To be honest I'm not a massive fan of the other "Cadenza" games. I usually try the demo but they never get me hooked like other games do. As I recently finished "MCF: Key to Ravenhearst" I was looking for something different and more colorful and exotic. I only tried this game because I'm quite interested in Cuba and would love to visit Havana. So I decided to buy this game and I don't regret it! The storyline is different from many other hidden object games since you are not a detective but a young man who is accused of murdering your own brother. The cut scenes are wonderfully done, the characters are believable and the voice overs are utterly lovely. The HOS were easy enough to play and there were not too many of them. The puzzles in this one are not complicated, so you most likely won't get frustrated while you play. Sadly, it was quite a short amusement. The SE took me about 2 1/2 hours to finish. So, all in all a little charming game if you want to take a break from all the dark, gloomy, rainy ones. I recommend you get it at a sale since the full price is bit high for such a short game. I actually think is my new favorite.
I recommend this game!
12of13voted this as helpful.
Paranormal State: Poison Spring
Thrills abound as the ghost-hunters from the hit A&E TV show "Paranormal State" race to solve terrifying Civil War hauntings.
Overall rating
5/ 5
2 of 2 found this review helpful
My new favorite game!
PostedJune 28, 2014
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Hidden Object
Current Favorite:
Paranormal State: Poison Spring
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
The title already says it: This is my new favorite game. In some ways it actually beats my all-time favorite 'MCF: Dire Grove'.
The setting as well as the story were interesting, the music and the graphics excellent. Sometimes the next scene/location took a bit long to load but I guess that's the fault of my Mac.
The HOS were good but twice I had problems assembling objects which was terribly frustrating. But after I got some tips from the forum it was okay. I often used the hint since I tend to lose patience easily.
The puzzles were not too easy (I actually skipped a few) and not too hard.
What makes this game so amazing for me is the fact that you are actually part of a team. And that's something not many games offer. The characters are all interesting and have their own typical traits. Of course the interaction with them is scripted and somewhat limited but I really did not mind. The voice overs were amazing and fitted the characters. In this game you are not the lone investigator but have nice colleagues at your side and that's great! Btw, I had now idea this game is actually based on a TV series. Maybe I should check it out...;)
The length was great for a SE. It took around 7 hours to finish the game in the normal mode. I would have loved to buy the CE but I could not find it on this site.
This game does not get five stars because it is challenging or has a very interesting storyline (at least in my opinion). No, for me it is mainly the graphics. I have never seen such a beautifully designed world! The colors, the characters, absolutely everything is great to look at. Especially the moon kingdom is a feast for your eyes. Another thing I really liked is the fact that this game is quite simple. A great way to relax after a long and busy day.
This game is brilliant. Just like the first Enigmatis ("Ghosts of Maple Creek"). I was hoping they would do a sequel and when I came to this page yesterday and saw this game, I actually screamed because I was so happy. I bought it without thinking twice and wasn't disappointed. The storyline is gripping and could also work for a Hollywood thriller. The game has movie quality in general. Just like "Ghosts of Maple Creek" it sucks you into another universe. The voice-overs are well done, the characters are very well developed. However, what I love most about this game are the stunning graphics and the beautiful music. I have to admit that I liked the setting of "Ghosts of Maple Creek" better but that's just a personal reference, I guess. Like the title said: This is one of the best, if not the best game of the year! And as long as the CE is on sale, you should get it. There are tons of achivements, a bonus gameplay, soundtrack and even more!
This is the second PuppetShow game I bought and I love it!
I have the feeling that a lot of time and love went into this game. The graphics and the atmosphere are wonderful. The story is a little above average but not the best ever.
I have to admit that the main reason I'm giving this game 5 stars is the little puppet helper you get in the beginning. This little guy is so adorable. Everytime he screamed "Geronimo" I laughed a little because it was just too cute.
I think this is probably the best game I ever played. It sucked me into another universe which usually only well written books manage to do...:) The story is nothing that new but it is told in an interesting way and kept me going to the end. The graphics and the sound are awesome and succeed to create an eerie and quite dark atmosphere. I used the "Hint"-Button from time to time because I had failed to notice that there is actually a map...-_- The evidence wall was a really cool new feature, at least in my opinion. It allowed you to overview all the clues and to figure things out by yourself.
I sincerely hope there is going to be a second "Enigmatis" game soon!
I recommend this game!
2of2voted this as helpful.
Overall rating
5/ 5
Angenehme Überraschung
PostedMarch 29, 2013
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Rätsel, Wimmelbild
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
4/ 5
Um ehrlich zu sein hat mich das Spiel nicht von Anfang an in seinen Bann gezogen. Gerade der Charakter, den man während des Spieles verkörpert, war mir bis zum Ende fast unsymphatisch...:) Aber mit der Zeit hat mich das Spiel nicht mehr losgelassen.
Nachdem ich den etwas schleppenden Beginn hinter mich gebracht hatte (etwa nach dem zweiten Tod), entwickelte es sich langsam zu einem meiner Lieblingsspiele. Gerade diese "neue" Art der Wimmelbilder hat mich sehr angesprochen. Die Rätsel waren alle relativ gut lösbar, den Hinweisbutton musste ich nur zweimal im gesamten Verlauf verwenden, was sicher auch der sehr hilfreichen Karte zu verdanken ist.
Die Handlung ist wirklich gut gemacht, allerdings nicht ganz neu. Wer Agatha Christies "Und dann gab's keines mehr" gelesen hat, erkennt wahrscheinlich die ein oder andere Idee wieder.
Insgesamt eines der besten Spiele hier auf der Seite trotz unsymphatischem Spielecharakter.
I recommend this game!
0of0voted this as helpful.
Overall rating
5/ 5
PostedFebruary 9, 2013
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Wimmelbild, Rätsel
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
5/ 5
3/ 5
Ich habe das Spiel gestern erstanden und heute angefangen es zu spielen. Ganz am Ende bin ich noch nicht, aber was ich bis jetzt erleben durfte, ist ein geradezu unglaublich fesselndes Spiel. Ich habe überhaupt nicht gemerkt, wie schnell die Zeit verging, während ich spielte. Die Grafik, Musik und Atmosphäre übertreffen so ziemlich alles, was ich bis jetzt gesehen habe. Sogar meinen Liebling "MCF: Dire Grove"! Die Charaktere sind bis auf eine Ausnahme durchweg sehr gut gelungen. Nur kann ich Ann (Ich glaube, sie heißt so...:)) absolut nicht leiden. Irgendwie kommt sie mir wie ein hilfloses, unfähiges Dummchen vor, deswegen auch nur drei Punkte für die Handlung. Ich habe das Sonderangebot genutzt und mir die Sammlerversion dieses Spiels gekauft. ;) Ich hoffe, es hat sich gelohnt und die Bonuslevel sind gut...:)
0of0voted this as helpful.
Overall rating
5/ 5
1 of 1 found this review helpful
Sehr nette Abwechslung
PostedNovember 17, 2012
Skill Level:Intermediate
Favorite Genre(s):Rätsel, Wimmelbild
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
Normalerweise kaufe ich eher Spiele wie MCF: Dire Grove oder Phantasmat. Mit etwas Mystery und einer spannenden Handlung also; Spiele bei denen man sich ein wenig gruseln kann.
Travelogue 360: Paris habe ich mir angeschafft, weil ich es vor langer Zeit schon einmal in der Probeversion gespielt habe und es mir damals gut gefiel. Sehr angetan hat es mir vor allem der 360°-Modus und die Gestaltung der Szenen an sich. Wer kein Problem damit hat, ein bisschen rumzusuchen und sich etwas Zeit nimmt, die Atmosphäre des Spieles zu genießen, wird die Spielzeit, so denke ich, genießen.
Wer nach Spannung, Gänsehaut und einem schnellen Gameplay sucht, sollte zu einem anderen Spiel greifen.