This is your typical M3 game, really. It claims to have farm-building aspects but not really. You play enough M3 to get diamonds to rebuild bits and pieces but you don't get to choose where they go or what they look like so they are just rewards for passing a level.
There's a lot of story, most of which is pretty generic. But you can't skip it. So there's a lot of clicking.
You can play a relaxed mode which really drops the level of challenge cos you just keep playing until you are done. I don't know how tough the Limited Move option is cos I didn't play it.
To sum up, it's an ok game but there's much better out there.
The idea behind this game is brilliant. It's original, which makes a heck of a difference from the same game in a different skin which is what we normally get. It's absorbing as the levels get more and more difficult.
But..... there is a major flaw. The menu to the left pops up every time the cursor goes over it. So when you are playing with your mouse, you only have to go a few mil outside of the playing area and the menu pops up. Same with the bonuses. You suddenly realise your last move was undone because your cursor went over the bonus.
This is madly annoying.
If the developers fix this flaw, then this is a fantastic game and I would buy it. But I won't because it would be too stressful as it is.
I've never played this series before so can't comment on if this is up to standard or not.
The storyline is your usual missing family member that has disappeared through a portal and you have to find a McGuffin to get him back. Same old same old.
The game is very pretty but nothing special. The mini-games are ok but not much of a challenge.
So if you like this kind of game you will most likely enjoy it but there's really nothing to distinguish it from hundreds of others like it.
In this rather short (12 mins) demo there was 5 mins of story. That ratio is way too much for me. Especially in a story that doesn't differ much from hundreds of others.
The mini-games can be run and there's very little running about but it's a fairly bog-standard mystery HOG.
It's a TM game but with extra bits. You have to breed the fish before you can sell them in your shop. But everything takes so long to do unless you buy boosts. Which means you have to sell more in the shop but then you have to breed more fish which takes boosts.... you get the picture.
There is the basis of a good game here but it needs some serious tweaking.
The developers should not have put this under the Adelantado banner. It's nowhere near as inventive or clever. The original trilogy made you think, it made you strategise about the placement of buildings and use of resources. It had a great story and clever puzzles.
But this? It's just your average boring TM click and collect game.
Glad I tried it out before I bought it. I didn't even finish the demo.
I really like this game. Yes, the graphics are simple. Yes, it looks old-fashioned. But it's a heck of a challenge. You have to think a couple of moves ahead.
It's not all-singing and all-dancing graphics but it's a good game.
it might be yours if you are into fast-paced but monotonous games. I lasted about 10 mins into the demo but it is really not my kind of thing. You click on a tower, it sends out little chariots to take other towers and... that's basically it. Not an awful lot of strategy or fun.