Getting really frustrated with BFG putting out games incompatible with Windows 11 or simply poorly produced. Nothing is more frustrating having "Access Violation"-errors pop up or the game stalling or force closing. At least her you can get to the game, whereas with many other of the newer titles the game will not even load.
This is not the traditional kind of HO Game with a great story and being able to walk between scenes collecting objects and doing tasks.
There really should be a whole separate category for these types of games. I am getting really frustrated being tricked into buying these types of games - guess in the future I will now have to download the demo of every game I am considering buying.
Buying games here is like rolling the dice - will it work or won't it? This is yet another in a long line of games, which will not.
Windows 11 is the most recent version and has been around for several years now, so I do not understand why they still use Windows 11 as an excuse, when a game does not work.
I am getting really tired of paying big bucks, when two out of three games come up with "Access Violation" or other errors when I try to play them.
None of the support pages to date have any help for Windows 11 - Win11 was released in October 2021!!!! Well, at least we got a big fat statement, that BFG supports "Black Lives Matter", therefore we must give them a pass for turning out unplayable games.
At the end of the 2nd Chapter there is a bug - if you end up giving the items to the cop too early and back out, you will not be able to come back to advance to the third chapter. Restart is your only option, which is very frustrating.
The puzzles are pretty challenging and the story and graphics quite pleasant. What is frustrating, is when you arrive in a scene and some bug prevents you from collecting vital pieces (sculpting clay and paperweight) in the middle of Chapter 2. I cringe to click on "Hint" and find it irritating, when the hint keeps telling me to select an item, which the game will not let me pick up due to a bug.
What can you do? Restart and hope the bug does not reappear? Reinstall? I am not going to hold my breath, that there will be an update to fix it - as in the past, most bugs in these games are never fixed - it is cheaper to refund a few users, who complain and crank out another game.
Like many other players, my game crashed at the fight with the Werewolf and I got the message "Corrupted Profile Deleted". Okay, so I replay and at the same point my game crashes again, only this time I cannot do anything, other than move through the rooms. Been waiting for an update, but nothing.
Game keeps freezing, the map does not work at times and moves suddenly become unavailable. Was about to finish the main game, when one of the last tasks, placing two lamps, suddenly is not possible - even the guide says it is supposed to work that way. Not sure, why the developer cannot simply fix the glaring bugs.
Crashes, bugs, game freezes, etc... It really burns, when you have invested hours in a game and have to press "skip", just to go on, because the mini game(s) is/are bugged and no amount of trying will work.