Not as good and fun as the old RavenHearst games though; but its main game apparent abstract storyline at first has an unexpected twist. Bonus game however had a horrible one and could've been more twisted. Next MCF should have Charles Dalimar unexpectedly trying to possess the Master Detective's soul; with Victor being its bonus game in their vengeful return.
An absolute waste of money and time consisting of an God awful confusing overstretched storyline of The Lantern Man, bad voice acting, repetitive boring hidden objects and overly long puzzles, bad long back and forth navigation, and a lousy bonus game.
Predictable storyline way too overly long, repetitive hidden objects, long navigation, bad voice acting, lousy bonus game and souvenir hunt, and most of its puzzles are just enough to make its player want to doze off. Pity because it starts off well enough to see its potential of what might have been.
Way too long enough to make its player want to doze off at times with its predictable story line, repetitive hidden objects, bad voice acting, and just like with its fellow games its souvenir hunt.