Firstly - game to short - sick of paying for mediocre games -that are not worth the money - Especially if they are Collectors Editions! Think BFG start looking at your reviews Please - Is there anyone alive in your dept who can reply to us gamers!!!!!!! HO HUM - just more short games - wanting our cash! Ye Gods - we are sick of trash games - BFG NOT JUDT ME BUT WE ARE SICK OF YOU SENDING OUT SECOND RATE CHILDISH GAMES! Thank god for Steam !
Just agree with heaven bound and other gamers - yes it passes the time of day- but ye gods -what are BFG trying to sell us must admit - have gone to another gaming site - where games are up to date and a more of a challenge BFG i don't really want to run you down - been here for years - now I just feel you cant be bothered with us gamers Maybe you are short of developers - please turn the clock back - to when you where a great and the best game site Not Now - HO HUM
Yawn -Yawn - Everything was just full of so much junk and clutter I tried before bought this - It was awful Sorry Dom or Do - but this game was cluttered and boring -Story line went on Far to LONNNNNNNNNNNNNg Nice try BFG - but not sure with games like this we will buy Nice try - But step it up please Thanx Devs & BFG for trying
just silly fun - we know these games -play them and love them I like the history of the places they go to Yes we have all played them before -me likes! Why don't they ever change their clothes when travelling -must stink But whatever - easy and relaxing - to pass the time of day Thanx BFG
thank god there is one player who likes this game - have any idea what about games you put out any clue how many silly - childish games you have put just recently - 7 or more -BORE what about gamers who want a challenge - rather than flower - butterflies - cooking etc trying to find jewels ! BFG you have lost the plot - look a your reviews 0/1 or 2 over the past ! Sad - You used be a good game site - Lost your DEVS - so no games nothing here to recommend this game site I am an adult - do not need childish games
YAWN - yet another childish game What has to BFG - we are over the age of 12 years Your game site is full of "lollipop games - butterflies - how to save you garden!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes your games at the moment are boring - childish & should be sold to nursery schools How may times have gamers said - you cant deliver good games anymore!!!!! No you cant reply - but hope other gamers will YAWN BORE YAWN
YAWN Bore Bore -seen it done it better BFG Brush up your art ! Boring Boring - Like a lot of your last games BFG - You are struggling to find developers who can put out games Me Thinks time to move to another site Used to be 28/38 reviews on games Noticed - maybe 2/4 at max BFG up your game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ye Gods -one review from Zombie 9 - just about sums up this game - what on earth is happing with BFG so many games with 1/2 comments - Does any at BFG really look at what we are saying Childish games for months In the past 28/34 comments for games BFG read what we say BFG - gone done hill BIG TIME We know you cant reply - but please GET US SOME GOOD GAMES- NOT KIDS STUFF
Yes for once a game adults that play - rather than kids The game quality has dropped big time with BFG Noticed Because no one plays them! Take for example Farming Fever 3 - NO COMMENTS I am not in a nursery - where is the old good old BFG I So agree with Biomix - so many childish games What has happened to BFG
Please let us loyal players know what the HO HUM I AM BORED
7 series of sugar rush - must be diabetes!!!!!!! YET AGAIN ANONTHER CARTOON KIDS GAME I CANT SAY ANY MORE BFG - Have been replaying my older games and the reviews are - anything between 28/36 ratings if not more on other games - YOU just -now at most 3-5 ratings If I was your CEO - I would really look at my developers HO HUM BFG - AGAIN SAD BORING GAMES Never mind - your problem - me- time yo move to another site Been with you years & years - but bye bye x