This game had everything I look for - I have all the "Fierce Tales" and can't pick a favorite -they all are so good !! Great work devs and of course BFG !!! #oh plus, got it on sale ; #
Great reviews, so I will keep mine short. This is a fantastic game with (for me) lots of new mini games and HO's. Bought it and am still playing- I will go back and play again to gather all the goodies. Thanks to the DEVS and BF-WOW
I'll keep it short ....a fantastic fun game - best money spent In awhile. Try it you will like it. Will play again to try and get a higher score- great game!!
This is a positive BUY. Maybe 2013's top game. I liked everything like you have read from others and I really liked that the pointer is a book (neat touch) . Cute characters always sway me . Try it -you'll buy it too.
My first thought was this would be a good starter game for younger people. It is very cute, nice music and good story. Still I enjoyed the demo on a rainy afternoon, but sorry, it's not a buy for this "mature" person.