I have every Park Ranger game on my old computer so I got #16...I thought "Why not?" I'm finding these getting pretty stale now. For one thing (being from Washington State myself) I never could figure out how they got alligators up there, I don't recall anyone caring about Mayan pyramids or anything NOT related to the Native Americans who were there. So Pinecreek always seemed really weird to me. But the storylines were interesting, especially with the two main Rangers and the other Rangers had good storylines, too. Especially Dion (?) and Max...loved those two. The mini games are fun and really challenging, but in a good way. The music in #16 is not my favorite genre, though they do include a few oldies. The story line is "meh". Would I recommend this one, sorry, no.
It took so long for this edition to finally come out and while it is like revisiting old friends (the crew & guests) it was a bit of a let down for me...why the four stars rather than five: The graphics are still crisp & clear and scenes are realistic & make it fun to hunt down the hidden objects. The music is still great. And there's a lovely riverboat wedding you gotta see! I think the turn off was overland trip (though usualy I love these) & the accompanying music didn't thrill me. I think though that this game is worth adding to one's collection and only has me looking forward to what we'll see in CD#9!!!
I just got started on this game and then my free trial was over. So I proceeded to purchase this game. But the Game Manager just keeps telling me that my "item is being loaded..." Then out of the blue, I got an email that said I purchased the game. By then I'd uninstalled it because it looked like I'd never get to continue playing. Now I'm told the purchase went through, but the Game Manager will not download it for me. This game is relaxing and the graphics are beautiful, but I never got beyond the first couple levels.
This game is my fifth from this series and like the others, it's downright lovely. LOL The colors are rich, the graphics detailed and well done. My only gripe is that while I love Mah Jong games, I missed the Solataire Variants in the Bonus Games. Otherwise, it is relaxing and gorgeous.
This summer (the 12th edition of Park Ranger) is busy. A big race, then all the activities of the 25th Ranger Reunion. It seemed pretty hectic to me. The graphics are as usual really crisp and clear. The girl lead ranger is pretty stiff, too stiff...did they change artists? The music is great, but when it gets into the old country stuff, well, I turn it down. The original music that seems to have been composed for this series as well as the Cruise Director series is really lovely. I'm afraid I don't get into country music that much and "Home on the Range" and "Red River Valley" leave me cold. The games in between the hidden object scenes were excellent. I loved the new games where you're asked to find locations or objects soley on a description of it. You have to figure out where or what the question is referring to and then find it! Loved these and hope they are premanent additions.
Okay this game could've gotten five stars in all categoris, but there are a few issues. The music is lovely and soothing or a little more lively. Thank God you can silence those cats (why cats anyway???), but still enjoy the ambient background sounds. The graphics are gorgeous and realistic. Sometimes the detailing makes it tricky to find those hidden object, but I actually can find them pretty quickly. It's arranged with several "levels" beginning with a hidden object game; then there's a puzzle: a pop the bubble or untangle the strings (which I haven't figured out) or find the hidden words or concentration or several others. Now for why it didn't rate five stars IMO: the Chinese emphasis is overdone. The Chines letter game where you place pieces of strokes or letters in place is cool, but why no translation of the phrase we're working with? It's too bad the game isn't longer. It seems you can cruise right through this too quickly. Would love to see more (I have the first three so far) of these!