Four and a half stars because there is still too much hand holding but so far it's a great game. It is beautiful and it is smart.
Based on...I don't where the demo ran out; I purchased it before it did..
I am in the "Shaman's Village", which is chapter two.
This game requires a little more thought than what is usually released here. Some of the puzzles are easy, some are not. You will need to think.
There are excellent puzzle instructions, thank you.
There have been a couple of puzzles that were more about dexterity than anything else. I find those annoying because they just measure my ability to click at the right time.
We receive items we get to reuse! Yes! I don't have to find four different axes, I can use the one in my toolbox.
I will mention the graphics because they are outstanding.
We clamor for something different; we have received something different.
I am enjoying his game immensely and only took a break to write a review.
I would give it three stars, it is another lazy brain game; It's okay, that's it.
I keep hoping for something different but this is not it.
There's nothing new or earth shattering that I saw. You will rescue your aunt, you will wear a gauntlet to give you special powers; you will of course save the world.
Puzzles seemed pretty easy. On one I randomly clicked a tile and viola, it was done.
Everything you need is within a click or two so there is no looking around and figuring things out.
Yes, graphics are okay, and I had no technical difficulties.
This is 2018 folks, all graphics should be okay and not even a subject of conversation anymore unless they are outstanding.
We have a vixen with one green eye and one blue eye that is murdered...
The victim doesn't seem very likeable.
Some of the puzzles are straightforward and some are not. I enjoyed the ones that were not quite a lot. The thinking bar seems pretty low lately and I appreciated the effort to make it more challenging and unique.
I thought some of the HO scenes were dark. Perhaps that was in keeping with the film noir art style but I had a little difficulty finding a couple of the smaller items, and some of the item descriptions of what we are looking for are vague.
There were three scenes that require you follow a certain pattern against the "fearbag" as he was referred to. I dislike this particular thing and skipped every one of them. Plus, three times for the same thing is too much within such a short amount of time. Skipping those will ding me were I to purchase the CE so I probably won't .
As usual we are given an item that we could have used twice within the same area. We use it once and have to find somthing else to accomplish the same goal with.
In one HO scene we see that we need a particular item. We can see the item but cannot select it until we turn the light beside it on. That resulted in a mis-click for me.
Speaking of mis-clisks I do appreciate developers that still include penalties for a mis-click. I've seen some games where that is not an option anymore.
I will definitely purchase it as a standard edition.
My review is based on playing the entire game, three times now.
Kudos to the developers for a job very well done.
I rarely replay a game. The first time I played this I immediately started a new game convinced I could be "better"; I enjoyed it that much.
The game-play is different than any other I've ever played. You will pick things up, but should you really use it just then? It makes you stop and think.
If you are playing for the "bad" ending, it will be gross at times.
Keep in mind that it is a game and don't over analyze it, just have fun.
Or do over-analyze it and post your thoughts in the forum!
There were a couple of typos. Chain was actually chair...something else was close but not the item.
There was a puzzle where you needed to look for five clocks, one of these was actually an hour glass; I really dislike mis-clicks and spent my time futilely looking for a fifth clock.
In an HO at the circus a monkey isn’t considered part of "a circus related item" but one scene later you have a monkey in a cage to play a game with.
I always go for 100 percent accuracy as quickly as I can and find looking for morphing objects within HOPS distracting. I really enjoyed the morphing objects being outside of them for that reason.
While It seemed like a map wasn’t really needed (you arrive everywhere you need to be and are within one click of having what you need) it was nice to double check and see if I had all the morphing objects and tiles; I forget from one scene to the next sometimes :-) so I appreciated that very much.
I don’t mind the old fashioned graphics at all; they were well done.
Wasn’t that the shoeshine boy from Sherlock?
I like a challenging game so this isn’t for me. People who want to kick back, relax and not think too hard will probably enjoy it.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
5/ 5
I love a story line; we have one here.
They also go back and give you a wonderful recap in case you've forgotten what the first game was about.
There are not very many hops so far (in the demo); there are plenty of different puzzles though.
I don't think you'll be looking for something to pull that pesky zipper up on this game; it is much smarter than that.
People have been clamoring for "something different"; this is it. It is a beautiful well thought out game that will require you to stop and think on occasion.
This is a CE edition; I expect more than a swirl to find and an extra bonus (short) chapter.
Let’s start with "whose there" which is said outside the tent in one of the first opening scenes. No time for a technical writer to give it a glance?
I loved this developer until a few months ago. Now all their games are looking the same. There are lots of sliding panels, you have something you have to move around to find objects or runes. You see plenty of videos which reduce game play time but increase game length time unless you skip them. Of course if you skip a video you can’t get the coveted "I watched every video" achievement.
Yes, you earn achievements: hooray, you are breathing; here is a star!
These days I start the new game and think "yes, they gutted this from a different game and just changed the content".
Maybe they use a template of some kind so they can produce a new game every month. I don’t know, I just wonder because they all look the same.
You don’t have a pet but as far as I’m concerned bracelets, glasses you have to put on etc. are the same thing; those items just make it possible to put less actual content in the game.
This dev has had some great games; this is not one of them.
I think this was a "the pressure is on. Let's release a Halloween game that everyone can put in their sale days that we didn't put too much effort in".
This is a 2014 game, there are no sliding panels, screens etc. that you see now. This is also a two part game. Part two hasn't been released yet, and according to the game forum BFG isn't interested in it; I find that hard to believe but that is what the developer stated. It's like a cross between a true adventure game and a hidden object game. The videos remind me of Siberia; they are excellent. If multiple items in the same hos bother you be prepared to get a little frustrated occasionally: no, not that purse, the other one. There were a couple of times that the objects were named something really strange, or odd. A wallet for instance being called a purse. It is an excellent game.
We've seen and done it all before. You know its only going to be a matter of time before a zipper shows up that you need to find a pull of some kind to open it with. Some of my complaints: I personally dislike any game that you requires you search around on the screen with an amulet; this is just a time sucking element introduced to fill in the lack of items they are having you do. Do we really need to buy things from a vendor? It's another time wasting element because we can only buy what we need. The demo was very short. I think it took me about 20 minutes. There was a glaring grammatical error in the demo. No doubt a translation error, but still, it should have been caught. I have had more fun replaying games I played a few years ago than this weeks offerings. I run Windows 10, I had no technical errors.