Graphics are crisp and clear. Puzzles a good mix of challenges. Story line was okay. Played the demo quickly so purchased the full version. Sadly it was over way too quickly and I felt as if I wasted my money. I enjoyed the game play. Liked not having gory monsters jump out at you. The "bad" character looked suspiciously like Michelle Pffifer... liked clear scenes...... just wish I had read the reviews before I spent my money
This looked interesting. a bit of a different style. Downloaded trial. On the initial page the only settings I could find were for music and volume. Beginning to play the game and you are basically 'told" what to do by the pointing flashing hand. Which might be fine but I like a bit of a challenge to figure out what I should look for, and if stuck then click the hint button. The hand directed me to a side, to pick up a rock, to go to the other side, where the gong was. The hand pointed at the stick and rock. I put them together to make a hammer for the gong...but could not pick up the hammer...the hand kept flashing and flashing and flashing pointing at the hammer...I clicked what I could for instructions (none) settings (none) and hint. all that came up was the gong highlighted. I KNEW I had to hit the gong, but by this point I was ready to smash the computer screen at that flashing hand. Alright, so maybe I have issues but so does this game. I would suggest testing it first before you jump and buy......
Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Brain Teaser, Hidden Object, Match 3, Puzzle
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
3/ 5
Enjoyed the graphics of the demo. Cut scenes a bit long but enhanced the story. As promoted, a different style of hidden object and a nice diversion. so I bought the game. Ended way too soon and as far as the "collectors" edition, I didn't see anything special about it...not other tasks, collectors items, etc. it's a nice game, I enjoyed it but felt it was short.
To be fair, this is a well thought out game, story line, graphics, adventure....... But I found myself getting bored. Not that it wasn't challenging, it just seemed to lack a "spark' for interest as the story progressed...a lot of back and forth, similar mini puzzles, seemingly getting nowhere. perhaps this is not a game to sit and play for hours. As I said, just an observation. I'm not an avid daily player, but when I do play, i like to get lost in the graphics and story line and enjoy the adventure....not seeing the same old "signs along the highway" pass by.
Perhaps this game was too tame for some of the other reviewers, but i truly enjoyed it. Low pressure, low frustration, not a lot of running back and forth with one object to get to the next....the graphics were beautiful...only one mini game was confusing so the skip button came in handy. Game has a nice progression to it, so you can play a bit, walk away, and come back knowing exactly where you left off. Just the right amount of a challenge for an easy play day. Bravo!
graphics were clear and bright, nice details to scenes........but overall the challenges and games were tedious and a bit boring. granted I only played the free Hours worth..but was not intrigued to pay for the full version. This game does have potential if the story line were tweaked a bit to provide a bit more mystery and "pull" to discover.