just a re run of an old game Get the elves etc but have played this game Things are hard at this time with game developers BUT BFG ME THINKS YOU ARE LOSING CUSTOMERS FROM WHAT GAMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT THE OUTPUT OF GAMES
just so sad with BFG that the games are just replays of CE sorry this is just a hard time with developers But this is just bad game after bad game I agree with all reviews BFG times are hard but stop putting out re runs of games
what has happened to Big Fish - games are childish - no big games being pushed out come on - look at your reviews - customers are leaving Games really poor at the moment Get the big developers back - PLEASE
Art By Numbers transports us to a new world of wonderful paintings! Let your creative side shine as you complete these colorful paint-by-numbers puzzles.
great that you can expand pictures - love it & cant say anymore than pennmom (sorry if i spelt that wrong) - best at giving us feed back whoever they are I read the comments game is brilliant - not to many repeats of previous art thanx
just an awful click click click boring - back to the old days! cant hold cursor to colour just awful - first & second page - deleted Update your game - you will not make money sorry -Really BaD game
so many games are tinky winky games the adult games have been lost or very short play time for Collectors Difficult times - just when we need good games & not airy fairy games Step up & get your game designers to push them out