My views on this game are somewhat mixed. While the puzzles are relatively fun there aren't much of them, and the challenge seems to waver between incredibly easy and incredibly hard, nowhere in the middle. The gift shop minigame seems pretty fun, but rather short. There is also not really much of a storyline here, but some Time management games don't have one period, so I'll live.
I caught where men could be offended and there were a few things that could be taken the wrong way. Such as, instead of the guy coming in, after he has a girlfriend, and saying that he wants to learn something new, the girlfriend brings him in and says 'he needs to be trained more'. The 'trained like a dog' feeling could leave anyone uneasy and I'm sure there are more than a few who will dislike this.
In the end, the main problem is that I see about as much fun, and filling, as I'd see in an online game. A free online game. I don't feel that the demo showed a game that was worth the price.
By what I mean in the title, the game left me somewhat at a loss of what to say. There were certainly good things, but also a few bad, so I'll list them.
Pros: Loved the scenery and the music was a bit repetitive, but still the music was nice.
Cons: Most HOGs seemed relatively easy, though still fun.
Pros: The unique cast of characters was a nice surprise to see.
Cons: Sometimes you could get a tool and carry it for thirty minutes before actually needing it.
Pros: At first the story seemed completely new-
There it is! There's the issue I had with the game right there. I'm sure you noticed the 'at first'. That's because at first the game did seem new, seem like a change, and then it became a little... Predictable. Maybe it was because it was much like cinderstone orphanage. It wasn't hard to figure out who the antagonist was either. It was bluntly obvious! There wasn't many moments that made you enticed and it seemed that the storyline held the interest of your average spam mail. I waited for a pick me up; the story stayed strong on its course, but never changed and by the end I felt a bit cheated...
However, other than story, the quality was good and the HOGs were relatively fun. Even though the storyline seemed exactly like a reprint of cinderstone orphanage. Still, good game, just not my thing.
At first appearance I was intrigued by this game. The story was enticing and I wanted to know more. When i bought it, however, it was like the entire game changed. Suddenly it started to become tedious, the story seemed to be only half there, and you know how most stories have a surprise or climax? This one didn't. I was stuck in a game that acted like a toy robot, slowly winding down, but with no key to twist. That doesn't mean it's a bad game, it just means that it was nothing like I first expected.
I also regret buying the CE completely. The bonus chapter seemed, not only short, but relatively uneeded. Worse too; it seemed that any sort of ending was erased. If playing the SE you get a complete ending, the CE seemed to just give a massive cliffhanger, and I am certainly not buying any other game that's connected with this, less it winds down to a repetitive motion as well.
Another weird thing about the story; sometimes it was like they were attempting to open sub-plots at random times that would drop off and remain unfinished. This made the game more confusing and you attempted to figure out what parts were important or not. In a way, it made it so, CE or SE, you never get the complete story.
I am saying I would suggest this game to someone who doesn't care that much about a story and is willing to play a game that feels like every action is repeating while the story seem to disappear at times and spawn branches that break off. However, I would never suggest this to a friend, they know where to find me when it goes bad.
Though I must say I did like the graphics and music. That was a plus.
I don't recommend this game.
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Try your hand at fine art in Mysteriez, an incredible Hidden Object game! Master the gameplay and progress through the levels.
I don't expect games to be perfect anymore. I accept that each one will have a flaw. However, I find a few in this game that I couldn't get over. I managed to play thirty minutes of the demo and pinpointed as many pros and cons as possible. Though, there were quite a few more cons.
Pro: You look for numbers. Perhaps not everyone's cup of tea, but it was different. I'm noting it as a positive.
Pro: Most of the artwork is quite nice to the eyes. Of course its covered by numbers, but still visibly pleasing.
Con: Even though looking for numbers is new and a change, some numbers are hidden where you simply can't find them. I accidently clicked on a tree and found a 5. There was absolutely no way it was a 5. Or, if it was, there was no way to see it.
Con: There's no hint button. Which means if you have a problem, such as the con above, you'll just have to wait until the end of the level when they reveal where it was.
Con: The gameplay repeats itself, which can be bad to some people and good to those who don't mind it. However, there was no plot. Perhaps if there was a reason why we spent hours searching for 1-40 in a beautiful scenery while half of the numbers are hidden out of sight, and can only be found by random clicking, then maybe it would correct everything else. Though, again, no plot. No plot for me means no buy.
Some people might enjoy this game and are most likely more patient than I am. However, I don't think I can reccomend it to anyone unless they know exactly what they are getting into.
I tried the CE and decided on buying the CE, which I immediatly did. I am glad I did because I very much enjoyed it! It wasn't that much of a challenge, but I liked the puzzles and found them fun. I felt the ending was a little rushed, but enjoyable as well. All in all the game was smashing... Smashing!
I played this, was intrigued, and then bought it. Playing it through I uncovered a problem, mainly with the storyline. It is a good game unless you haven't played the first game and are a bit confused of what is occuring. The first game adds much of the storyline and this is an extra, or it felt like just an extra you buy with a CE.
Make sure you know what you're getting into or it could be a mistake. Still, I would reccomend this game.
I loved the demo and want to buy the game. I loved the plot, the powers, there was enough balance between HOGs and puzzles as to not get bored. However, because I am watching spending money, I will probably wait, I'm not getting to CE. Usually when I get a CE it doesn't add too much on, so I think the normal game would be fine for me. For what I've seen so far, great game that I would highly recommend!
I am not saying it was bad, or good, but I simply didn't enjoy it that much. Too many HOG scenes, barely any puzzles, and an extent of limited gameplay. The storyline was fair; I could understand the point, but I think that some things were a little off at times. I would suggest that this game is only thought of after playing the demo and enjoying, not to be bought without an idea of what you're going into.
I think someone would like this game, just not me.
I was reccomended here after playing Stray Souls, hearing it was better. Honestly, I don't think it was, it was good though. The storyline is stable and you reveal more as you go along, though you most likely predict the ending was before the end of the game. Not very scary, some parts are creepy to an extent though. I did like the achievements you could collect so that was a nice bonus. I didn't find it too challenging though, so that was a tad disappointing. However, I did play it over again so I did enjoy it.
First off, if you want to buy this game than get the CE, the bonus adds onto the game. Parts of the games creeped me out a bit and I liked the style of the gameplay. I just found it quite enjoyable on many levels. I didn't find it too challenging though. It was decent length to those who like longer games.