This game is along the same lines as the "kingdom for my princess" and "island tribe" series. You need to collect so much wood, food, stone, gold, to upgrade your buildings, meet goals, and get things done. You have various things trying to prevent you from reaching your goals, from blocked off areas that must be cleared to thieves and trolls.
To help you out there are upgrades that can make your buildings produce faster, run faster, build faster, and fight faster. Even better, there's a quick-restore button that will reload any upgrade that's recharging. So you can get yourself really going by, for example, having the produce faster and run faster upgrades running at the same time.
Some of the levels are a bit more trickier than others. I get frustrated easily but I enjoyed this game so much I didn't mind having to try 3-4 times to find the "right" way to win a level.
The CE comes with extras: Some artwork, which is nice. A strategy guide which helps out a lot -- also, pay attention to the hints the game itself gives you between levels, it will help even more. But the bonus levels are a blast.
In the main game, as you progress, you get more warrior to fight the criminals and trolls that plague you, burning up buildings and stealing your resources. In the bonus level, you play the criminals and trolls, trying to get as many resources as possible before burning down and destroying things, all while the "good guys" try to get to the resources first! Awesome fun!
I have one complaint for this CE -- I wish it came with the soundtrack files available. Some of those little tunes get stuck in my head, I would absolutely download them and play them outside of the game!
I had really high hopes for this game, and I'm sad to say I won't be buying it.
First of all, I LOVE the soundtrack. I'm half tempted to buy and complete the game just to get the soundtrack. I love swing music, and this is full of it. But I don't think I can take the whole game just for the music.
Part of the problem is the HOG scenes. The objects you are looking for are often very tiny and hard to spot. For someone with not-perfect vision, this makes the HOG games frustrating. Worse, the 'hint' sparkles show a large enough area that you are still struggling to find tiny little things.
Part of the problem is the game just isn't exciting. You get a few screens of text to move the story forward. You then get a HOG scene, which is related to that point of the story. When you complete that, you get a mini-game. Repeat.
I played about 7 or 8 rounds of this before I got so frustrated I had to stop. As much as I love the music, it's just not enough to make up for the frustration factor.
I really wanted to love this game a lot more than I did.
Part of it is me. Some time management games I can handle with ease, and others are just too crazy. Some of them just have too much going on for me to keep up, and this is one of those.
I love the concept! You're making weather patterns (rainstorms, sunshine, wind, etc.) to help create things and upgrades, and grow plants, and possibly more (I only played the demo). It sounds like tons of fun!
Unfortunately I just couldn't keep up with the game. Maybe the time limits are too tight. Maybe there's too much going on at once. I'm not sure. But by the time I neared the end of the hour demo period, I was sure that there was no way I could keep up with the pace of the game.
If you're really good at mad-cap crazy run around like a lunatic TM games, this one is for you. But for pokey people like me, it is, sadly, a pass.
I played the demo for about 20 minutes, after which I wondered how to get that time back.
Seriously, though, the game sounds fun and different. The "find and match things" part could be fun. But in the end the game just annoyed me too much.
For one thing is the preachy messages. "We're going to teach you how to fix your life." Yeah, I'm here to play a game, not get preached at. The individual scenes take forever to load, and the graphics look like something left over from the year 2000.
Definitely pass this one by, unless you like slow moving, ugly games that preach at you.
I don't recommend this game.
11of14voted this as helpful.
Gardenscapes: Mansion Makeover™
Welcome back to Gardenscapes! Turn the hall into a masterpiece!
There are only a number of rooms for you to 'search' through and you go through them over and over and over again.
The idea is that you are upgrading a house and you need to find things to 'sell' to people looking for specific items. When you raise enough money you can buy upgrades.
One issue is that the amount of money you make each time stays relatively the same, so each upgrade goal takes longer and longer to reach. Of course, the search takes less time, as you've been in that room multiple times before, but it still gets monotonous. It doesn't help that the items aren't particularly hard to find to begin with.
There are some mini-games and scenes to try to break up the tedium. Unfortunately, they're neither very challenging or interesting.
The game seemed fun at first, which is why I bought it. I now regret it, because after a couple of hours playing I still haven't finished it, and I'm so bored with it I'm not sure I ever will.
Another fun game by the same folks who did the Island Tribe and Roads of Rome games.
You are set to building and developing your area. You have two types of minions, general "builders" who go where needed and those assigned to specific buildings when they're built. They all add up in the general populace. You can increase your population and number of builders at your whim, as long as you have what you need to do so.
As you go along you get more resources, more abilities, learn more and gain access to more areas. There is some flexibility to the game - it may ask for things in a particular order but there's nothing to stop you from jumping around. You can concentrate on one area [building, learning, obtaining resources] over another at any time.
The music is pleasant and the graphics are very 2D -- you cannot change the angle at which you see things. Movement around the map is as easy as using arrow keys.
I've played the game twice so far and this will sit in my bin of games to play every couple of months.
I recommend this game!
3of3voted this as helpful.
Zoo Vet
Travel around the zoo, performing check-ups on cuddly otters, dangerous lions, wobbly penguins, and hyper zebras.
The idea of Zoo Vet is that you must diagnose and fix sick animals. The idea is cute, but the execution is lacking.
The controls can be clunky and moving around the animal can be difficult. Additionally, a lot of your information comes through audio which is not subtitled or captioned, so you can easily miss things if you don't hear well.
I only played the demo and the frustration of not being able to understand the conversations got to be too much. With captioning I think I would have enjoyed this game a lot more.
The storyline is good and keeps the game moving. The objects in the HOG scenes are not overly difficult, tiny, or hidden to make them hard to find. There is a map to help speed up all the moving back and forth that HOG games requires these days.
What keeps it from being 5 stars instead of 4 are the owls. You are searching for 50 owls throughout the game. The problem is that some of them appear in places that you cannot get back to if you missed them -- HOG scenes or sometimes scenes that change after an action has taken place - meaning that if you miss one you cannot go back to get it. I find that incredibly frustrating and annoying.
The graphics are pretty, and I liked the music. But I am not likely to play this game again.
I wasn't sure I was going to buy it when the timer ran out on the demo. I liked the puzzles, and I liked the "find the pieces of the object" games. I also liked that finding coins hidden in each scene gave you a picture on a map you could use for a shortcut to bounce around.
On the down side, the HOG scenes were fairly simple and the storyline didn't tie things together well. I tend to play for about 20-30 minutes at a time -- I have a short attention span and am easily distract- oh look, sparkles! So when I'd go back to play again it wasn't always easy to tell where I'd been and what my next step should be. Worse, even while playing sometimes the next step was to bounce back to an area that made no sense to go back to.
I did wind up playing the game and finishing it. There are areas you cannot get to without a "special CE key" (which I assume aren't available in the regular edition) which eventually let you into the "bonus chapter". What bothered me about that is that there never seemed to be any real resolution without the bonus chapter.
Again, this is a game that I would recommend with a "maybe." Get it on sale.
I don't recommend this game.
1of2voted this as helpful.
Magic Ball 2 New Worlds
The stunning and captivating gameplay of Magic Ball 2 returns.
I have no idea why I cannot stop playing this game. Perhaps it has some hidden message to make you completely addicted to it.
The basics of the game is older than BFG itself - it's based on the ancient game of "Breakout." You have to keep a ball in motion or boom! you lose a life. You start with three lives.
Instead of beating up a plain wall of bricks, however, you're dealing with something that looks like "Legos for Children" Meets "You Did What?". Each "level" is a little scene depicting something - a car being driven, a beach scene, a zoo, etc. There are sometimes little animals, and when you hit them they go flying off into the sky. The graphics are so cheesy that they're absolutely adorable.
To make things even more fun are the various power-ups that come from breaking the scene apart. They range from changing the speed of the ball, the size of your "bat" (the controller), giving the bat weaponry, and more.
The worst upgrade is the hearts -- a broken heart will destroy your bat but a full one will give you a new life, and sometimes, in the heat of battle it's hard to tell which is which. The best is the multi-ball, giving you two more balls. It is possible to get multiple multi-balls in a row. I once had about 20 balls out there, it was crazy fun.
I'm terrible at video games -- I always have been, ever since playing Pong on a bar-table video console in the early '70s. So if you're someone who plays video games regularly and ace them, this will probably be easy for you. But for someone who doesn't have that kind of coordination, or even for kids, this is a fun game.