Really enjoyed! (I like that you can choose level of difficulty in settings.) Loved the genre of magic/fantasy. Same type of game as the many series of: Barbarous: Tavern of Emyr (for those of us who love fantasy. I wish BF would also offer Barbarous 2: Tavern Wars & Barbarous 3: Family Secrets), Delicious: Emily's, Fabulous: Angela, Amber's Airline:, Welcome to Primrose Lake, Heart's Medicine, Sally's Salon, etc.
Take on the role of Emyr, probably the realm’s most famous hero. That is, until his career was destroyed by a dreadful wound. Now, Emyr works in the tavern.
Love this game! An adult version of Delicious Emily & Primrose Lake games. I would appreciate some less-than-adult scenes in the future, but overall, a fun game to play! I love the nod to the dog-like animated chest in Terry Pratchett's Disc World novels (the tourist's walking luggage). Looking forward to next Barbarous!
I love all of the Rescue Team games, however, they went off-pattern with this version. I appreciate that they wanted to try something different. While this one is lovely to look at with much larger graphics, they have made it far too complicated for me (even on "Relaxed" mode). Spent so much time clicking & dragging to view the whole map & tasking. And now, with the added Power Plant affecting the grid, you have to be careful of where you place your buildings or they won't function. Training & hiring is now involved. It has become less about the rescue than it has about infrastructure & town-planning. There are plenty of other building games for that. Sadly, just not my cup of tea. Others may love it! If so, enjoy!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I have played all of the Hero of the Kingdom games, several times over. I loved the upgrades that the dev's made. No more spending all of my time having to cook or eat or constant sleep/rest. Quick rest/strength process overall. Quick Money-raising: All hunter trophies (with exception of stingers: used in potion) salable, all "Treasures" salable in the Square & not needed for any quest turn-in, including the one pearl conversion at fishing village (no more pearls after that). I also liked that all plants/berries/hunting/fishing/wood-cutting were necessary, without my usually skipping over most, making clearing the screen of everything a logical progression. Per usual, there are a few more things to do after "The End," which is always a bonus. Enjoyed the length of time on this. The only thing that I missed were the hints of what to do next at times, but youtube walkthrough helped me with that.
I loved Farm Tribe 1 & 2, which plays just like The Promised Land. In those games, I like that the characters do the cutting/carrying/production once you put them on the task. They should have perhaps named this game differently, as the game mechanics play the same as plenty of other farm-type games, but in no way like Farm Tribe's previous games. I was really looking forward to Farm Tribe 3 with the same game mechanics. Disappointed.
Love this game! Minesweeper & Clue combined! (Not a fan of Minesweeper, but I love this version.) Have played over and over through the years. A keeper!