- Much better than the previous one and very imaginative. - 20 bonus levels (some quite difficult) that unlock after finishing at the expert level. - Time management takes second place to looking for clues. - Quick gameplay which means resources and workers are generally readily available. - Not happy that difficulty does not necessarily increase at the higher levels (e.g. 50 was quite easy) - Clues: hovering (or clicking?) over a "hurdle" sometimes highlights a "task" that needs to be done (which could be at some distance from it). Saving people require dogs, or helicopters, or loading them on the plane, or loading them on the train (e.g. if they are still waiting after being rescued by dogs, the train station might need repairs)
This is based on the trial: Fast clicking challenge; mice and snakes keep showing up, and miners need to be constantly sent back to the mine. All other activities (eating, hospital) seem to cost money, so the challenge is really clicking fast enough not to run out of $ and to keep within storage limits.
I would recommend it as fast clicking challenge only; no real management involved.
Good visuals, awkward play. The butterflies in the first level do not follow the leader, get distracted (by the wind pattern? - hard to tell). Impossible to control more than one third of the group; what governs the behavior of the other two thirds is anybody's guess. It might get better later on (?) Will not spend any more time on it though, too frustrating.