Rescue a young girl from the Penumbra Motel. Solve puzzles, unravel a long standing mystery of death and disappearances in this heart-pounding adventure game!
*****One reviewer was upset that the main character was a woman. Get over yourself this is 2012 not 1912, heck we even got the vote now! I don't get all up in arms if the main character is a man, I am comfortable enough in my feminity! Thank you to the Video Game industry for representing! YAY Women buy games too!
That being said...................... Wow! This game was a lot of fun! It had all of the aspects of a great Hidden Object game, but was not a hidden object game. It felt like it, but wasn't.
It does have a lot of Great puzzles and a fab story line. I Highly recommend it! Norman Bates aside!
My Only complaint about the game is that it was very short. I finished it in one night (granted, I could not stop playing as it is VERY absorbing!# But I did finish it in only one night.
There is an extra chapter in the CE version, but I have not played it yet. I like this a lot. The graphics were good, the voice overs were not hideous #which sounds like being dammed by faint praise, but is, in actuality a very big compliment. If you play a lot of HOG you know that most of the voice overs are INSUFFERABLE and I usually just put it on Mute.) This one was not bad.
The music was fun and actually very catchy. I found myself singing it when I went to run erands.
All in all, this game is SUPER FUN! I Look forward to a sequel, but it's short so you may want to wait for the regular edition. Try the demo, but be warned, if you do, you will prob buy the game. It's awesome!
Wow this one is awesome! Good V/s Evil! Lots of fun! Highly recommended! A+++ This is what gaming is MEANT to be! Bravo! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS GAME!!! It is like "Scooby-Doo super Fun!"
I REALLY wanted to like this game, but the more I played it, the more I wondered "Why is this a CE game?" had it been a regular edition, I would have bought it, as it is, I'll wait.
It will be a fun game for $6.99 or use a free game credit if you have them, but In My Humble Opinion #and I play these games a lot# this is NOT CE quality.
Since everyone has their own opinions, I suggest that you check out the demo. This may be the game of your dreams, and please don't get me wrong, it's not "Bad" in fact it can be fun at parts, but a CE game at a CE price it is NOT.
I do recommend the game, but not till it is a standard edition. When that happens, I will definately buy it. Hope this helps
This game is VERY short! It's not a bad game, but I don't think it should be CE by any stretch. Pretty much a good seek and find. The puzzles are either so easy that there is no challenge or so abstract that there is no way to see where there going with it (at least not to me)
The hints recharge quickly and the SG was helpful, but in all honesty I could have just used the hint button. It was good.
The artwork is ok, and the game is pretty cool, but I was done in less than 4 hours and that seems like a short game for $14. To be fair, I have not played the bonus content, but I usually don't.. There are 4 chapters and while the 4th is by far the longest, I was really expecting more.
The ending is weird and rather sudden and leaves you knowing that there is going to be a sequal. I was shocked at how much detail went into the game and then, suddenly, it was over.
All in all, not a bad game but WAY too short for a CE. I cannot recommend the game as a CE but as a regular edition, it would be a definate buy!
This game was Great. The puzzles and HO scenes as well as the story line is a new twist to an old story. I love the psychology of the "family" and the changing scenes with each family member. This was a very engaging game, a good length, and a nifty story with lovely graphics. The soup in the banquet hall made me actually gag,#how many games can you say that about# fortunately it was short and not too involved. You will NOT be sorry if you purchase this game! It is well well worth the money!
I do have a However, there is a place where the casino tells you to put out the trick dice if the players get too lucky. The dice will only roll a 12. I am a craps dealer in a casino and have been for years. Quite honestly, a 12 will not cause you to loose money on a craps table unless it is on the come out roll. If you roll more than 3 craps in a come out roll, I will be amazed. Any player that didn't notice something was up with that, then they would have to be in a coma. If the dice were to roll a 7, then I would have totally been into it! It was just a little thing but it could have been so much better!
I did the beta testing on this game and I wrote in with that comment, but no one changed it. Sigh... Anyhow, that took away from the overall "cool factor" so I gave it 4 stars, but otherwise it is an AWESOME game!
PS we NEVER use trick dice! You get your choice of 5 and they are all checked and re-check for legitimacy #just throwing that out there#
This game is so much fun! The story line is excellent, and the artwork fantastic! I am a HUGE fan! There are a lot of really supurb HO games out right now, and this one does not disappoint! I highly recommend the CE version because I ended up using the SG a great deal. The puzzles can be a bit hard although there is a skip feature that is friendly. There were a few times that I was scratching my head and saying "what do I do now" but the SG and/or the hint button were both VERY helpful. All in all, I highly recommend this game!
This game is a lot of fun! The story line is intriguing, and there is a bit of mystery. The locations were varied and neat. The sound and artwork were excellent. I loved the puzzles and HO scenes. The story kept me engaged. The game length is nice and makes it a good value for the money. I recommend the CE because the stratgey guide came in handy on a regular basis. All in all this is a solid HO game and well worth the purchase!
Let me say that I am up about 5 hours past my bedtime because I could not stop playing this game! I am absolutely BLOWN AWAY by how incredible this game is! Wow and WOW! It is a bit datk, but the twisted nature appeals to me. I love the story, I love the art and the puzzles! Bravo! I can't wait for more! The Only "down side" that I can see is that you have to travel in an "elevator" up and down a lot, but that is a small price to pay for such a cool game! Woo-Hoo! I can't wait to see more from this publisher!
This game looks like it would be right up my alley, but upon playing it, I discovered that there is not a whole lot to like. The hidden objects in the game are sometimes regular HOS but other times you have to find pieces of a whole object. The size perspective is wrong and the objects are sometimes very difficult to see. The game does allow you to adjust the brightness, which is a plus. You spend a great deal of the game going back three locations to get some object that you need to move forward. I don't mind that once in a while, but when it is the basis of the game it is a bit frustrating to me. The game is also VERY slow at loading and loads a lot! The plot looks typical but perhaps intereting, but to be honest, I could not muster up the interest it would take to delve deeper into it. I may end up getting this game when it comes out as a regular edition, but with all the great CE games out there, this would not be on my CE want list. I would recommend trying out the trial, it may be a game that you will love, but it is not one of my favorites.
This is the kind of HOG that got me hooked on the genre! I love this game so much! Totally a purchase! The game itself is not overly difficult. The puzzles are fairly easy and up to this point I have not had to use the SG. I can honestly say though, this game ROCKS! The story line is fresh and interesting with just the right amount of darkness that it reels me in (like a big fish ... Ok bad pun) I Love the look of the game. My only criticism is that if you are a big "tough puzzle" person, you may not like this, but for a really fun cool adventure with some fresh HOS and a great story line, look no further! This is a GREAT way to spend some winter hours. Two fins up for this one! Bravo!