First, I love the concept of this series. It's simple and relaxing. A few real don't have to finish a level in order to save it and play later. This allows one to simply play for a few minutes if that's all you have at the moment. Also the story is simple, no complicated plots, no silly aliens to catch of murders to solve, just friendly folks and stuff to find. Then the problems. All of these games will lose a star from me because of the C++ issue. You know what I mean if you seen it. It loses another star for being short and for some of the objects being muddy and hard to find. It loses another for the awful music. Not all of us like corny country music and you didn't include some of the more lovely songs from other outings. Then there's the fact that the developers are simply using the same old scenes and background characters they've used in EVERY other game. Come on folks, for the money we are paying, you can bring in some new people and scenes. Finally the story line in this one is dull and the scenes in the CE content are cluttered to the point of being anxiety producing. I own al of these and play them over and over. I always have one open to take a few minutes to relax. This one probably won't be in my rotation.
There are corny games, silly games and then there are sappy games. Last year's version was over the top sappy and hard to even care if I finished it. This one is better. It's a fun diversion for the most part. CA has a cash cow on their hands and I find myself trying ignore the fact that this game uses scenes we've all seen in past chapters as well as in Vacation Adventures. One could easily be insulted by the fact that we pay real money for a rehash, but I suspect anyone who plays these knows they are in for corniness and around Christmas there's something endearing about that. I wish there was a "I sort of recommend this game" option below.
If you like the other chapters of VA:PR, you'll love this one because it's filled with the exact same scenes, same campers doing the same poses and sometimes the same objects in the same places. Those of us who are looking for a game like this to relax will probably keep buying them but at some point, I'm just going to replay the old ones and stop putting my money down. Come on guys, you can come up with different scenes or at least different campers in the same scenes. And AGAIN, surely CA can come up with a way to install the game without the pesky C++ problem that can damage our computers. Yours is the only game that does that.
I really enjoy these games for several reasons. It's easy and light to play. You can play for as long or as little as you like because unlike so many others of the genre, you don't have to finish a level when you exit out of the game. I play it for a few minutes when I have a break in my work day, so that's perfect. Because I play these to relax, I don't want to have to remember complicated plots, put all sorts of gizmos together to open a door and hunt for ghosts, aliens or bad guys. So this series is perfect. Fortunately Causal Arts has rid the game of those awful country tunes...Two in particular with whiny lyrics. Game play is easy and straightforward. If you don't want to do all the mini games, just skip them. I, for example, can't stand the jig saw and rotating ring puzzles. I think they are tedious. But I love the fact that I can skip those and still get the badges associated with them.
I'm glad that the overly cheerful families we've been subjected to have been removed from this installment.
So there are pluses and minuses here. In some ways I liked this game more than the last few outings because the music was better, the annoying characters were gone and the game play is the same as always.
So it's worth a purchase but I hope CA will listen to their fans and come up with some new scenes and campers. Judging from other reviews, we are beginning to feel cheated and you lose buyers if the next one isn't improved.
To my way of thinking, the developers hit their stride with this chapter in the Park Ranger series. They settled into an easy breezy game with features that bring just enough challenge to make it fun. The background music is great and so much better than their more recent outings where it has become obnoxious. And unlike their more recent editions, there is a good balance between wooded scenes populated with wild animals and more human centric events. If you are interested in the series, I'd recommend starting here and going through the next few. I keep them on a rotation and play them whenever I need a few minutes to unwind during a busy day at work or home.
First off, if you have not played these games before but have played the Park Ranger games, this is pretty much a silly version of Park Ranger with Santa and snow thrown in. The game play is the same and many of characters will be familiar to you. Basically if you like cute and fluffy, you'll love this game. If you don't, it will be a nauseating experience. I'll recommend it but with that caveat.
First off I should say that these games are my go to for a few minutes away. I have a high stress job and it's nice to take a break and go look for things for a few moments. Unlike other HOG's you don't have to finish the level to save it. You really can just play a little and then close it for the next time. Because of that, I usually have one of these going all the time and I actually play them all in rotation
Having said that, this one is either like an old friend or a tiresome rerun, depending on your point of view. The opening scene is just like a lot of scenes from previous outings. It's literally (I actually checked) the same room with the same animals and same objects and junk in the same places as another version. The same people that have always been in these games show up here. I figure the developer bought the rights to the pictures from a stock photo place years and years ago and have been reusing them ever since. Come on people, you are getting 20 bucks of my money you can pay for new pictures.
And the music.... some of it's ok and thankfully they did away with that awful "Time doesn't Wait" thing as well as the man-boy whining about wanting to be a cowboy rather than a grownup. But not all of us like country and anyone from Puerto Rico is going to be insulted by the choices of music from the PR location.
The extreme version is ok, but it's the same exact game with just more objects to find and nothing else.
The game developers hint at a relationship between the two main characters but you don't really care. The writing and the dialogue is laughably bad.
In the end if you are looking for a relaxing simple game without the silly ghosts or aliens that usually populate these things, you 'll like this...particularly if you like to just take a few moments here and there to look for stuff. I'd avoid the first 4 outings but after that pick any of them, they are pretty much the same. So it gets a "meh' from me. I recommend it but only "sort of"
I have just finished this game in it's entirety. I have played all the others and enjoy the series as a source of relaxation.
If you are looking for a plot driven HOG with twist and turns as you hunt down ghosts or aliens, this is not for you. I use these to relax for a bit in between clients and take a few minutes here and there to look for hidden things. For that kind of thing, these games are the best I've ever played, and I've tried a lot of them. I appreciated the attempt to add a winter scene and a trip to New England (where I happen to live). I really appreciated that the developers dropped the two horrible country songs that would make anyone hate country music (you know one of them, where a grown man whines about his mean family not letting him be a cowboy. Come on fella, grow and get some therapy). But they still kept the worst version of Red River Valley that I've ever heard. Thank heavens for the mute button!
My main complaint is not that I paid for basically the same game I've always played...I like this format and look forward to it. But I paid money for the same people and things that I've paid for before. Obviously the developers purchased some stock photos many years ago and have used them over and over again. There's the woman with bad posture sucking on an ice cream cone, the nice elderly couple sitting on a bench, the perky ranger with a pony tail and her hands clasped at her chest and so on. And the winter scenes were generally a nice addition, but so cheaply rendered. I mean there were people dressed for summer and spring in them! Come on folks, spend some money, add some new people and at least act like you care about your customers.
And despite many complaints, the stupid C++ thing still appears. Whatever you do, do NOT install will mess up your computer and it is not needed.
So get rid of C++, the last awful country song, add some new faces and keep the rest the same and I'll go back to giving you five stars.
I wish Big Fish had a "sort of recommend the game" because that would most accurately describe how I feel about this outing.
The Park Ranger series has been a favorite of mine. I think I'm always playing an old one or the current release. It's a pretty simple concept. You look for objects in scenes around a fictional national park and earn awards a long the way. There are mini games that can be entertaining. Personally, I think some the of them are annoying and fortunately the skip button is right there. Its simplicity makes it a gem and a great way to relax when you have a moment or two at work. It's so simple you'd think the developer couldn't mess it up. However, there have been a couple of clunkers. The last release was awful but this one is a little better. Their are two main problems. First the music. Apparently the developer thinks all game players like cheesy country music. The last release was a new low in the that regard and sadly they kept some of the worst songs for this one. I was glad for the mute button on my lap top at a race finish and would advise anyone who cares about music to spare yourself some pain and use theirs. The other issue is the graphics. They are clear and easy to see, but they are the same people and graphics from every game. Players of the series will recognize the dreaded poacher from an earlier release, but this time he's just a bystander. Actually, you'll recognize virtually every person in this game from other versions. The developer is charging what we pay for adventure games with live actors for the retreads from other releases and cheesy graphics. I think we deserve better. If you've liked the other releases, you'll probably deal with this one. But it loses a star for the same old graphics and another for the terrible music. By the way, if you have not played these and you like games with ghosts or aliens and convoluted plots and silly premises based on pseudo science, skip all of these. One other point, I'd wait for a sale. Paying full price will make you feel gypped.
Complete dangerous missions amid dazzling landscapes of prehistoric Earth and alien worlds. Can you complete these thrilling puzzles in order to return home?
I did the free trial and was impressed with the innovative HOS methods. Given that, I was willing to ignore the stupid premise (yet another story about aliens building the pyramids) in order to play them and paid for the game. That was a mistake. It got real tedious real fast. I got too bored to finish it and figure I got it on sale so I didn't waste too much cash. Seriously folks, if you are going to bore us with tedious game levels, at least give us a story line that doesn't insult our intelligence.