A strange and deadly pollen is spreading around the world, and you’ve been hired to track down its source. But the secrets you discover in the fabled kingdom of Floralia are much darker than you imagined...
I've been a Dark Parables fan since Briar Rose awoke from her slumber in Dark Parables #1, and it's a series that continues to improve with each new release.
Others have touched on the story summary, so I won't rehash that. One thing I do notice, however, is how often reviewers post after playing the demo but before playing the game, and that often leaves out the most important parts! I've, however, played this one through twice now, and I can confirm that this episode not only adds to the series in quality and story complexity (not to mention this artist/English teacher's nerdy love of allusions!), but it adds a brand new twist:
Three possible endings! When it comes to the showdown scene, you have a choice of using one of three artifacts, and I tried two. The first ended with bittersweet tragedy, the second, bittersweet redemption. I don't know about third yet, but I'm willing to bet it's more on the tragic side. I won't spoil which is which, as the DP games all have replayability, so I want you to find out for yourself.
The one thing that did disappoint me a little is some of the shortcuts made with animation (the rest of the artwork is so exquisite that I can't help but notice the drop in precise attention to details in animated sequences), and I do feel a little frustrated that the developers haven't yet made the transition to widescreen (this artwork is made to be seen in detail!), but neither bother me enough to affect my rating.
I'm a big follower of PC adventure games, having amassed a collection of over 200 (mostly adventure) games, and this one definitely fits cleanly into one of my top 20, if not 10 (and that's saying something, because there are some spectacular developers on the scene right now!).
4.9 stars out of 5.0, easy. And judging by the hints dropped about the next in the series, I'm going to be just as crazy waiting for Dark Parables 8 as I was for #7! (No, seriously, I scared my dog at 2 a.m. when I saw that this one was finally available. It's a good thing I don't have roommates, to say the least...) ;)
A famous actor has literally stepped off the screen to kidnap your niece. Now you must find a way into the dangerous and exciting world of the film to save her!
My review is based upon the completed full game, including the bonus chapter.
Up to now, I've greatly enjoyed the Surface series, especially the first two (clever back-story with the first, not knowing exactly where the story would end up; the second--I'm a fan of steampunk and the concept of floating cities). Even the third and fourth games had enough to keep me fully engaged, despite not being QUITE as into the storylines.
When I started this game, I was optimistic. I'm a huge classic-era Hollywood cinemaphile, to the point where I make my college students write about a classic movie as their first essay of the semester, and some of the minigames are true puzzlers. However, this particular game did not live up to its expectations. For one thing, the story ended before it had a chance to get fully interesting. I mean, a story in which the film world merges with reality? Lots of potential here! I, however, had finished the game within just over two hours--including the bonus chapter, less than three.
On the whole, the plot jumped around a bit. I never felt much of an attachment to any of the characters, either--the story either jumped around too quickly in most areas, or in others, it lagged (especially the cutscenes--why on earth is there always such a slow pan when there's no narration or anything else to move the scene along?).
I wanted to like this one so much, but I feel just... let down. The one redeeming part, for me, was the bonus chapter. Without it, the story seems to come to an abrupt, disappointing end, but the bonus chapter does allow the player (especially one like myself who is an idealist) a chance to "set things right." So, if you do buy the game, I would recommend buying it on sale when you can get a CE version for equal-to- or less-than-standard-edition prices. Without the CE and the challenged of finding collectors' items, it's really just a letdown.
To the developers: You're better than this, and we both know it. I truly think you rushed this to get it out by a deadline, and as a result, it feels incomplete. Please, in the future, take an extra month or two to make a better game. Don't fall into the trap of creating sequels with less punch than the originals, which seems to be the pattern you've been following with the Surface games. I have faith in you!
I'm usually the sort of person who makes excuses for poor movies and games. This one, though, really ended up being a waste of money for me. Besides the grammatical and spelling errors (I'm an English teacher (writing, specifically, on the college level) who wanted to go into publishing, and I keep finding myself yelling at games, "You could hire me and avoid these ridiculous mistakes!"), the storyline is full of gaps. How does the main character remain oblivious to the end? How are we supposed to make the connections between other plotlines that I'm not going to mention lest I let slip an unintentional spoiler? The presentation of this game had hole after hole, with confusing requirements for finishing each chapter, and now I'm wishing I had spent my seven dollars on another Nancy Drew game or saved the credit up for a collector's edition of another game. Bah.