I like this game. So many things happening :-). I gonna comment parts, but I have this feeling to comment this as one game :-). I like 360-degree games. It's like I have VR (virtual reality) headset :-). I found out from comments that game is from 1999., so that explains floppy disks in game :-).
Ok, third part. In this game you must read everything, find out what is happend so you can progress thru game. In this part you're in that fictional country Amerzone. Sounds in beginning of this part from wildlife is so loud that you have feeling like you're there. Annoying. This part was hard for me. It's really easy lose yourself in this 360-degree game :-). And they put some misleading arrows pointing, which I think is really good for this game :-), so need to be focused all the time. I like the end! Very nice.
Sound is kinda loud in all 3 parts. You can on your computer lower the sound, but not in the game. You can mute sound in game, but I didn't won't take that option.
I played trial before buying and read comments and many people complain how short was after they played trial, but need to have in mind that this is parts of ONE game. I mind also cuting game in three parts.
I'm not so much in this game about white birds as I am in this unfortunately not so happy love story between very young Yekoumani and young scientist Valembois. Well, how young is Yekoumani you found in second part. That story in game just broke my heart.
Final thought for the game..... amazing game, good challenges, you must involve yourself in it (it's not just clicking game and waiting something to happend), you can load parts in every part when you finish and replay that stage again (it was surprise for me :-) ), good storyline (could be more positive), look very real, nice kinda fairytale ending..... fun game :-)!
I like this game. So many things happening :-). I gonna comment parts, but I have this feeling to comment this as one game :-). I like 360-degree games. It's like I have VR (virtual reality) headset :-). I found out from comments that game is from 1999., so that explains floppy disks in game :-).
Ok, second part. In this game you must read everything, find out what is happend so you can progress thru game. Fascinating for me was that hydroflot . In one is helicopter, boat, submarine :-). So, in this part you head in fictional country Amerzone with that hydroflot to correct mistakes of that man Valembois he made 60 years ago or so. I liked playing under sea part. Since is 360-degree game, it's very important being focused. It's easy to lose yourself :-). Sound is kinda loud in all 3 parts. You can on your computer lower the sound, but not in the game. You can mute sound in game, but I didn't won't take that option.
I played trial before buying and read comments and many people complain how short was after they played trial, but need to have in mind that this is parts of ONE game. I mind also cuting game in three parts.
I'm not so much in this game about white birds as I am in this unfortunately not so happy love story between very young Yekoumani and young scientist Valembois. Well, how young is Yekoumani you found in this second part. That story in game just broke my heart.
I like this game. So many things happening :-). I gonna comment parts, but I have this feeling to comment this as one game :-). I like 360-degree games. It's like I have VR (virtual reality) headset :-). I found out from comments that game is from 1999., so that explains floppy disks in game :-).
Ok, first part. Most challenging for me was figure it out code to open door. I just enjoyed in everything. In this game you must read everything, find out what is happend so you can progress thru game. I have trouble reading hand written text, but it's worth it :-). When you get what is happend, it's not so hard to play the game. Logic work in this game very good :-).
I played trial before buying and read comments and many people complain how short was after they played trial, but need to have in mind that this is parts of ONE game. I mind also cuting game in three parts.
I'm not so much in this game about white birds as I am in this unfortunately not so happy love story between very young Yekoumani and young scientist Valembois. Well, how young is Yekoumani you found in second part. That story in game just broke my heart.
Challenging game. Narrator's voice give more to the story and game. Wouldn't be the same game without that touch :-). From many tasks, puzzles I liked most colors and magnets. Didn't see that in any game before. Some other puzzles that I played in some other games was made different, more creative and liked that too :-). Played in hardcore mode because I like to understand challenges, game and having fun with all that :-).
This is second game ended in Surface series. Other one was "Project Down". For now I won't buy more from this series, because seems that many things is the same. And that's ok, but it takes away fun factor.
Very challenging game and very hard tasks. Sometimes you just don't know what to do. But I played on hardcore mode without using hints and skip buttons. I really like to understand the puzzles and enjoy in the game :-). I don't like rushing to end the game. Where is fun in that :-D?? It takes more time playing the game, but that is how I like it :-).
Like my title said, it's really the same game, just different characters and storyline in "The noise she couldn't make". When I played this game, I have feeling like I playing that other game. Even some characters was very similar. That bother me a little because I couldn't enjoy in other game like it's not new gaming experience, but I love both titles :-). That's why fun factor is so low here.
I liked the end when they gone in happier future, but then those doctors/scientists showed and ruined end for me. So I just ignored them and that end and take that happier one :-D!
I bought it yesterday and play game twice. For me, this is relaxing game. Before buying, I played demo and almost finished second level :-). It's easy and not long game. I didn't use skip or hint button, but it is challenging enough. Back and forth is what I don't like in this game. I don't like fact that game start over when game is ended. Isn't possible to choose which level I want to play when game is over. And also you must start level from beginning if you choose to exit game.
Bought game yesterday and couldn't stop playing to the end on hard mode :). Now I'm tired..... next time need to be smarter. Game won't escape :)). You can find out about explorer Magellan and about turtles life in ocean(s). Very interesting! Some mini games are very challenging. Especially in hard mode. Push you to think and use that brain cells :). Graphic, music, interactions between characters and voices are good. There is few unexpected twists in game. For me that is good for game(s). Not always.... depending on game, but for this game that is plus.
I played "born of fire" (bought on google play CE), so I'm familiar with the story. It's not quite what I expected, but didn't affect having fun playing this game :).
Liked mini games very much. Game(s) would be boring otherwise. I saw in comments (for different games) that gamers complain how easy mini games was. It's not original and bla, bla, bla. And often people compare situations in games with real life. Like "that's not possible" or like that..... it's a game :). It seems like gamers forgotten enjoy in games. What's with that??
I am dissapointed with this game! For me, it doesn't follow Syberia 1 and I wouldn't recommend this game for players who played Syberia 1! This is more like detective game than adventure game!
I played Syberia 1 (part 1, part 2, part 3) and I liked playing it and I have fun! In Syberia 2 they took away that magical, mysterious effect from Syberia 1! I have feeling from Syberia 1 that Hans know where this Syberia is, but in Syberia 2 we see that he never could reach Syberia without Kate! In Syberia 2 isn't anymore about Hans, automatons..... it's about Kate! In this one she is main character! If title would be "Kate Walker and her puzzles", it wouldn't be wrong!
And so much walking, not logical puzzles and with elements that you don't even need for puzzles, talking on and on....etc.! This game tired me and it's boring! At some point I just wanted that is the end alraedy!
And the end....... oh, like my review title ask....... where is Syberia?????
I read something about Syberia 3! Why? Syberia was all about Hans and his dream! With Syberia 2 that Syberia is gone, even lost! Any other game title with Syberia and follow this story wouldn't be right! Kate Walker and ........ something would be more suitable!