Hello friends! As always, I review mostly on the game play and leave the story line to those who can do a much better job than I. The graphics in this game were very nice in long distance scenes, but were quite blurry in the close up and cut scenes. They seem to have gotten worse with this game. Colors are bright and clear, but that doesn't help much. Game play was very good and I had no problems during the demo. Voice overs weren't bad, but not a lot of character interaction, which definitely helps you really get into a game. Not much in the way of sound FX either, so this game was pretty quiet, except for the music. Animation was quite good, with eye and facial movements.
HOPs are a combination of interactive lists and riddles. Items were fairly easy to spot, and again, some scenes were a bit cluttered. You can switch to a match 3 if you prefer. Puzzles are the same as always and are fairly simple as well. Hint system is usually helpful, but sometimes just tells you to move on. We do have the transport feature for long distance travel to other locations. Yes, there is a lot of backtracking. The jump map was quite boring and not very helpful, except to jump to a location. Easier and faster to just use the transport. Someone really got lazy with this one.
Collectibles are 30 musical notes, large and easy to spot. The game definitely needed something more in this department. Collectibles were very disappointing.
When I beta tested it, it seemed a lot more fun, but fell way short today. I was surprised at the extremely short demo as well. Hard to get into a game when it only lasts 30 minutes. This addition was not challenging at all, the story moved very slowly and often left you wondering what you are doing and why. It got to the point where I felt like I was just running back and forth. Not enough action or character interaction to keep you interested. Story could have been really nice, but without voices and sound FX, it just sort of slowed down to a crawl and became boring. It just did not flow very well. I really liked this series, but the last few have been very disappointing. I really do not feel this one is CE worthy. It would probably be a nice game for a beginner, but not for a seasoned gamer. I often find that a CE makes a better SE game, but I'm not sure about this one. Without extras, it's just a walk-though. I will recommend this one for beginners or those of us who just want a simple easy game now and then...I have a number of those. Unfortunately, not a buy for me.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may find this one to be exactly what you are looking for. Thanks for the reviews.
Hello friends! As usual, I review mostly on the game play and leave the story line to those who can do a much better job on it than. Where do I start with this game? The graphics are excellent, very clear and clean. I really like how the dev incorporated a cartoon-like graphic to tell the story and background of what is happening, and included HOPs in them as well. Colors are bright and true, but not over powering. Game play was awesome and perfect, with no glitches or bumps along the way. Animation is very smooth and realistic in all aspects of play. Voices are extremely well done, being age and character appropriate. Unlike some other games, we actually have different voices for the characters. They all have very realistic emotions, and not just someone reading a script. You can click through most dialog, if you read faster than they speak, and you won't miss any important information. Sound FX are throughout the game and very well done. Music is soothing until that "edge of your seat" moment is about to happen. Very nice.
HOPs are exceptionally well done, very different. You often have puzzles within the HOP. Scenes are very clear and items are not difficult to find, but you do have to work for some of it. We have a combination of highlighted words, interactive HOPs, and items related to other items. I love HOP games and I have never seen HOPs this well put together, nor this much fun. I did not see that you could switch to something else, but I really wouldn't want to either. Puzzles are interesting, fun and challenging. Most take a bit of brain power to complete, not a lot, but they do take a little time. You do a lot of back tracking, but not really any long distance. I got so engrossed in the game that I didn't even look at the map. Hint system is quite helpful, but I don't recall a transport feature during the demo.
Collectibles are not what they could have been, but still very nicely done. We have to find 28 skull dominoes. These can be challenging, as some are quite small and easy to overlook. We also have 31 morphing items within the scenes. Some have more than one and have a very subtle morph, making them often hard to spot.
I really like this type of game, putting together clues and evidence to figure out who is doing what and why. Exceptionally well done! I seldom give a game 5 stars, as it must be exceptional throughout to get them from me. That said, I have not seen a game this good in a very long time. The story is similar to other detective stories, but still different. I got caught up in it very quickly, and was quite disappointed when the demo ended. This dev has spent a lot of quality time on this one and put out an excellent game. I believe all levels of players will find this one entertaining and challenging. Yes, I am adding this one to my collection and I am giving it 5 stars!
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think we all have different tastes in games and you may not care for this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.
Hello friends, hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! As usual, I review mostly on the game play and leave the story to others who do a much better job than I. We have #2 in this series, which picks up where the first left off. It's still a little different story, but the players are the same. Again, we have a slight blur in the close up scene, but for the most part, the graphics are very well done. Animation was excellent and movements were very fluid, except for an occasional "twitch" when a character swayed and jumped. Not sure what that was all about. The colors are quite bright and true, and very clear. Game play was excellent and the scenes fit my large screen completely. Voices are well done when we have them, being age and character appropriate. Didn't seem to be as much character interaction in this one. Our character makes noises now and then, but still doesn't speak. The music was okay, but got a little boring after awhile. Sound FX are fairly well done. Again, we are able to completely turn off the recharge and skip when setting our custom controls.
HOPs were interactive lists and find the highlighted word. I did not see that you could switch to something else if you did not care for the HOPs. The scenes were fairly clean and items were not difficult to find. We also have morphing items within the HOPs. They morph in and out at about 5 seconds, so they are easy to miss. The "Viking" yell when you found all the items in the HOPs did get quite annoying. Puzzles were simple and nothing new. We didn't seem to have many HOPs or puzzles in this one, just more running around and collecting inventory items. Felt more like a walk-through, not much action in the demo. The hint system is quite helpful and I see that they did add a transport feature. This is a good thing, as you back track a lot in this one. I didn't even look at the map this time. Didn't need it with the transport feature. Strategy guide is the usual and instructions are clear and easy to follow, if you get lost or confused, and of course, it does show you where your collectibles can be found.
Collectibles were a little disappointing. All we have to find are 34 feathers. Not sure they are all feathers throughout the game, you travel to different realms, so you may find different collectibles in each. The colors are pretty bland, so they are easy to miss. Looks like that's it.
This time, we are searching for giant stags to save our world and the Tree of Life. This story line didn't interest me as much as the first in this series, as it moved slowly, but hopefully it picks up as the game progresses. I noticed that when picking up items for the inventory, some areas did not zoom in, so you have to check everything in a scene just in case, and some items are fairly small. I think most levels of players will find this one not challenging, but somewhat fun, especially if you like the Viking era. I gave it a 4.0 because again, a game is more fun and realistic if your character actually speaks, and the collectibles needed more. Still not a bad game, and one that I do recommend. I will add this one to my collection, but I will wait for a really good sale.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may not care for this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.
Hello friends! Well, I've lost count on this one...8, 9? As usual, I mostly review on the game play and not the story line, as others do a much better job of that than I. For the most part, this game has excellent graphics, with a lot of detail. Yes, there is blurring in close ups as usual, but that seems to be the norm these days. Animation is well done, and the movements are realistic and fairly smooth. The colors are clear and nice, even though we do have some purples here and there. Game play was excellent, with no problems during the demo and the scene fit my large screen quite nicely. Voices are very well done, being age and character appropriate, with emotion. You can skip through dialog if you read faster than they speak. There seemed to be a little more character interaction in this addition, but not a whole lot. It was sporadic. The music seems to play in the background most all the time and is soothing, until something is about to happen. The sound FX aren't too bad, mostly birds and the like, but we have footsteps, opening doors, etc.
HOPs are nicely done, but not as varied as they were in the last game. I found straight lists and interactive silhouettes. I did not see that you can switch to another game. You do need to find small pieces of paper in the HOPS. They don't jump off the page at you, and are easy to forget, so be on the lookout. Items are not difficult to see, but can often be somewhat hidden. I did see that we repeated a few HOPs as well. Puzzles weren't all that challenging, but I did find one that was frustrating...nothing really different. Hint system was a bit frustrating, when it said "nothing more to do here right now." That isn't a hint! We do have the transport feature in this one. This is very helpful, as you do a lot of back-tracking. There is a jump map, but you don't really need it with the transport feature. Other than that, the map is quite plain.
Collectibles were better in this game than the last. We have to "kick" 10 piles of leaves. Not sure why, but once it said "childhood memories." Nothing played, so who knows. There are 16 morphing objects as well. Not as easy to spot as you think and not in every scene. There are also 9 "lore cards," that give you bits and pieces of information about...what else, folk lore. These also are not in every scene and are very easy to forget to pick up.
The story was interesting, even though it is somewhat predictable. The demo was quite short, but I found that I was drawn in to the story fairly quickly. For some reason, I need to find out what's happening here and why. Not much challenge here, but the game flowed well and was easy to follow. Plus, I like the story. I think most all levels of players will find this one interesting and worth the price of a CE. I rarely give a game 5 stars, and this one is no exception, only because of the few things I mentioned above. Even so, I still think it's worth a 4.25. Yes, I am adding this one to my collection.
Try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may not care for this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.
Hello friends! As always, I mostly review on the game play and leave the story line to others who do a much better job of it. I do reserve the right to comment on the story now and then and here and there. Looks like we have #3 in this series. Yes, I have the first two in the CE version. Colors are the same as in the other two games, very bright, almost too much in some areas, but basically very nice. Graphics are quite nice, with eye and mouth movements. Game play was excellent, with no problems during the demo and it fit my large screen quite nicely. Voice overs are nicely done, being age and character appropriate. Again, we have a choice in dialog, not one of my favorite things to do in a game. Just doesn't make it seem realistic if you have to click on what you want to say. Yes, it is in every character interaction. You can click through dialog if you read faster than they speak. Music is rather soothing and nice and not at all over powering. Sound FX in this game are very well done and very realistic, bugs, birds, animals, items being moved, running water, etc. Animation is well done and have fairly smooth movements. I do wonder if they really had metal screws in the 16th century. Sometimes, things are quite out of place for the era and time period of the game. Also, if you find a lock pick, why do you have to throw it away and find a key for the next door? Why can't we just keep it? It's the little things.
HOPs are very nicely done and varied, with a combination of matching pairs, interactive lists, highlighted words, silhouettes, and fragments. We even had a puzzle within the HOP. Well done. I did not see that you can switch to something else. Items are not difficult to find and the scenes are fairly clear. It seemed the more you had to do, the more cluttered the scene was, but not overly so. Still, it was not difficult to find the item you needed. I like that you don't collect piles of items in your inventory before you actually use them. They get used pretty quickly. Puzzles were a little different, not difficult, but a couple took me a bit of time to complete. I do have to say that the sliding game is a long way from my favorite..I just skip that one, as it is very frustrating to me. Hint system is helpful, but I didn't see that it transported to longer locations. Maybe I didn't go far enough yet. Put on your tennis shoes, as you do a lot of back tracking in this one. There is a jump map, but you must put your cursor on the area in order to know what the area is. This is what I call the "lazy man's map," and it's boring. Yes, it transports.
Collectibles aren't bad. We have "twinkles," that are various colored and shaped gems. They are very small and quite easy to over look, as they mostly look like a small reflection of light. Be on the look out for these, there are 90 of them. There can be more than one in each scene. All we get out of collecting all of them, is a bonus match 3 game. We also have 14 morphing flowers. These are quite large, but not easy to spot. The morph in for only about 2 seconds and out for about 10 seconds. Blink and you miss them.
The story line is really nothing new, wizards, magic and kings, and it moved slowly. It wasn't a challenging game at all but I did like the HOPs. Still, it didn't make me want to run out and buy it. It seemed geared more toward the beginner, than a seasoned gamer. That said, now and then I like games that take no brain power, I'm just not sure this one is CE worthy. I think I will wait for the SE on this one. I do recommend this game, simply because of the wonderful HOPs, but not for the challenge.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may not like this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.
Hello friends! As usual, I review mostly on the game play and leave the story line to other who do a much better job than I. However, I reserve the right to comment now and then on the story. This makes #11 in this series. No, I do not have them all and what I do have are not all CE versions either. The graphics in this addition are extremely well done, with no blurring when going in and out of close ups. Very nice for a change. Game play was excellent, no problems during the demo at all. Voices are age and character appropriate, with emotion, e.g. anger, fear, surprise, etc. Well done. Colors are nice, unless you are in the cemetery, then they get gray and lifeless, of course. Music is the same as in all the others in this series. I'd much rather hear good sound FX and forget the music. The sfx are nicely done and there seems to be the sound of wind almost throughout the demo. Yes, we do have a helpful raven in this one.
HOPs are just HOPs and nothing special. So far, just straight lists and some interactive thrown in. Scenes are not too bad, but a bit cluttered and very muted colors. There was nothing you could switch to if you got bored with the HOPs. Definitely needed something extra. Puzzles were fairly simple. I found only one that frustrated me to the point of skipping, but otherwise, nothing new. The hint system is very helpful, and actually gives you a hint when you ask for it. There is no transport in this game, which would have been very helpful, since you do a lot of back tracking. We do have a jump map that is set up nicely, with the areas clearly identified.
Collectibles...none! Instead, you get to choose dialog. I truly do not care to choose dialog. It's boring for me and takes away from the fun of the game. I assumed that whichever you chose, determines what happens in the game, so I did go back under another name and tried different answers. It didn't change anything, just changed the totals on my "order or karma" counter. Don't know what that does for us. However, it could eventually change the outcome of the game as we progress. It just didn't during the demo.
The last game in this series was far better than this one. This addition was very disappointing for me. Mostly because there were no collectibles, so what makes it CE worthy? The story started out interesting and made me want more, but once in the game, it slowed down and got a bit boring. I also got very tired of needing to use the raven for everything. I understand the need to use it, but it was used way too much for me. I'm sure there will be those who find this game fun and challenging, but I am not one of them. Definitely needed collectibles to help it along, and personally, I do not feel it is CE worthy as it stands. I will recommend this for beginners, and for those who don't care for collectibles, but no buy for me.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may find this one to be exactly what you are looking for. Thanks for the reviews.
Hello friends! And the games just keep on coming. We have another addition to this series, yes I have them all. As always, I mostly review on the game play and leave the story to others to review. Colors are a little faded now and then, but otherwise very clear and nice. Graphics are very well done and quite clear. Game play is excellent, with no problems during the demo. Animation is perfectly done and very smooth, with very realistic movements, e.g. eyes,mouth, etc. Music is somewhat soothing for the most part, but does move with whatever may be happening, or about to happen, in the scene. Voices are age and character appropriate and extremely well done, with emotion, fear, anger, etc. You can click through the dialog if you read faster than they speak. There seems to be a little more character interaction than in some of the others in this series, which really draws me into a game and makes it more realistic. Sound FX are very well done and quite realistic, and are throughout the game. No dead air in this game. Be aware that I did run across one clown, so if you don't care for them, close your eyes. You do get to destroy him. Occasionally, things jump out at you. I didn't find that scary, but some people might.
HOPs are quite varied and an excellent combination of interactive lists, pairs/list/puzzle within a puzzle, place item in scene and find symbols. Areas are very clear and items are not difficult to find. I did not see that there was another game you could switch to if you did not care for the HOPs. Extremely well done. Puzzles were somewhat challenging, but we still had a few that were fairly simple. Nothing new, but a little something for any level of player. Nicely done. Hint system is quite helpful and it does transport to longer locations. This is very helpful, as you do return to the same locations multiple times. The jump map was okay, and it did show you whether or not you found the collectible, but I much prefer the transport feature.
Again,we have to collect flowers. Some scenes have more than one. This time, they are a little more difficult to find, as some as quite light in color, but most are fairly easy to spot. We also have 12 figurines of the characters, and they morph. I found some to be rather small, and they morph fairly quickly, so be on the lookout.
This story is sort of creepy, but wasn't really scary to me. Even at that, I was drawn into it right away and I have the need to see where it is going. The game was quite easy to follow, and you were constantly on the move, so you don't get bored. Took a look at the bonus content and see that it looks as though we have 3 extra areas to visit if we collect enough flowers. This is called the secret room. I really need to see what that is all about. I do not give 5 stars easily, as a game must be exceptional in all areas. I'm on the edge on this one. Something is keeping me from giving it 5 stars, but I don't know what, so I'm going to give it a solid 4.75. I think most all levels of players will find this one fun and entertaining. I really love this series, and this one is no exception. Yes, I am going to add this to my collection.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may not care for this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.
Hello friends! As always, I review on the game play and seldom on the story line, as others do a much better job of that than I. Graphics are very nice, very clear, but I did notice a "wave" over the face of our heroine in close ups. As always, there is some blurring in the close ups as well, which seems to be the norm lately with all the games. Colors are beautiful, bright and true. Game play was excellent, with no problems during the demo, and the scenes fit my large screen quite nicely. Voices are very well done, and are age and character appropriate. They even show emotion and not just someone reading a script. Music was soothing and not intrusive. Sound FX were nice and fit whatever scene or area you were in at the time. Animation is smooth and quite realistic.
HOPs are varied, the scenes are fairly clear and items are not difficult to find. We do have morphing items in these HOPs, which I kept forgetting to look for. The HOPs seemed few and far between during the demo. Hopefully we will have more as the game progresses. You can switch to a match stones game, which is simply a match 3 game. Puzzles aren't difficult, although a couple took me longer than I expected them to. Don't know if it happens in every puzzle with multiple things to do, but in one puzzle, I was able to skip part without skipping the entire puzzle. That is a great feature for me. There is a jump map, but jumping was about all it was good for. When you click to open a picture in the map, it was a little blurry. The hint system is very helpful and it did transport to longer locations, which came in quite handy, since you do quite a lot of back tracking.
Collectibles are a bit disappointing again. All we have are 35 signs, which look like multi-colored scorpions. These are not as easy to see as you think. They have done a pretty nice job of hiding and blending them into the scenery. Still would have been nice to have something else as well.
This addition makes lucky number 13 in this series. I have all of the others, but not all are CE versions. This story reminded me a lot of the Cadenza series, which I love. Still, it is it's own story and is well done. The game is not really challenging, but it flows very well, so it is easy to follow and objectives are clear. The story was interesting enough to make me want to play it out and see where it goes. I think most levels of players will find this game worthy of a CE. Yes, I am going to add the CE to my collection.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may not care for this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.
Hello friends! Been out of town, so playing catch up today. As usual, I review on the game play and not usually the story, as others do a much better job than I. I've lost count with this series, I know there are quite a few and I have them all. The graphics in this game are fairly well done, but a little blurry in close up, as with most games these days. The colors are bright and and true. Game play was excellent, no problems during the demo and it fit my large screen very nicely. The voices are very well done, age and character appropriate, and you can click through dialog if you read faster than they speak. Animation is quite good, with eye movements and all. Music is very quiet, but I usually turn it down. I prefer listening the the sound FX, voices and such. That said, I didn't notice much in the way of sound FX in this one. It just seemed very quiet.
If you don't care for HOPs, you can play a bubble game. The HOPs are varied and nicely done, with straight/interactive lists and highlighted words. Scenes are fairly clear and Items are not difficult to find. However, they were few and far between in this addition. We do have morphing objects to find in each HOP, you just have to remember to look for them. Some puzzles are a bit challenging, and a number of them took more time and thought than I figured they would. Mostly they were the same as any other game and were not difficult. Hint system is very helpful and it does transport to longer locations. This is quite helpful, as you do backtrack quite a lot to the same locations. I think we had almost too much backtracking, as the game felt like it moved too slowly. As usual, I didn't even look at the map, since the transport feature worked better and is much faster.
The only collectibles I found are 37 black graduation hats. These "hats" are large enough to be seen without any problem and in some cases, quite large, but not as easy to see as you may think. Collectibles, or the lack thereof, was disappointing. Definitely needed more.
I like this series, but this one seemed to be lacking something, besides better collectibles. Hard to tell from the short demo if this one picks up as it goes along, but I think I might need to find out. This one is going my puddle, to wait for a better special, then I will add it to my collection of CE games. I'm sure most players will find something good with this game. It isn't a bad game at all, just a little slow.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tastes in games and you may not care for this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.
Hello friends! Well, I've lost count on this series, but I know we have a lot of them. As always, I mostly review on the game play and not the story line, as others do a much better job on that than I. The graphics are a bit blurred in the close up scenes, but otherwise quite good. Since this has become the norm for games, I should maybe quit commenting on it, but I probably will anyway. Colors are very nice and clear. Game play was quite good, with no problems during the demo and the scenes fit my large screen completely. The voice overs are well done and are age and character appropriate, do show emotion. There seems to be a little more character interaction, but not a lot. Animation is fairly well done, with facial movements in close ups only, but body movements are a bit choppy. Still, not bad. Music was nice and moved with whatever was happening at the time, adding a little suspense now and then. Sound FX are well done and are throughout the game.
HOPs are mostly interactive lists, so hopefully this will change as the game progresses. The scenes are quite clear and items are not difficult to find. We do have a morphing object in the scenes, which does morph slowly. This makes it a little harder to spot. I did not see that you could switch to something else if you didn't care for the HOPs. Puzzles were not difficult at all, but a couple did take a little time and thought to complete. SG is the same as all other games. Hint system is helpful, and we do transport to longer locations. This is a good because we don't stand still for long and do a lot of back tracking. Again, the map was very boring really didn't need to be used, as long as we have the transport feature. There is a lot of action in this game to keep you interested and on the move.
Very few collectibles in this addition. Besides the morphing items in the HOPs, we have 37 signs. These are ancient gold drink holders. They are not hard to spot at all, are quite large and pretty much stand out in the scene. You just have to remember to look for them. We also have the usual fact cards that give us information on areas and things within the game.
This addition wasn't quite as good as some of the others in this series, but I like it well enough to continue playing and see what happens. Yes, same story, different day, but it's the hunt that intrigues me. The story and game play move very smoothly, so you don't get bored standing in one area. I think all levels of players will find this one interesting and fun and yes, I am going to add it to my collection. I give this one an easy 4.0.
As always, try it for yourself and see what you think. We all have different tasted in games and you may not care for this one at all. Thanks for the reviews.