I am a fan of the MCF series and was excited to play this one. While I recommend the game, there were a few things I did not like. First, the game was just not as exciting as Dire Grove or Return to Ravenhurst. Second, the game play frequently requires you to have sometimes lengthy conversations with the characters. After the first few times I just wanted to get the information and get on with the game. Overall though, I really did enjoy it and look forward to more MCF.
This type of fantasy genre isn't usually my thing, but after trying this one I went on to play the two other games in this series. It had an interesting story line and the game was challenging enough to make it fun.
This is a very basic HOG with a lot of repetition (having to visit the same scene over and over). The only challenge presented was created unintentionally by the limited quality of the graphics. I found them grainy and difficult to see. Also, there were some very frustrating scenes in which the area was dark and you had to hunt with a flashlight. Some the objects were extremely difficult to find and the hint "sparkles" were very hard to see.
This was one of the first HOGs I ever purchased and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I found it challenging but not frustrating and the story kept me interested. After this I had to try the other offerings from MCF, but this is still my favourite.