Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I downloaded the trial version in spite of not so many stars and a few less than sterling reviews, mainly because the RC series is one of my favorites, and too, I understand that not everyone agree's on what makes a game good or bad. I ended up buying the game after playing the trial and here is my honest review:
First of all, I will admit that one or two in the series left me feeling that they had been created by a couple of newbies who had wandered off the tried and true path the Sr creators had paved, and I was less than impressed. They must have handed the reins back to the seasoned developers because it was exactly what I have come to expect from them!
The graphics are glorious and the game sticks to a clearly written story line. It is the usual adventure of going back in time through portals and preventing the deaths of someone in order to free a soul needed by evil in order to take over the mortal world, but that is exactly what it's suppose to be. Redeeming souls in the cemetery, just like the name suggest.
A new twist on HOGs (for me anyway) was where you find hidden objects by turning a wheel and lining up the item.
The maze was one of my favorites. The path from start to finish was already lined out for you, but along the way there were obstacles that you would need to go in search of something to remove it from in your way.
Some of the usual were finding pairs to eliminate a pile and using your cursor to drag a ball through a path without touching the edges. That is one of my least favorites, but at least these were not as difficult as I've seen in other games. Gathering items for recipes and crystals.
There are collectibles, but I didn't see morphing objects.
Bonus play in the CE was just as much fun as the game, and you must play it in order to send the evil Shibalba back to the land of the dead and seal that crack closed forever, but ending dialogue leaves no question about it, you will soon be needed again, at another cemetery, in another place and time, to help more tortured souls redeem themselves.
I recommend this game!
60of66voted this as helpful.
Dracula: Love Kills Collector's Edition
The Queen of Vampires is back and is determined to destroy the world! Help Van Helsing and Dracula as they team up to stop her!
Overall rating
5/ 5
2 of 3 found this review helpful
Great game with a well written story line that stays on track
PostedDecember 1, 2012
fromTennessee, USA
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I haven't played vampire games very much, but this one has me looking for more (and other themes by this developer).
Story line is well written, fact based details and well blended with humor, (gotta love Igor). If you don't read the dialog between the characters, you're missing out.
HOGs & MINI PUZZLES: A nice mixture of both. I played on Expert level (something else I have not been doing too long) and it was challenging, but not too difficult. Both HOGs & MINI PUZZLES are available in the "Extras" at the end of the game.
HOG SCENES were very clear (not faded or light) and not junk piles. (no interactive HOGS).
MINI PUZZLES: A lot of variation and never too difficult or too easy. Really fun to play.
A lot of fun, finding vials of blood to give energy, and using the special powers to work through the game.
INTERACTIVE MAP: Yes, It works great, well laid out and notes whether there are task available in each area. You can click on it and be transported. Kudos to the devleopers!
Extra play is as interesting and enjoyable as the rest of the game
One of the best for not being a Collector's Edition
PostedNovember 14, 2012
fromTennessee, USA
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
Some beautiful (as well as a few very eerie graphics & scenes.. ok, I jumped a couple of times!) SL: Robert is missing after diving and his girl goes looking for him. She finds an under water resort that seems deserted but it's not and the inhabitants aren't friendly. HOGS: Clear, not junk piles and are interactive as far as putting items together or finding one to use on another. MINI GAMES: A nice mixture. Not extremely hard, but fun. You don't have to be exact or precise in the ones where items have to be aligned, the game is generous in helping you. VOLUME (Music & Sound) Adjustable MAP: No, though it would have been nice, even if not interactive, just to remind you where an objective is at by location. There are a lot of scenes to find and revisit. VOICE OVERS: Yes GAME MODES: 3: Casual, advanced, Expert CURSOR: option of custom or normal SCREEN: Full and auto detects wide monitors. LAST CHAPTER: After the game is over, click on the LAST CHAPTER.. not sure if it is bonus content, but the game isn't CE and I realized it by accident. An epilogue. REVIEW: I loved his game, one of the most complete story lines throughout the game, of any game I've played so far. The picture of one character (the Professor, a good guy) is the same character from another game, a bad guy.. but I can't think of the game at the moment.. I don't mean this as a negative thing, just a recognition). Well worth the money even though I used a free game code. It is definitely left with an ending so that the creators can continue the story and I hope they do.
Really great game and recommend it, just one pet peeve
PostedSeptember 19, 2012
fromTennessee, USA
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Strategy, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
OPTIONS: -Adjustable sound and music -Custom cursor or regular -Full screen (my 1600w resolution monitor had black bars)
PLAY MODES: Casual / Advance / Expert - all have to do with the presence or absence of glints, and also recharge speed on hints & skips as usual.
GRPAHICS: Awesome. They were very detailed and ornate. Very interesting to just pause and look at the scene for a few seconds before performing any task there.
There were many locations to discover.
HIDDEN OBJECT SCENES: Interactive, but fairly simple. They were colorful and not junk piles. I will take easy HOGS over the faded and light scenes where the objects appear almost like ghost of an outline of the object.
A NICE VARIATION IN PLAY: The ability to gain special powers that helped perform tasks.
PUZZLES: Fun and varied in both type and level of difficulty.
CONS: There was only one that I found and that was the lack of a map. This wouldn't be so bad if there were not so many areas to cover, and even a mapped layout that didn't transport you but at least provided an icon of where there were task still to be completed would have been really nice.
All in all, it was well worth the price to me.
I recommend this game!
17of20voted this as helpful.
Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart
Dive into an epic journey as a museum owner in pursuit of an undead pirate who has kidnapped your daughter in Nightmares from the Deep: The Cursed Heart!
Overall rating
5/ 5
0 of 1 found this review helpful
A lot of fun even if Pirate stories aren't you thing
PostedAugust 17, 2012
fromTennessee, USA
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Puzzle
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I have to say, I've never really been into the whole 'Pirate" theme stories/games, but this game was great!
Pros: Pretty much everything about it was enjoyable and even the one thing that could have been better, didn't keep me from buying it without trying it first and I have no regrets there.
Cons: Maps: The interactive map(s), while they were great for information and direction, you couldn't click and transport to another area. You just had to take a look at it to see where you were in relation to where you wanted to go and then out of the map and start clicking back and forth (and there was quite a bit of jumping around there toward the last half, still to me, it was worth the $ and other things made up for the lack there.
HOGs: The thing I REALLY love the developers for doing in this game is offering the option of doing the HOG, or playing Mahjong. If a HOG scene looked fun, I played it, if not, I chose the Mahjong (which was simple to win even if you're not good at it because it auto reshuffles the tiles for you when you run out of moves and you keep going from there. Thanks guys!)
MINI GAMES/PUZZLES: These were not difficult either. Pretty much average, not too difficult or easy.
STORY LINE: It was presented in the beginning and built on through out the game. There are different 'tasks' that you do which will reveal a little more each time about the history of the story and characters. While I wouldn't say it was scary, (maybe a little edgy for me once or twice, briefly) all in all it was fun and even the ghost pirates had their own personalities that were at worst humorous. I loved them!
WIDE SCREEN: Played on my laptop and there were no black spaces on either side, filled the entire screen.
VOICE OVERS: You can turn them on or off in options, but they were well done IMO and were left on.
REALLY enjoyed this game. (with just one or two small issues, but not too bad and i did buy it.
HOGs - some bordered 'junk pile' in my opinion, but were interactive in a way that made them fun and also didn't seem that any were impossible to find (never used a hint on them).
PUZZLES - I'm a puzzle player by preference, love them. There were a couple of them in this game that had me pulling hair. That's not really a bad thing when they're just a challenge, but at least 2 of them just seemed hard to grasp what you were suppose to actually be doing, or they just seemed near impossible to win. Again, that isn't a bad thing for someone like me who really likes puzzles, but if you don't, you might find yourself clicking 'skip' on a couple of them. There doesn't seem to be very many in the beginning, especially the trial, but about 1/3rd of the way into the game they start coming more often and with varying levels of difficulty.
MAP - There is one. It's really nice and convenient in that you can jump back and forth and also as convenient as the 'to do' list that pops up when you hover over an area, it's a little misleading. An "!" means you still have things to do there. I did notice that many of the locations, once the "!" was gone (tasks completed) there would be things still there left to do, just not a task.
Storyline - Great storyline that made the game interesting and a lot of creative graphics. There were many places to discover and explore and a lot of things to do that kept me interested.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
**PROS** Really enjoyed this game. Great SL that encouraged the imagination. You can earn achievements, and also unlock unlimited hidden object play by finding all of the clover symbols.
**CONS** I can think of none.
**SL (Story Line)** Very interesting, detailed and consistent through out the game.
**SCREEN MODES** There is a full screen option and the game automatically opened in wide screen on the 20" laptop with no black columns.
**CURSOR** Can select animated cursor in the options panel or use regular cursor.
**SOUND** Adjustable in options panel.
**PLAY MODES** casual, expert, and advanced.
**GRAPHICS** Very good!
**VOICE OVERS** There were none but this is one game that I believe it was a good thing. The mystery of who played a part in Houdini's murder, I feel VO would have either given away or been misleading since (I personally) would have been taking in the character's tone of voice.
**MAP** There was no need for a map. When you're finished in one area, you are transported to the next area that you need to be. In each area, there are only a few rooms so there is no need for maps there. The game even tells you when you are finished in a certain area and then seals it off.
**STRATEGY GUIDE** There is one and it is very useful. Kudos for including it in something other than a CE game! (I didn't use the skip button in this game, but have read that it takes a long time to refill even in casual mode).
**HOS (Hidden Object Scenes)** Nice, with a lot of variation in interaction.
**HINTS** Collect hints by finding Ravens. The hints can be used in the HOS, when you clicked on the item name, the silhouette appeared.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
(I puchased this when a "special" popped up to get it for $3.99 after purchasing another game. Not really my type of game, but played in order to give it a review that might help others)
**PROS** A lot of variation in the interactive scenes. Very easy if you are not new to gaming, but it would be a great game for beginners, in my opinion, and I would suggest it for them.
**CONS** I didn't really find any.
**SL (Story Line)** There is a SL that is told in between "levels" but the interaction really has nothing to do with it.
**SCREEN MODES** You have a choice of checking or unchecking the "Full Screen" box in the options panel. In full screen, I still had black panels on each side (20" laptop)
**SOUND** adjustable in the options panel
**LEVELS** Many levels, which consist of one scene that varies in game play from matching pairs, to finding the differences, etc.
**HINTS** Each level has only 3 that do not recharge.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
**PROS** I loved this game! It only took a couple of hours, but it was well worth the purchase. I actually now wish I had purchased the CE instead. This game puts a twist on all of the usual interaction. If you like HOGs you will like it because there are a lot of hidden object interaction even outside of the HOSs. If you like puzzles, this game had a lot of fun puzzles and an even balance of the two.
**CONS** No notes! There was no "notes" or "journal" to reflect back on. There were a couple of times the player is told something by one of the game's characters and if you didn't catch what they said, you had no way to go back and re read it.
**SL (Story Line)** Not realy indepth. The various scenes are a lot of fun as far as puzzles and hidden objects, but not much to encourage the imagination toward a story.
**STRATEGY GUIDE** Available in the CE, but I played the regular version. There is a link in the options to "get the strategy guide" that takes you to the page to purchase the CE version of the game. Bigfish has the walkthrough available for the regular game in the game's forum.
**SCREEN MODES** (My laptop has a 20" screen and some games have completely filled it in full/wide screen, some have not.) This game has option for "Full Screen" to be checked or unchecked. In full screen I still have the black panels on each side of my screen.
**CURSOR** Can choose between regular or custom in the "Options"
**SOUND** can adjust both sound and music in the "Options", there is also an option to adjust the "brightness".
**PLAY MODES** Casual & Expert. Casual the skip feature and hints recharge faster and there are active zones of interest. Expert, the skip feature and hints recharge slower with no active zones of interest.
**INTERACTIVE HELP** Available, but optional and can be declined.
**GRAPHICS** They were ok. I've seen much better, I've seen much worse. This did not take anything away from the enjoyment of them game.
**VOICE OVERS** There are VOs that were done very well.
**MAP** There is a map. You must collect gold coins found in each of the scenes. Once you have found all of the coins in that scene, that particular scene will be added to your map! **PUZZLES** These were a lot of fun. They were not difficult, but not too easy either.
**HOS (Hidden Object Scenes)** To me they were very easy. The objects in clear view were written in gray and the ones that required interaction (very few) were written in white.
**HINTS** Recharge fast in regular mode, slower in expert. They did not reveal what to do next unless you were in that actual scene and then the area was circled. If you were somewhere else, it only showed all the different directions that you could go and not the one where the next move you needed to perform was at. If there was nothing to do in the current scene, the message "there is nothing more to do in this area" (or something like that), popped up.
**CE (Collectors Edition)** Available and with a built in strategy guide, but I played the regular version of the game.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Large File, Puzzle, Strategy
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
**MY OPINION** Great game, the ending definitely leaves it open for continuing. Even in regular mode it makes the player think, so it might be a little frustrating for beginners, but a quick glance at the strategy guide will help.
**SL (Story Line)** Very well thought out, consistent through out the game, stays on focus and each chapter pertains to it.
**STRATEGY GUIDE** It is in the CE version and even covers the bonus extra play, but only goes to chapter 2 in the trial version.
**SCREEN MODES** Full screen or Wide Screen (the game opened on my widescreen laptop without having to choose that filled the entire screen.
**CURSOR** you have the option of regular or custom. I played with custom and not problems at all.
**SOUND** You can contol music, game sound, and voice overs separately in the "options" panel.
**PLAY MODES** There were two types: Regular and Expert. Regular mode the skip feature and hints recharged faster and there were active areas to show areas that needed to be investigated further. Expert mode the skip feature and hints recharged slower and there were no active areas shown.
**INTERACTIVE HELP** you have the option of choosing if you would like to use it or not.
**GRAPHICS** were great, automatically opened in wide screen on my laptop.
**VOICE OVERS** this game has it and you can control the volume of it in the "Options" panel. They were much more realistic than some games in that the child didn't sound like an adult trying to talk "child talk".
**MAP** There was no map, but it would have been nice. There was a lot of moving back and forth that took several clicks each time, but still it didn't take away any postitives of this game.
**PUZZLES** I am a huge fan of puzzles, and really enjoyed these. To me, they were not difficult to work, the challenge was figuring out the best solution, (or steps in getting from point A to point Z) the steps in between.
**HOS (Hidden Object Scenes)** Not difficult. Objects that are in clear view written in black, and the objects you need to interact in order to find are written in green. There were a few items that I had clicked on several times and finally gave up and used a hint and it turned out to be the item I had been clicking on, so a few of them (not many) you will have to click in just the right spot. There were also a few items that took 3 steps to complete.
**HINTS** They simply recharge at different rates depending on play mode and nothing to collect to gain more hints.
**CE (Collectors Edition)** The bonus extra play was very nice. I really liked the twist on the little imp's origin and interaction with it on the bonus play.