A new breed of virus has spread throughout the City of Oxford. You must search the city for a missing girl who holds the key to stopping the global epidemic!
This is an excellent game. It plays like a true adventure game instead of the typical junk pile hidden object game that is labeled "adventure". I hope this will be the first of many games created in this manner, replacing the typical, boring ones.
Rescue a young girl from the Penumbra Motel. Solve puzzles, unravel a long standing mystery of death and disappearances in this heart-pounding adventure game!
This game really was enjoyable to play because of the lack of junk piles to sift through and waste time on, AKA hidden object scenes. I really miss true adventure, large file games like Syberia and Rhiannon. Did they stop creating them? Hidden object scenes are very boring and detract from the overall storyline. I wish they would have their own category instead of being listed as an "adventure" game.
Excellent Old West adventure game without the endless, boring junk pile scenes that waste time. I found the game to be interesting and challenging, and the desert scenery is breathtakingly beautiful. I wish the newer Nancy Drew games were of a similar quality. Definitely worth buying.
Finally, an interesting and unique game with not too many hidden object scenes. I love being able to explore the beautiful mansion and grounds. No brides or asylums. More games like this please!
This is a good game but fairly typical. My only complaint is the stereotypical negative portrayal of the rats as being evil creatures. I think it is irresponsible of game creators to include poisoning animals. Surely they can provide a humane alternative for the players. While I understand that it is only a game, I don't like games that poison rodents, aim slingshots at birds, etc.
The game appeared to be challenging and fun but it quickly turned into a hidden object game. There were very few puzzles and no "adventure" to speak of. I wish there were more adventure games that were true "adventure" games instead of hidden object games. Looking through endless piles of junk is very tedious.
This game got boring really quickly. It seems that every other scene was a tedious hidden object scene. It's getting difficult to tell a lot of these games apart. Maybe it's just me but I really hated the wolf shooting part.
This is a very good game that played well on my computer. It is creepy but fun to play. There aren't a lot of hidden object scenes which is a plus for me, and the puzzles are challenging.
Too many repetitive games, too many hidden object scenes and very little adventure. Quite tedious. The only reason I finished it is because I was foolish enough to buy it, at full price, no less. I wish hidden object games would not be categorized as "adventure."