I really was looking forward to this game but was very disappointed and struggled to finish it. The visual and sound quality are good and the hops and games ok but nothing new. The storyline is confusing and the game is very bleak and lacklustre, and futuristic terminology just made it feel like a neverending winter. However it passes the time
I enjoyed this game, and it had a lot of good points..visually it was interesting and the hops were challenging and some decent puzzles. Downside the audio and dialogue were woeful, so I muted it but still challenging to read the dialogue. Still value for money! :)
the first quarter of the key to ravenhearst bored me, but was enthralled after that..and now this! Brilliant marketing strategy and the game, the usual high standards we have come tp expect!
Grim Tales: Threads of Destiny Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
MCF have developed such hype and to be fair its what got me into this..years ago.. but titillating with one game a year no longer works when other developers have stepped up and overtaken. Key to Ravenhurst is good but been there done that, many times. Nothing innovative, though the mini puzzles remain unsurpassed, and there are a few noveltys but nothing to blow me away Sinister storyline, would I recommend it? for new gamers perhaps, but as an MCF fan..no..a let down
I don't recommend this game.
23of28voted this as helpful.
Grim Tales: Threads of Destiny Collector's Edition
Can you free Jackie’s parents from their deadly fates?
Overall rating
5/ 5
1 of 3 found this review helpful
Brilliant! Innovative! Stunning visual & audio! Great Storyline
I bought the game for the simple reason that I hoped it offered something more, and was able to play it in windowed mode. It had got a 5* rating however, in my opinion, doesn't deserve it...its just that there is nothing else to satisfy us. It is lacklustre, the graphics are old hat and the humour? Well, I'll leave it up to you..humorous and thriller-like, at the same time? I don't think so, and it doesn't work. HOPs are ok, mini games to date, tedious. Just was hoping for more...too much talent out there to have a game stuck in 2010
I quite enjoy this game and it may do as a stop gap until something better comes along. Its a little different, though personally I don't like the storyboard concept, but that's not what irritates me...if they could get rid of the bouncing dog which serves no purpose, other than make me want to stop playing, and offer some HOPs to break up the monotony of the finding items thing. The mini games are ok...generally its 'ok' just not sure if I'll buy it :/
New York Mysteries has done it again! Virtually flawless game (would have liked a few different style HOP's and a little less dialogue). The graphics were amazing and a great storyline with a fab bonus chapter! Definitely worth the money!
Who is the Crimson Thief? Can Mortimer piece together the clues to finding all the stolen items? There is much more to this new mystery than meets the eye.
Picked this up by chance, due to lack of decent new games. This was the first game I played of the series and I think was the last one.. took me a while to figure out what I needed to do as not your usual HO, but loved every minute of it and bought the other 3 immediately! Think ive played them in the wrong order though, however, grabbed my attention from beginning to end. Graphics are great and Mortimer a fab hero! Basically in each game he goes from place to place (though he has to earn that) finding stuff/re-placing it to where it should be/solving problems etc. By no means easy and hints limited so you've got to figure it out! Worth every penny...Mortimer Beckett games should be promoted more! Bring back Mortimer!!