Favorite Genre(s):Adventure, Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
1/ 5
I played the demo. While this could be a fun game, it was WAY too dark to be able to see the matches much of the time, which made the game VERY frustrating. Also, the story line is boring, with characters who are bug-eyed each time they appear, which is just odd. There also appears to be no use for the gold the player is accumulating, unless that happens later in the game. All in all a disappointing Match 3.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
Dumbed down version of Spellarium line. WAY too many puzzles with nothing to do with Match 3 that get in the way, even though the game asks if you would like to stop playing them. It STILL feeds them regularly. The Match 5 bonus is now restricted to only rockets, which is a major and unwelcome change from other games where the Match 5 had numerous variations that could be used strategically to clear boards. And there are many boards that can only be cleared by creating and using a rocket. There really is no story line. Overall, boring. Please bring back the interesting/challenging Match 3!!
Agree with all the 5 star reviews on this one. If you love the Adelantado trilogy, you will love this one as well. Very similar, although the story line is a bit weaker in the beginning. A thinking person's time management game.
THANK YOU, Big Fish, for this game! PLEASE, can we see more like this in the future? Hoping this one goes on to a trilogy and beyond.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
2/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
2/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
2/ 5
This series has gotten so complicated that it is no longer fun to play. Each level introduces 2-4 new elements that make getting through it a serious job rather than fun. Agree also with the people who are finding the transparent "instructions" distracting - it is difficult to work around them or get them off. The story line here is quite negative and really unnecessary. It is a pity a good series has been changed for the worse. And, the game freezes often. Definitely a "don't buy" for me.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
Played less than 20 minutes of the trial. The first level is so difficult it is almost impossible to complete without powerups, which don't come until later levels. As a result, it is unbearably boring with the player stuck at one point for 15+ minutes. The instructions are very weak. I love Match 3, but this one, IMHO, is a complete dud.
Limited moves, shifting boards make this a no for us
PostedAugust 22, 2017
Skill Level:Expert
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
3/ 5
3/ 5
Yet another of the Penquin Rescue style of Match 3. To us these are very frustrating and far from relaxing due to the limited moves and the constantly shifting boards which make strategizing for future moves almost impossible. Admit that this one has cuter board pieces (giggling ghosts) but that does not IOHO make up for the frustrations. In fact, the shifting board is even more disconcerting due to the style and movement of these pieces. PLEASE, can we have more Match 3 games without these?!
Love Match 3. This one, however, is not fun. It's a redo of Penguin Rescue. Like that one, the graphics are cute. But this is absurdly difficult from the beginning. Three major frustrations: (a) no help system to teach what combinations will produce what powerups (which become immediately important because you MUST create certain powerups to get past levels), (b) a limited moves game and (c) a constantly shifting board, which makes getting matches in the limited time almost impossible. Skip this one and look at Feathers and Claws, out today. MUCH more fun.
Fun game - where are the women rescuers/professional women?
PostedJuly 14, 2017
Skill Level:Expert
Fun Factor
4/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
3/ 5
Level of Challenge
4/ 5
2/ 5
Another of the fun games in this series. But, again, must ask - WHERE ARE THE WOMEN RESCUERS? Adding a volunteer female dog trainer was a nice touch, but she is a volunteer and always in the background, never on the front lines. FEMA and every first responder group have MANY female responders and female police, firefighters and doctors are prevalent. In this game, ALL of the responders (with the exception of the volunteer female dog handler) are male.. And same is true of the rescue subjects - the men get the ties and business attire, the women get workout clothing. Bad message to young women playing your games. By game 7, it should be easy to add female responders, firefighters, police, doctors and female business professionals (and men in working clothes). PLEASE don't let 8 be yet another without recognizing the realities in the first responder ranks.
Favorite Genre(s):Match 3, Strategy, Time Management
Fun Factor
1/ 5
Visual/Sound Quality
4/ 5
Level of Challenge
2/ 5
1/ 5
Agree with the previous reviewer that this is a clunky Match 3 that is not fun to play. As noted, the play is very slow and since you cannot move again until all pieces settle, there is really no way to plan ahead for the next move. I cannot imagine playing it as a timed game. On the "build it" part, I like those too. But this game allows no options or individuality in the building - it is static and boring and there is little story line. Also wonder why the female character has to be portrayed braless and with bosom peeking prominently. It adds nothing to the story line or the game and is frankly a turnoff. Like Match 3, but this one is a pass.
Fun game. But to the developer: as a female first responder, where are the women responders?? Young women need to know they can grow up to be firefighers, paramedics, doctors, rescue workers, etc!!! Please, by Rescue 6, can we have some women responders?