One of the worst games I've tried from Big Fish. Not TM, objects/food graphics unrecognizable, algebra equation puzzle? Did not have fun, too much storyline, unrewarding, gave it 3 tries at 15 minutes each. Won't buy. Can't recommend.
I can't agree with reviewers who said this game is too simple and repetitive and only for children. After the first several levels you get several choices of how and when to play (or replay after you've gotten some upgrades) each level, which often requires that you preview each level before choosing your options from what you've earned. And you must pay close attention to the order of picking up/delivering your fares and using your chosen boosts in order to get perfect scores (going for perfect is the only way to play, IMHO). I liked Airport Mania and I like this game. Lots of play time, and worth playing over again. I couldn't give a whit about a story line in this game. You're a cabbie. You drive people around. You don't get mugged or shot at or have some evil thing chasing you, you're not hoping to meet your soul mate on one of your pickups, or suffer through any other absolutely lame inane story line a lot of BF games have, which suits me just fine.