I liked the human characters and thought that the demon was pretty scary-great graphics. Lately, a lot of the HO games I've played have the characters going from to scene to scene to scene to collect items and use them. Some of them have the player going back and forth so much that you can get confused as to where you need to go. This game is NOT like that. While you do have to change scenes to meet the goals, this game keeps the HO's to a specific area for each goal. I enjoyed the storyline and thought it had a good ending.
I've played several games like this one, but did not care for this particular version. The ball moved very slow and it took a long time for each level. I think it would be good for a beginner but not above that level.
I really enjoyed this game. I finally got past the dragons and returned the Dragonstone to the king. This is a great game because you can play it over and over without getting bored-well worth the price. The levels start out easy enough to teach you the game but get more challenging as you go. There are some interesting creatures to be defeated and some very difficult puzzles (thank goodness for the fire arrow).
Instead of the usual match stones and win scenario, you have to match runes, break up the scenery to found the hidden jewel and coins on each level, find the power-ups, and move the character through the unmatch runes to the the next portal so it becomes a maze as well. Each level gets a little tougher and some have more than one solution which takes you different direction on the map. You talk to other characters who give you clues to help you to the next level. I really enjoy this game and would recommend it to other players!