I finished in 4 plus hours, and enjoyed every minute. For those that get bored easily, this is your game, plus, you become a McGuyver type person, in some of the quests. Just a note, be VERY precise with the clock, is all I'm saying. Fun and newer types of mini games, hog's not hard at all, and I never felt there was too many as the artwork, and placement was superb. I did not feel cheated in time, as the game is that good, however for those more irritated at quick games, use this a free credit. I usually dislike shorter games, immensely, but this is one that I did not mind in the least. I have no ulterior reasons for writing my reviews, just to let others know, they will enjoy this game. The games vary in challenge levels, so it doesn't matter which type you like, there are games for all. Plus I'm a fix it person, and loved the McGuyver like parts, mostly in the beginning. Have fun.
A fluid game, that keeps you wanting to play more.
PostedDecember 17, 2013
fromNC, USA
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
You're a female detective, not sure why they don't give the male/female option, even though I am female, in alot of these games, but the game is one to savor indeed. Unlike the last game I played, where they give you a rubic's cube kind of mini puzzle, rotate this knob, rotate that one, to get all the colors to match certain areas, to the point of overkill, this game keeps you interested in all aspects of it . I am only writing reviews for those games I like, so I can keep a journal when I want to replay my favs., this is a must. I have many games, but some are games never to be played again, this is a great one to keep replaying, without boredom. You don't have to go back and forth too far to get your jobs done, and once an area is complete you don't have to go back there. Pretty simple, to know where not to look. I did play very casually in this one,because it was just so enjoyable. I was not on a mission to hurry up and finish, and usually do in one shot, so it is not a short game, which those make me feel as if I was cheated, this will not. I'm a 51 year old female, who worked in a doctor's office, and have no patience, but for this game, I had plenty! Enjoy! I do tend to play casual, hint button works well, but really didn't need to use it, except for very cleverly hidden objects two or three times.
My first review, the game kept you going, only one problem, which I'm seeing a trend for, is the puzzles that make you rearrange objects, to their right positions, which I skipped over many. Not my cup of tea. Regardless that I used my skip button over most of them, the overall game was well crafted, and never gvee you a chance to forget where objects were, a definite treat, plus an interactive map helps.. Hopefully games will come up with better mini games, but I am still gving this a five star, which I haven't been intrigued enough to want to even give a review. A must have.