I do play Rescue Team so I was hoping to be able to pick this one up easily. I struggled to understand what was going on and what I needed to do. I would have liked more help from the tutorial.
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Large File, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
1/ 5
I enjoyed the game play, I do like a good role play adventure but had I have known it was wall to wall skeletons that have been tortured I wouldn't have touched it with a barge pole. I don't need a little fluffy guy helping all the time nor a game that doesn't allow me to explore fairly freely, I just didn't much appreciate the blood and skeleton motif everywhere. There is little to no storyline and a lot of skeletons in positions of pain and torture so I didn't play to the end of the demo and deffo won't be buying it. Any chance of a detective game without the constant exposure to torture?
I loved Roads of Rome, good time management games that you could play on a variety of levels even if there was a lot of nonsense about a young woman called Valeria having the respect and power over men in the storyline ... someone doesn't know their Roman history very well, but historical accuracy wasn't the aim, they were still good. This is a pale imitation of what went before.
It's an OK TM game, nothing fancy, nothing special, has some level of challenge so OK for a quick game.
Game play is very buggy, it freezes. crashes or you just can't complete because the items sometimes don't destroy the monsters. The only way around it was to sign out and back in again to restart.
The twee rainbow help for finding secrets is somewhat patronising.
The buildings and stumps take an age to produce, some levels were well over 20 minutes long, most of the time is spent waiting to get resources. This makes it a lot less fun.
The resources are much more oversized than they used to be and the trolls constantly popping up is tiresome.
If you love this kind of game, that's great, some do, it's changed too much for me, I preferred it prior to the rainbow tweeness.
Loved the originals but the last one and this simply no longer has any challenge. You can't make mistakes, you don;t have a choice on the buildings. Graphics are ok and the storylines too but it's just too easy to complete.
If you love a quick game then it's great but it's just not for me
Spellspire is a thrilling mashup of word game and action role playing game. Pick letters from a grid to spell words and shoot them from your wand as spells. The longer the word, the bigger the blast!
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Large File, Marble Popper, Strategy, Time Management, Word
Fun Factor
3/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
1/ 5
5/ 5
Based on Demo.
I like these kinds of games as I enjoy the storylines. The story in this one was quite good but I do get a bit tired of the hard nosed female biting everyones head off character that tends to be put forward as a major character in these games. I'm female, I know very few women like that.
The difference between this one and the Love Boat and Parker and Lane series is the level of puzzles, there were fewer mini games in this one by quite a long chalk, the levels are very short, the challenge wasn't there for me. You can make it slightly more challenging but you still only get a few limited mini games.
I would have bought this game if the challenge was there, I'm not paying out for a CE with so few puzzles to solve. Shame because I'd like to know how the story ends.
I have just finished this game and can say I very much enjoyed it for the storyline.
I did find the games too short and a little too easy. It's not a bit problem as I'm sure I will play this one again at some point but I would prefer more of a challenge and perhaps longer games.
Having said that I am looking forward to the next installment, I have my suspicions about the threats made to the Carlyles so I want to get on with the story.
Graphics were nice and clear and I enjoyed the sound track.
I recommend this game!
5of6voted this as helpful.
The Love Boat™ Collector's Edition
Join the Love Boat crew and relive the famous TV show in this time management adventure!
Overall rating
5/ 5
Excellent Game
PostedNovember 9, 2019
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
5/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
5/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
5/ 5
I really liked this game, good fun storyline and graphics. The level of challenge is good.
Very best time management game so far and I love the Roads of Rome and Adelantado games but I like the storyline on this one better.
The game play is quite fast, it's certainly not a difficult game but it has some difficult tasks that take time to learn. There is a challenge I am finding too hard and one of the levels (35) has e stumped at achieving a diamond.
Vast improvement on previous games in this series. Plenty of puzzles and challenges not just hidden object and a simple and silly but coherent storyline. Enjoyed the additional side puzzles but not sure how I will ever beat the timer on some of them.
My only complaint is it would have been nice to have been able have more than one game saved, it meant having to wait until the other person had finished playing.