Who came up with this and thought it would be a fun game? It's not. The visuals are strange, the game play is absolutely awful with all the constant switching of keys. The whole purpose is to "travel" a boring landscape to find orbs. Whoop Dee Doo! This is a HUGE NO for me!
Seriously? This was beyond lame. I think I may have actually lost some brain cells while playing. I went as far as Level 12 hoping something, anything would change and make the game more challenging. Nope. It was stupid easy and ridiculous to think anyone over the age of 4 would enjoy this game!
I could not get into this game at all. The game basically doesn't make any sense! ie you are asked to collect snow boards. I collected them and waited for the prompt to change but nothing. So, I used a hint (something I had to do A LOT of in this game as it doesn't make any sense) The hint went to a can of paint that for some reason I was supposed to know to choose? It asked for snow boards, period. Why would I include paint?? This whole game is nonsensical and the graphics are on the cartoony side. Simply put, it's AWFUL!
I'll be honest. I just don't get it. I read other reviews and they seem to be enchanted with it. That's great. However, I got bored very quickly. I uncovered about 6 images when I decided I didn't want to continue. Not much skill involved. Just moving the dots this way and that until they create a picture. That's it. Literally. No thanks.
Like a previous reviewer said, this game is very clunky to play. It moves slow and often times does not pick up the moves you make. It's not a glitch it's just poorly made! These type of games can be fun because they can move fast and keep you on your toes. This one however just barely moves along and with only one item being picked up at a time it drags. Bad play, simple graphics, nothing exciting just boring!
I wanted to like this game. Detective, whodunit, what's not to like? But there is so much dialogue and hand holding. As in all these games, the object is to lead people where they need to go. Over and over and over....Between doing this there are small very simplistic, almost silly, tasks that the detective needs to do. You collect gems to activate a gold ring which gives you extra support in playing the game. But honestly? The game is so easy, even on the supposed "hard" level, that you don't need it.
There really isn't much to say about this game. The story was alright but the play was repetitive. You're basically told where to go and each place is just one HOP after the next. The HOP's were pretty good but not enough to want to keep playing. The mini games were better but I just felt like I was playing the same scene over and over.
The game play is awkward to begin with. Then even if you don't manage to match 3 and the blocks all break, the next task is made to insure you get the next "key." So, the game seems to move forward regardless. That said, the lightening and sound effects between each level is unnecessary. I found this game a bit annoying.
MCF is my all time favorite! They are not like any other games. I'd like to meet the person with the mind to come up with so many crazy ideas that make up the MCF collection. Every game is unique and exciting and interesting. This is definitely a buy for me!!