I guess I have either burned out on Hidden Object Puzzles, or the quality is just not there, because after twenty some years of being with Big Fish, I have been struggling to find something I like to play. This is it. It is just a puzzle, sometime logical, sometimes luck, but I am enjoying it immensely. I have hundreds of games in my game library and find myself going back to play old favorites after buying new games and only playing them part way through because I am bored. This game is not boring, at least to me. Graphics are clear and crisp, game play moves quickly, if you do get stuck there is an option to get a hint or skip the level. I give this one a big thumbs up.
I hated this game. I say this about very few games. It was dark depressing and irritating. Even if you arrived at the correct solution, if you did not do it exactly the way the builders wanted you to, it would not let you enter the answer. Games where you have to constantly look at the Guide to see the next step because they are not logical or are so nit picky do not spell fun to me.
Sometimes you just want to kick back and have a good time. This game did it for me. Easy, but not too easy, and just fun! Very relaxing and passes away the hot Georgia day. Oh, and I loved the tie-in with Midnight Castle.