? This could be a super-duper game but again disappointing. I`m glad I didn`t buy this game.
Why don't the developers bother? There are enough boring games here why an other one?! Try the 1 hour and you know all...same odd goals, same unspectacular and doesn't get any more interesting. Bought out of desperation, should`ve known better...not worth a CE. In general CE games are too expensive for what they are. If you love the New Yankee games - this one is not comparable. I do not recommend this game
I purchased the Game because of the good reviews and before I die of boredom, I thought I`ll give it a try after playing the 1 hour. I love the New Yankee and Golden Rails - like games because they are "lively" - you have a lot to do. Unfortenately this one is annoying boring. You just sit on your chair and wait for resources to drop to finally upgrade your buildings. The whole game over a monotonous process. No Upgrades of worker skills, production time, no extra speedups for anything. You have no choice of houses to earn money, you have to wait till you have enough recources to build the only one you can. Warehouse has no effect on money, after harvesting existing resources you have nothing to do you are just waiting for the drops Play the one hour sample and you know the whole game - no increase. The bonus levels are just as boring and not worth a CE at all ! I really wanted to like this game but in my oppinion, carried out listlessly because they could`ve made more out of it. I do not recommend this game - here are more than enough ones like this.
Fun and a lot going on here - lv. 28 glitch solution
PostedApril 6, 2021
fromCologne, Germany
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I love the NY series and failed on level 28 like many others. There seemed to be a glitch with the camels, I played it over and over again and resigned myself to it not being able to play it anymore. But after I got over the has solutions for everything! So I searched for level 28 will facepalm after this....I did. You have to clear the paths before moving the camels!!! I would recommend to do that at last because scorpions will appear. I hope I could help and the other gamers with that problem will read this.
For me this game becomes a little to overloaded, you loose track on things but maybe it gets better when you play it more often. After all it`s a fun and challenging game, the graphics are bright and I I appreciate that they don`t change the music. I recommend this game!
6of6voted this as helpful.
Overall rating
5/ 5
Ein echt schönes spiel
PostedDecember 22, 2019
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Gegen-die-Zeit, Strategie
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Ich spiele überwiegend ZMS und habe aus verzweiflung, dieses spiel probiert und dann gekauft...die auswahl and guten ZM Spielen is ja momentan echt zum heulen.
Es gibt 3 spielmodis: entspannt - ohne zeit, normal und profi. Ich hab im normalen modus gespielt und hänge bei einigen der insgesamt 40 levels, um auf 3 sterne zu kommen aber das ist mir noch nicht so wichtig und so bleibt immer noch genug herausforderung. Im ganzen, ist das spiel nicht sehr anspruchsvoll; die üblichen aufgaben müssen erfüllt werden indem man ressourcen sammelt, wege freiräumen und häuser bauen und upgraden muss auch diebe gilt es zu verjagen aber die warten am weg darauf, von den ordungshütern, verprügelt und verjagt zu werden - macht aber dennoch spass und ist nicht langweilig. Alles läuft in einem zackigen tempo und man muss am ball bleiben! Dennoch hab ich 2 kritikpunkte, die jedoch nicht sooo ins gewicht fallen: 1. Bei einigen levels laufen 2 melodien gleichzeitig - kann man dann entweder leiser einstellen oder ganz abschalten, irgendwann überhört man es aber auch. 2. Die icons an den gebäuden sind nicht so optimal platziert aber helfen beim sammeln der ressourcen wenn man mit dem zeiger draufhält. Zur Story kann ich nix sagen, weil es mich eher nicht interessiert aber darunter soll die bewertung nicht leiden. Alles in allem ein gelungenes kleines spielchen wie ich finde und war doch angenehm überrascht, da die vorschaubilder ja nicht wirklich was hergeben.
Ich kann dieses spiel empfehlen; nicht nur für anfänger sondern auch für alle, die was nettes nebenher wollen für regnerische tage.
Habe es jetzt 30 min. gespielt und abgebrochen, da die darstellung leider viel zu nah rangezoomt ist; dieses gedrungene Bild macht das spielen sehr unangenehm - unter und über dem spielfeld 5cm schwarze balken. Einstellungen via Monitor leider kein erfolg gebracht. Vom prinzip ist das spiel nett gemacht aber man muss da echt zeit für haben, geht alles ziemlich langatmig von statten, man möchte die figuren am liebsten mit der peitsche antreiben. Echt schade dennoch würde ich das spiel empfehlen da es ansonsten ganz nett ist.
I bought this game because of the good reviews and after playing the 1hour I hoped it would get better but it was very disappointing and frustrating. First of all: these characters popping up in the right corner, every few seconds - so annoying, too big and no way to turn them off! The view of the town could have been with more distance, it seems like zoomed, you can`t see everything and you often miss popping up goodies. The selection-bar is unnecessary big, very disturbing. Further it would`ve been better to place the population, food and income informations next to the materials above the gamescreen. There is more I could list but rather smaller issues. This could`ve been an awesome game and I really tried to like it because I love this kind of games but the longer I play it, I get more frustrated because of the things mentioned. It`s really a pity because it had so much potential!