Too much backtracking between areas, repetitive hidden objects, long puzzle skip time, and a lack of a map for every player. But at least the jester steals the show.
The only complaint just like with fellow Big Fish Games is that every player annoyingly needs to constantly backtrack back and forth to either solve 1 puzzle or obtain 1 item before being able to move directly on to the next scene. Otherwise next Halloween game is where us players get to play as the grim reaper.
Apart from how every player should play as the Grim Reaper from the start if there's sequel. Then future Halloween Stories, let alone this one, like its previous installments should allow us players to enjoy its pure sound quality without it and its gameplay sorely lagging midway.
Buyer Beware compared to its fellow Bonfire Stories games Heartless and Faceless Gravedigger; Manifest Horror just like League Of Light: Growing Threat is strictly a Hidden Objects adventure for every player only. Where it's not even clearly advertised as one on BFG trailer included; leaving its buyer to find that part out the hard way. An absolute waste of time and money just like Mystery Case Files Rewind.
Compared to past Chimera games; this one was just far too short and sweet with a predictable storyline, repetitive match-pair hidden objects, and lousy game to be self-entertaining and enjoyable.
One word boring for both its overly predictable repetitive main and bonus games once its villain is unmasked. Save your money and time for Nevertales: Forgotten Pages instead.
Why I can't give it a higher rating is that its Unplayable bonus game needs to be fixed with complete shading of characters and areas in order to be fully playable. However its main game was far more entertaining than Nevertales: Hearthbridge Cabinet any day.
All that stops me for giving this game a perfect score is that it has a lousy bonus game; despite being a direct continuation of the main one. Best wait till BFG releases it as Standard.
It's sequel needs to have a less predictable storyline as far as how its villain shouldn't be revealed by or before Act 1's end, let alone have far less repetitive hidden objects and puzzles next time. Otherwise it's a great game with a decent bonus game being a direct continuation sadly a rare thing in the BFG universe nowadays.
An absolute waste of time and money predictable storyline, boringly long puzzles, repetitive hidden objects and cutscenes, lousy bonus game, and a spook wheel glitch. Where if ever player misses collecting it before unlocking the guardhouse; then you're subsequently forced to replay the game all over again.