Putt-Putt and Pep need your child's help to reunite the little ones with their parents before Outback Al can open the zoo gates.
Overall rating
5/ 5
13 of 17 found this review helpful
Blast from the Past
PostedOctober 9, 2013
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
Oh My God I remember playing this game back in 1995, I was seven years old. I never thought I'd see it again, how nice to see it pop up on bigfishgames. This game was so fun and entertaining, maybe more for kids, but I'd play it again now if simply for nostalgia.
It's a solving puzzle kind of game where you play a cute little car and have several tasks to solve. One of them I remember was rescuing an animal from a waterfall and you had to use rope and stuff to do so. I must buy it and refresh my memory properly.
I'd love to see more games from 1995 back please bigfish? Those games are the happiest memories of my childhood (which is a bit sad I suppose)
I was excited over this game from the moment I looked at the pictures from it. I thought: finally a time management game that moves away from the My Kingdom for a Princess and Build It clones. It is a hark back to the style of games I love. I am 10 levels in and I know that I will buy it. I don't know how many levels there will be but there is also a challenge mode, an expert mode and a endless mode. So I can see this lasting for a long time, unlike the usual bfg releases that end within an hour or two of the free trial.
I can also see this game getting very frustrating, which is what I desire the most in a time management game. I want to have to work for the perfect score and already there is a lot of TM stuff going on - glazing donuts, cutting bread, baking and frying and serving drinks. I have only unlocked 3 of the 8 (?) breads and I look forward to being further challenges.
Thank you BFG for finally releasing the kind of game I have been longing for. I haven't been this thrilled over a game since I started playing Turbo Pizza oh so many years ago.
I really enjoyed the free trial of this game. I thought it would be a plants vs zombie sequel but the game play is quite different, more involving - you control which plant to use, and where they shoot. It even got quite challenging, and I love a game that offers upgrades and achievements.
But I got half way through the game in the hour free trial. It's too short. I'm not spending money for maybe another hour of fun. I prefer games that offer hours of gameplay.
I don't recommend this game.
18of21voted this as helpful.
The Wizard's Pen
The Wizard has vanished, and only you can find him in this spellbinding game full of Hidden Object fun and mystical mini-games!
I loved this game, thought it was cute and highly enjoyable. I then showed it to a student who I am teaching english as a foreign language to and it was an instant hit. For beginners and lower intermediates this is a great way to introduce and learn vocabulary. And even the adults have enjoyed it. And I know some of them have gone on to buy the game after I have introduced it to them so they must have enjoyed it as well.
Better than the previous game (which I never thought was possible), the creators had obviously put some thought into the sequel instead of putting out the same game twice, which happens a lot with sequels. Immensely fun, hilarious story line, and I love that you have to play levels over again to get a perfect score. Hours of replay value. Bought this game without even trying the free trial - I knew I would love in and I did!