So to be on the positive side it was a cute game overall … and short.. Good for someone starting out. Graphics were good … voices … well I didn't find they worked.. and the moon glove gadgets … a little different … myself not a fan but someone else might..
My personal opinion was that I didn't feel like it flowed... I'm a MCF junkie (the older and better games) and so that is what I compare things against... I would recommend this for a new game player to try but for those of us that have done so many and have personal favorites .. I would not recommend game.
No HOP's (Hidden Object Puzzles)... but not a bad game..
PostedJune 13, 2019
fromNorthern Ontario, Canada
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
I know most gamers expect to see HOPs … but it is an okay game and they don't all have to have HOPs... I would say that it is more of an adventure game.
I enjoyed not having HOPs for a change of pace. I find a lot of the reviews are made with how the reviewer want it to their own personal taste instead of judging the game for itself.
The graphics are very well done... love the detail. I will admit there were a couple of times that a walk through would have helped but overall not a bad game.
Well ... if you like puzzles is a game for you … But it is not the "classic" MCF. I started with MCF and was hooked and played them all ...until a few years ago when things changed and I have been hoping every year that they would return to the original format... I guess what I'm trying to say is is an okay game but it is NOT an MCF game. If it didn't have MCF attached to it ..I would have rated it higher but as a MCF fan sorry can't do it.
I had purchased Jewel Match Twilight and enjoyed it so I thought I would give this one a go... well …. I like the idea of the nature and landscapes but … other than that … I felt same old thing.. sorry I have since found a different series that I like better and the tiles are bigger...
I will admit it was not as challenging as I am use to playing but it wasn't as bad as some of these reviews.. (We do tend to become snobs about our games) Overall it was a very easy going game... Great for a newbie...
Twenty minutes in I bought it... didn't want my trial time to run out and interupt me. Graphics were very nice... It was a nice change to look for items in different places instead of one place... I had to check the walkthough a couple of time just because I was over thinking things... I should have know... mind you the second last combination that you must make made no sense to me... but then again maybe I was just being to logical...
I would love and hope to see more games like this....
Well done to all those involved in creating Tearstone.. : )
IT was a little more layed back than the games I am use to playing... but... Overall I enjoyed the game... The book was helpful in telling you where you should go next.... Graphics and music was fine... I was disappointed in the ending... It didn't seem right.. Almost as if it was rushed or they didn't know how to end it... Other that that I enjoyed it. It wasn't overly challenging but it kept you moving .. .great for newcomers...
Loved the game as I have the whole series. I like the variety of different games... The graphics are beautiful and the music pleasant ... nice relaxing keep me busy game... Very enjoyable : )