Get land to build cities with houses, schools, markets, farms and a network of roads to improve the quality of life and the economy of the Roman Empire.
I really like this game. I'm puzzled by some of the other reviews, I don't mind the music, but then I tend to use these games as a stress-reducer at times, so the music is sort of calming, plus you can always mute it. I have developed a strategy that starts with creating the trade building or better yet, the one on the water, which is so much faster when it transports goods. Then I produce the items that sell for the most first, and build up a good amount of cash before I even start building the city. I also put a firehouse in the middle of each diamond or grid shape just so I am not having to put out fires so much. One nice addition might be to add a small map in the corner so you could jump to areas faster and not be scrolling to them when things really get filled out.
Lots of fun, I wish there were more levels or a version 3. I went backwards and tried Ancient Rome 1 and it was not nearly as fun.
I've only played the demo so far but I enjoyed it, it's a fun game. You have challenges which get progressively harder but so far not too bad, although it sounds like from other reviews they really get tough later on, which I like too. I like all the upgrade possibilities, and you have to watch the revenues on the movies and switch them up to keep earning.
I couldn't stand to keep playing this for more than a couple rounds. Maybe this somehow gets better later on, maybe the music changes and the super-annoying 70s style comments change, and maybe the gameplay gets more challenging and maybe the whole premise changes, and and and ... maybe it becomes a whole different game.
I wanted to counter the one poor review, this isn't that bad at all. Time management garden type, not as hard as some but it might get harder at higher levels. For whatever reason I have a hard time catching the fish so once I'm over there I just catch a bunch so I don't have to go back too often. I like having to fill the new orders that come in and I try to stock up ahead of time so I can click on the order as it appears and mark complete right away, getting more points.