Have you missed those complicated door locks from the original Ravenhearst, Master Detective? The realistic graphics that make you feel that you can reach through your screen and grab that crowbar that you've coveted so much? Have you always wondered who was the brains in the Dalimar family? Have you just longed for the option to set your gameplay to "Insane" and have everything be timed, just like in old school MCFs?
This latest installment of the Ravenhearst storyline won't let you down. So, before I get to the nuts and bolts, I'll answer the question the person who is reading these reviews is probably trying to find out: Is it worth the price to buy the Collector's edition? Yes. Don't wait for the standard edition.
I could tell that different designers made the game even before I watched the "Making of" video. Even though Eipix has taken over the franchise, they didn't miss a beat in trying to make it familiar to fans. They took obvious care in preserving the storyline and answering burning questions that Ravenhearst fans have wondered for years. The "look" and "feel" of the Ravenhearst we know and love is consistent throughout the game in terms of graphics, with just enough twists and turns to let you know this is something fresh and new.
Without spoiling too much, I have a message for Eipix: The Ghost Town was SO a missed opportunity. That lightning flash that showed it to us got my blood going thinking there really was more to Ravenhearst than just the souls we know, and we didn't even get to check it out. Sad face.
I would have rated this installment as 5 stars, but I think as everyone else here may be feeling who also rated it as "Liked it," it just feels...different. I can't totally put my finger on it. Is it worth buying the Collector's edition? Sure, but for this series I always buy them, because of the collectibles and the added challenge of morphing objects. It was good, it was a nice play, but it didn't blow my socks off.
While the storyline is something unexpected, MCF traditionalists will know what I mean when I say something didn't add up, and something just didn't feel like our beloved MCF game. It felt like an Eipix game--good, but it was like eating a pie that was technically made using mom's recipe, but it just didn't taste like hers because someone else made it. Savvy?
When the first Ravenhearst games came out, I was so enthralled that I had to force myself to stop playing to do normal human things, like talk to people, and eat. With this, I felt like I could walk away and take a break, grab some groceries, toss in a load of laundry, and come back to it after a couple episodes of Ghost Hunters.
The gameplay was smooth, but you do spend a lot of time outside of the manor, which was disappointing. Perhaps the thrill of the first Ravenhearst was because you were desperate to get in, then spent hours trying to find a way out without knowing what would be behind the next door. This just felt like I could wander around without any trouble...it was ...predictable.
The HOGs are also a traditional list of items that you find or interact with, and I was so happy to see those fancy-dancy door locks again, as they add a new element to the game that I forgot I liked so much and are missing from many games released to day. You have a traditional inventory, a map, and in the CE you have to find these crow minions, and morphing objects in the HOGs. That was a nice challenge, even on relaxed mode. The bonus content unlocks after you finish the bonus game, and includes wallpapers, downloadable soundtracks, art, souvenirs rooms, replay options for the scenes, and videos.
In conclusion to a long-winded review, I know I liked it, but I didn't love it, and I can't truly put my finger on why. I don't regret buying it for a second, and you shouldn't hesitate to add it to your collection.
This review is based on casual mode in the Collectors' Edition. I'll start by answering the most common question: IS it worth spending the $13.99 on the Collectors' Edition?
Absolutely. It certainly is worth every penny and beyond. It's one of the few games I would play again just for the enjoyment of it. The graphics are much better than the first Living Legends (although those were nice, too!).
Plot Summary: It's pretty obvious this is a story similar to that of Snow White, but different. Without revealing too much, here's a general overview of what you'll face. It asks the fabled question "Who is the fairest of them all..?" Living Legends: Ice Rose is a great twist on a classic story. You are attempting to rescue your sister from the evil queen who steals the youth of the fairest maidens from all over the land. Rather than keep to the familiar storyline, you not only save the damsel from being the Queen's next victim, you also help spirits, befriend a squirrel who, when you spend your coins, gets a very tricked-out crib, and get to meet Snow White.
Gameplay: -Excellent, excellent graphics that are both engaging and unearthly. You'll find yourself moving into a new area and having to stop and remember what you were doing next, simply because the beauty of the scenery has taken your breath away. You have to remind yourself that it's art and not real. Although there are Achievements for completing HOSs in a certain amount of time, I really do recommend "stopping to smell the roses." The game is worth playing in casual mode just so you can enjoy the environment. I have to say it ranks in my top 5 most aesthetically beautiful games, and that's saying a lot as I have stupidly high standards for graphics (I figure if I'm going to pay 13.99 for a game I should feel as though at any moment the wicked Queen is going to pop through my laptop screen).
-Typical inventory bar at the bottom, with logical use of items (you actually get to keep the knife for much longer than in other games!). Hint button is a rose on the right (even in casual mode they didn't want you to depend on the hint bar, so it recharges just slowly enough that it's not frustrating, but it gives you time to rethink and try again to solve whatever you're stuck on before you click it.
-Strategy guide included, but not really necessary as everything is pretty straightforward on where items are used or where you should go next. You can explore areas in the order you choose and the use of inventory items and the storyline will still make sense.
-As I said, you befriend a pet and you collect coins around the world to buy upgrades for his/her house. Correct me if I'm wrong, though, but accessing the squirrel's house is not easy. You either have to back out of the game completely to the main game menu, or you have to quickly click on "Pet House" when the bar pops up in the upper left after you have found a coin (it also reminds you of how many you have collected so far to spend). The coins are used for nothing else in the game, so spend away!
-Sparkle areas are easy to see. HOS's are crisp, clear, and not so difficult that you find yourself gazing at the hint button with longing. I think that was because of the Achievements...
-Achievements: The achievements are a mixture of ones you get just for moving through a certain level and getting to the next, to trophies for completing HOSs without hints or finding certain numbers of items within a certain time frame (12 seconds to find 10 items is the highest timed achievement).
-Travel: The map is handy. There are, if memory serves, five major areas you travel to. You get locked out of the starting area after a point, but that's only because you physically don't have a way to get back to it. If you don't like the realistic play of actually walking from scene to scene and retracing your steps to return to puzzles you couldn't solve yet (which happens a lot and makes for a lot of walking time), you can click on the location you want to go back to and it will "port" you there instantly. The map also shows when you have things to do in a certain area, and when you're locked out. It's simple, easy to understand, and handy.
-Journal: You can read up on your character's thoughts as she encounters ghosts (including Snow White!) and interesting items. It logs codes you should remember most of the time, but not always, so I would say jot them down if you don't have a good visual memory.
As far as criticisms go, I have only the one about not being able to access my squirrel easily to bling out his/her house when I feel like taking a breather from the game.
A murderous figure in a red mask haunts the streets of a small French town, and the mayor needs your help to track him down. But you soon discover that the mysterious Red Masque might not be the real criminal…
This will be short and to-the-point. I bought the CE, so that's what this review is based on.
-Clean, straightforward interface that doesn't crowd the screen -Mouse pointer can be a bit particular at times, meaning it wants you to click on an exact tiny spot on an item before you can select or pick it up. This is not a frequent problem, but just wanted to mention it. -Great graphics, true to the preceding games, so it looks and sounds familiar -Soundtrack is nice, mysterious and haunting, but doesn't distract you from the game -HOS are just challenging enough, with objects clearly defined that you need to look for, and those you either have to construct or take a couple extra steps to obtain -You have a private office where you can see your achievements, photos you've taken, and play with your kitty (you'll see <grin>). Nice break from the gameplay and you can see the achievements you can earn before you really dive into the game -Storyline keeps you hooked but doesn't dominate your game play. Some may think this a problem, but it allows you to explore at your leisure without missing anything you need to know about the story and what to do next
Overall, take your time with it and enjoy the effort was put into its creation.
Whether you're considering purchasing the Collector's Edition (which I do recommend) or the standard version, this game is worth twice the price Big Fish is asking for it because of its satisfyingly real and rich graphics, puzzles that are just challenging enough to get your brain juices flowing, hints that are actually helpful, items with logical uses associated to them, and just enough HOSs to change up the game play a bit.
Let's get specific:
> For younger audiences, this game is not appropriate. Portions of it step one toe past creepy into the realm of scary. I would say age 12 and up.
> The zombies are so well done that Big Fish could give Hollywood movie-makers a few pointers.
> The interface is easy to use, and only very slightly intrudes on the gameplay. The inventory bar is a bit taller/larger than necessary, but other than that it's well designed.
> The hints are helpful in directing you where you need to go next, BUT, they are just slightly vague so that you don't feel like they're handholding you.
> The storyline keeps you hot on the trail of the devilish little man who is causing all the trouble (this is not a spoiler, you find this out immediately when you start the game).
> My wish is they didn't tease quite so much about new areas. For example, when you unlock certain areas, instead of being able to enter that building or zone, you're given a hidden object scene--you can't actually go in the building! I found that slightly disappointing, since the exterior of the buildings are so lovingly designed, that the look of them makes you want to see what's inside.
> I didn't really care for the zoomed-out views of a lot of scenes. It's hard to describe, but let's say you're on a platform from a ski lift looking down at a house, a shed, and a courtyard far in the distance. You immediately assume you can walk over there to explore, right? Wrong. Your cursor changes to a magnifying glass over sections of the scene. It zooms in and gives you a pop-up window as though you had walked over there and were looking into, say, a barrel more closely. But, when you close the popup window, once again you're on the platform. You can't move any closer. This design makes scanning the area for intriguing objects much more difficult, because the distance makes the shapes hard to decipher. Small irritation, but it happens often enough to warrant a mention here. You'll see what I mean.
> The length is just right. It's a perfect length, really. It's just long enough to make you feel like you're getting your $13.99/$19.99's worth of gameplay. Yet, you also don't feel like the designers have drawn out the game for the sake of drawing it out, to a tedious extent. The puzzles are challenging and unique; I've played many HOGs but these door/chest puzzles are brand new.
> The puzzles seem to start out easy, and get progressively more difficult (but not impossibly so). It's like they're warming you up to the harder puzzles, which is nice, so you get used to the expectations and skills you'll need to solve them.
> This game will satisfy HOG traditionalists and people who prefer more puzzles than HOSs. It's a working balance between puzzles and HOSs.
> The only problem I had, and this may just be the processing speed on my laptop (which is only about 2 years old at most), is that when the cut scenes that begin with a blacked-out screen load, the first 5 seconds or so of it get cut off, so when the visual finally does load, the event you're supposed to see is either over or partially over. Not sure if this is a problem for other players.
> My concern is, I bought the Collectors' Edition, and the ending is continued in the "Extras" after you finish the main game. I haven't looked, but I worry that if you don't purchase this version, the standard version will end on the proverbial "cliffhanger", which may be frustrating to some. Again, read the description of the features before you purchase the standard version. Regardless, the Collectors' Edition is definitely worth the price tag.
Overall, this game is geared toward people who do enjoy HOSs, who like realism, who enjoy a touch of the scary in the plot, who like puzzles that are challenging but not super hard, and who overall want an interesting experience that keeps you engaged the entire time, from start to finish. It's a little too involved for someone looking for a casual no-brainer HOG, but it's just right for someone who is either seasoned and is looking for something that is easier than the harder games (but not dumber than a sack of hammers easy), or is a first-timer who is learning the ropes of what HOGs really mean.
The residents of Bitterford, Maine have fallen prey to a terrible curse. It’s up to you to unravel the series of mysterious events that led to the town’s downfall and uncover the evil that was responsible.
I don’t hate it. But, I don’t love it, either. Below I have included some specific improvement areas, in addition to some notes about what was done right, but first, a little introduction:
MCF traditionalists will be upset and disappointed, as you see here. MCF has ranked so far above the competition with its interface, lovingly designed graphics, well thought out storyline and challenging puzzles and HOSs. However, Shadow Lake ranks on par with other games, and that is, unfortunately, not a compliment. MCF fans have very high expectations—expectations that MCF set and followed through with for game after game. The feel of the game overall, that tingling excitement you get from knowing it’s just a game but being simultaneously challenged and terrified at the realism of the graphics, is conspicuously absent. I hope the MCF producers are reading the constructive feedback.
1. The interface. The circular oscillating inventory is annoying as heck, because it only shows a small handful of objects at a time. I understand you wanted to design smaller interfaces so that it’s less intrusive on the gameplay, but some level of practicality needs to be considered. If you’re going to make challenging puzzles that require inventory items, at least give us a way to access them that is simple and keeps as many possible in view so it jogs our memories as we contemplate the room/area we’re in. At first, I didn’t know my map was still there because the two-way radio was blocking it. It’s not conspicuous and could have been made better, especially if you intend that to be our primary mode of travel.
2. The map/travel. I already discussed the issue with it being obscured, but I may be alone in my opinion that I actually *liked* being able to walk everywhere I need to go. I don’t enjoy clicking on my map and instantly teleporting to a scene. It reminds me too much of primitive HOS games and makes the game move unrealistically fast. By trying to reduce the amount of travel time you pushed the game in the wrong direction as far as advancement—you brought it backward. Also, it detracts from the realism…that is, if that was what you were aiming for by incorporating so many real-time movies.
3. Acting. The best actors so far are the guy from Ghost Patrol and the meteorologist on the TV in the motel. (Thanks for that, by the way…I nearly clawed my husband’s arm off when I jumped.) Lea Thompson is way over-acting, and insultingly so. She talks as though she thinks her target audience is a group of children, not seasoned adult gamers.
4. HOS “scenes.” In general I like what you did here but I’ll discuss that below. The improvement area is the graphics. I always loved viewing the scenes and seeing objects that have been designed so spectacularly that I actually have to stare at it for a while to see if it’s real or drawn. Another reviewer lamented that the scenes are flat, and I have to agree. If you selected someone new to design the scenes, please bring back the person you had that worked on the others.
Likes: 1. HOS “scenes.” I like how it’s not just one sparkly scene that you have to find the objects in. You have to explore a few rooms to complete the HOS challenge, with mini zoom-in areas to poke through too. Clever!
2. (Is it bad that I have to think hard for a second “like”?) In classic MCF tradition, it’s a rich mystery, but I had to think back several times because I thought I missed a part of the story. Ok, that’s not a “like.” Sorry.
I can see what you were trying to do. You’ve always been cutting-edge and have set the standard for HOS games. What happened? In trying new things there’s always a significant risk, but I think eliminating or fiddling with the things your faithful fans and return customers love, and are quite vocal about in their enthusiasm over those game traits, is a very big gamble, one that I think you should not have taken.
Kudos to people trying MCF games for the first time, but don’t start out with this one because it doesn’t speak to the MCF tradition. I'm clicking "Recommend This Game" only because it's an MCF.
On to the next.
PS. Since this game isn’t working out so well, are you going to issue another one or do we have to wait months and months and months again?
1. An appreciation for beautiful music 2. An imagination that once took you to a land far, far away, once upon a time, filled with beauty and magic. 3. Last, but not least, a love of games that are just challenging enough to make your mouse hover slightly over the hint button, a plot that is well thought out, and napkins to wipe the drool off your face when you realize that every mystical, magical location you created in your mind as a child has been plucked out and illustrated by this game's creators.
The nuts and bolts: The gameplay is smooth, the transitions from scene to scene are logical, the item use makes sense, and it's just plain entertaining!
It was a fun game and its graphics are really, really great. You can tell some parts/characters were blatant rip offs of the Van Helsing movie, and the twins theme from the movie Constantine.
The graphics....They're above par for sure but I'm still debating if they're good enough to redeem the rest of the problems. My biggest irritation with this game, however, is the storyline is at times very unclear. I understand the premise of finding your missing sister, but you get to a point in the game where it becomes unclear why you're doing what you're doing, how you're supposed to do it, and end up staring at the items in your inventory not knowing the purpose they serve, or where to go next, yet the diary will make it sound completely natural that while you are originally just hunting for your sister and trying to discover your past, it's totally normal that you should be collecting crystals that dark cultists used to bring about the end of light, robbing murdered women, and sprinkling magic dust on statues. Sure, why didn't I think of that?
And...maybe because I feel that if I have to pay for something it should be good quality...what bugged me immeasurably were the dialogue lines that appear at the top when you click something of interest and the horribly written, cryptic diary entries (not cryptic because they're challenging clues to follow, but because they're literally so badly written you have to stop and think about what they were actually trying to say and guess what to do).
First, the "reaction" explanation when you try to use an incorrect object on an object of interest or you misclick. It says "It won't fit." Well, the problem is that the pickaxe isn't strong enough to break through the crystal--you have to melt it. Or that you can't set a mug on top of the flat top of a wine barrel. What does that have to do with "fitting" into anything? Am I being too literal? There are other worse examples but I can't recall them at the moment.
Second, the diary entries...For the love of God, surely you have enough money in your budget to either hire an English-speaking proofreader or a better translator, from whatever language you speak, to the English language. You can tell several different people worked on the diary entries, which are really helpful in figuring out how to solve a challenge, because some are not badly written and others look like someone who has no grasp of English was assigned to write them. And then you're supposed to try to figure out what you're supposed to do, because those diary entries try to tell you...
Some examples:
"It's eyes are closed and lends a hand as in request. I wonder what happen if I found what statue needs and will put in his palm." I get that premise.
"On a the platform a creature scared me a lot." Is it a platform, or is it the platform? Ok, grammar, but still..
"My god she was murdered so brutally which confirms mayors words." I have to ask, why would the mayor leave the body out in the middle of a swamp and just tell people about it? And why would you be more interested in the mayor's words than the fact that you stumbled upon a dead body in the swamp and you just took everything out of her purse and left her there with some bat creature?
"On the map there are pathless bogs here. Maybe my sister was taken there I should go I should save her." Ya because it makes total sense to go wander a dangerous bog when you're not sure that's where she was taken.
"Magic stuff could turn dreams into reality, so I wonder what can happen when I use this chalk. Magic things can bring dreams into reality, Interesting, what can I do with it". I get it...magic = dreams = reality. You don't need to repeat the same thing twice. Although I think it funny that you tried twice to make sense and failed both times...
And finally this gem, the diary entry opens with "Does it seem to me or what?" ...Um. Ya, sure. I don't know what "it" is or how "it" seems to me, and why I'm arguing with myself if that's what I really feel like. All your base are belong to us.
Moving BEYOND the typos and gibberish, I got lost in the plot about halfway through. The diary said I was heading to pathless bogs to find my sister, then a few pages later it said I was going to the mansion of my ancestors. When did that happen? Why did I take a boat through the bog and skip through it entirely when that was the original destination to look for my sister? Is it really so commonplace for the character to see dragons that she has no problem with seeing one in a bar and fixing him a drink, yet she's freaked out by flying bats? Why would I automatically think the solution to a glowing statue is to sprinkle magic dust on it? What magic dust? Why would I think multiple people are trapped in crystal when all I see is a hand holding an orb?
Ah well. Rant over. Back to shutting off my brain, ignoring the dialogue and moving through it like it's a movie with bad subtitles.
I recommend this game!
2of4voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Collector's Edition
Dive into an epic journey as a museum owner in pursuit of an undead pirate who has kidnapped your daughter in Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart!
Overall rating
5/ 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
If you love HOSs with a great storyline, you'll LOVE This!
PostedJune 24, 2012
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Hidden Object
Current Favorite:
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart Collector's Edition
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I'm a loyal MCF fan and I never thought I'd find another game comparable to the quality of theirs, but this is it. There's something for everyone to love: romance, action, the paranormal, mystery, intrigue, pirates, blasting canons, clever puzzles that are just hard enough, and the kind of spine-tingling creepiness that is just creepy enough to add some spice to the game without being horrifying. All of this is accompanied by hints that are actually helpful for when you get stuck, an amazing score, clever dialogue, richly developed characters, and incredible, breathtakingly real graphics.
I hope they make many, many more games, because they have a new loyal customer. Aside from the MCF Ravenhearst series of games, I have never put the money into a collector's edition. But, my fellow fishes, this I wholeheartedly say is completely worth it. Buy it. NOW. It's one of those games that will make you want to forgo meals and turns the hours into minutes.
Return once more to the haunted grounds of Ravenhearst Manor to uncover new details about this poignant saga. What you find could very well be the final chapter of this riveting story-if you escape.
The anticipation was killing me when I found a new MCF was coming out...but I have to say for the first time ever, I was disappointed with a Ravenhearst installment. I appreciate the elevation of scare level, that didn't bother me, but the gameplay was not what I have come to expect from a MCF game.
The graphics were up to par, I loved that the detective character was so intimately involved in the storyline, but morphing objects instead of HOS...? I just can't classify this is a true HOS, then. The reason why I loved MCF games so much is because they really were true hidden object scene games, but the quality of gameplay and plot was so far above every other manufacturer that they were leaps and bounds above anyone else--hence the nail-biting anticipation between each game released. Not so with this installment.
If you wanted to try something new, why not make the game a mix of morphing object scenes and hidden object scenes, then ask for player feedback about which they liked best--that way we're eased into it, and MCF Traditionalists aren't blindsided by the sudden change in the gameplay?
What happened, guys? I say you're going to have to make another installment of the Ravenhearst saga just to make up for this...
MCF has continued to produce visually stunning and mentally compelling games, and this is no exception. No other games have compared to the quality of the MCF series..don't just buy this one, buy them all.