For me, the mark of a really good game is that it hits the "goldilocks balance" between being too challenging and too easy, and I think the designers behind Rescue Team have achieved this balance remarkably well. The storyline itself is not terribly exciting, though the elements of disaster, such as fires, do add suspense and drama. What keeps you playing isn't the prospect of rescue, however, but the way they have masterfully scaffolded the player's skills, so that the challenge keeps getting higher as you get better.
Gamestop games are all about the story, and this edition of Sally's Salon embraces the full campiness potential of all of the familiar characters. This one had all of the "high cheese" plot lines of an over-the-top soap opera, and it made for a highly engaging and entertaining romp through all of the levels. I want to encourage the designers behind this series to continue to push the envelope in terms of funny, adult, and complex characters combined with satisfying game play--and to encourage designers in general to continue to expand the genre of time management games.